Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 10 Pt. 5

I went to our bedroom. Kavita was still asleep. I held the tray in one hand, and gently shook her shoulder with the other.
She stirred sleepily, and then looked at me.
Her eyes widened with curiosity for an instant. Then her face lit up with a smile, and she said, "Wow, bed coffee! Thanks Manu, that's a nice romantic surprise!"
She sat upright against the bed headboards, and took a coffee cup from the tray.
She took a sip, then looked at me again and asked, "Haven't you guys had your coffee yet? What time is it? Oh my God it's 8!"
Kavita then got her legs off the bed, still wearing the same mini-skirt. I couldn't help noticing how attractive she looked, even after her unfaithfulness last evening.
She told me, "Let's go to the hall and have coffee together."
She got up off the bed, and walked gracefully out of our bedroom. I followed her with the tray carrying the remaining 2 cups of coffee.
She saw Amir on the double-seater sofa and said, "Good morning Prem! Manu's made us coffee! Sorry I overslept!"
I walked over and held out the tray to Amir, who took a cup of coffee.
I made a mental note to myself on Kavita greeting Amir as 'Prem'.
I couldn't help thinking of him as Amir.
He was Amir.
He was our house-guest who had seduced my lovely wife Kavita into bed, in our home last evening, and had effectively informed me this morning that he was going to do it again.
But, between the 3 of us, I had to refer to him as 'Prem', this was the 'protocol'. Otherwise, things would get uncomfortable and lead to confrontations. And confrontations in front of Kavita was something I wanted to avoid: I feared that if she had to choose between me and Amir, she would choose him.
Kavita sat beside Amir on the double-seater sofa, smoothing her skirt demurely as she sat down. I sat on a single-seater sofa, picked up a newspaper and had my coffee.
After a few minutes, Kavita got up and announced she was going to make Chole-Puri for breakfast, after her bath.
She went to our bedroom and I heard the sound of the bathroom door close in a couple of minutes.
Amir beckoned to me to catch my attention. Then he said, "Take the coffee cups and wash them. Then cut up onions, and help Kavita with the cooking if she asks. Start off and do the laundry. You need to be proactively helping her more."
He said it in a matter-of-fact manner. There was no threat in his voice, no menace in his body language.
And yet, I felt a shiver down my spine, the way I felt when he had crossed his arms menacingly, at various points in the last few days.
I nodded and got up off the sofa as well.
It wasn't too much effort to start off the laundry, so I started off with that first.
Then I went to the kitchen, and started cutting onions. I noticed then that there was a vessel of soaking beans for the Chole.
When did she soak them?
Kavita hadn't yet gone to the kitchen today morning.
And I had been in the kitchen after dinner last night. I wasn't sure, but I thought I hadn't seen any vessel of soaking beans in the kitchen the previous night.
She must have woken up some time during the night, like I did. And soaked the beans for the Chole. She must have planned on making Chole-puri for breakfast all along.
I hadn't known her to oversleep like she had done today morning.
Despite what I had seen when I woke up in the middle of the night, she may not have had a guilt-free night of sleep after all.
I finished up cutting the onions, returned to the hall and started reading a magazine, waiting for Kavita to finish her bath. I was now feeling much lighter in my heart.

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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-12-2018, 10:23 AM

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