Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 10 Pt. 4

I got up from the bed drearily. I did not like the prospect of facing the bully Amir, after he had just had sex with my Kavita the previous night.
He had boasted at having had sex with Kavita even before. They could all have been idle boasts. Worse, I suspected that he somehow knew I knew what had happened last evening.
I walked across the hall to Amir's room. He was in the middle of his exercises.
I walked across his room to the balcony.
Amir paused as he saw me approach.
He then spoke softly, yet arrogantly, "So pussy boy reacted as I predicted he would, last night?"
I was embarrassed. By now, I was somewhat used to his taunting. But I still didn't expect him to brazenly taunt me about the previous night.
Kavita had behaved nonchalantly about the whole thing. How could Amir know I knew what had happened, and not Kavita?
He snickered at my embarrassment and added, "You pussy boys are so predictable. Did you lick your pretty wife's unfaithful pussy last night?"
I looked down. Rather than me doing oral sex on Kavita after she had been unfaithful, somewhat the opposite had happened.
Kavita had brought me off with her hand.
I decided to play it quiet. If I tried to fight back with that information, he would probably react in a manner to try and humiliate me more.
He seemed to sense my evasiveness, and asked flexing his arms threateningly, "Answer me, pussy boy."
I tried to evade the question, "What do you want, Amir? You've had sex with my wife. You've won. Aren't you satisfied?"
He started laughing. He laughed for what seemed like a minute. I didn't understand what he was laughing about.
After he finished laughing, he said, "Pussy boy, try that guilt trip with your pretty wife. I bet her guilt kept her awake all night."
I had been thinking of the same thing, in the middle of the night. How could he know Kavita had slept soundly?
Did he expect her to sleep soundly, not being kept awake on account of guilty thoughts?
Amir laughed again, "I bet you thought you had a chance with your pretty wife when she got all jealous on Thursday."
I hung my head down and averted my eyes. I still didn't understand how Kavita could go to bed with Amir on Friday after being pissed off with him on Thursday.
He resumed lifting his weights, observing me simultaneously. After a few minutes, he finished up and sat up on the bench.
Amir glared at me suspiciously, and said, "Pussy boy has still not accepted the situation. Even after I made his pretty wife squeal out loud."
"I told you Amir, you won. I accept you've won. What more do you want?"
He laughed, "I didn't win anything last night, pussy boy. I always owned your pretty wife's pussy. I told you that already."
He paused, then added, "I bet she never squealed in bed with you."
I hung my head in shame as I reflected on that.
I had never experienced Kavita moaning as loud as she did in bed with Amir. At best, she would moan softly at times after I entered her.
Amir continued observing me. He asked me abruptly, "So you want your wife back now, pussy boy?"
I looked up at him. Was he trying to be nice after having humiliated me this far, or was he setting me up?
I answered fearfully, yet with some hope, "Yes, please."
"So you're ready to accept your unfaithful wife after she squealed in bed with me last night. Right?"
Ears red with shame, I answered in a whisper, "Yes."
He smirked at this, and asked, “What will you do to cleanse her adulterous pussy? Will you wash it in holy water?"
And saying so, he burst into laughter as I went red with shame all over.
He continued after letting me soak in those last words, "Anyway, I'm staying here for a few more months,pussy boy. You can accept your unfaithful wife as you seek to. But not now, after I leave. How does that sound to you?"
My eyes went red, wide, with terror. Was he going to keep having sex with Kavita for the rest of his stay?
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-12-2018, 10:20 AM

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