Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I would lose my wife, lose my life, end up in jail, and be the subject of scorn and ridicule even more: my story might then even be mentioned in the newspapers.
Going to the security officer was equally risky. Kavita would probably side with Amir, deny everything and then our marriage would end in divorce anyway.
In society's view, I would still be the guy who 'lost' his pretty  wife to this bully, this muscular '. hunk.
There was no option where I wouldn't face some amount of social scorn, ridicule.
But it seemed like the ridicule would only be more if our marriage broke up, as more people would definitely know about it, then: a divorce would be public knowledge for everyone who knew me directly or indirectly.
I then thought about Amir. He had been bullying me around mercilessly. No doubt, he considered it a great victory to have bedded my wife: another 'trophy' on his wall.
What now? If he stayed satisfied with his 'victory', would he leave my wife alone?
If we divorced and I lost Kavita permanently, wouldn't that be a bigger victory for him?
I played over his words in my mind, "A pussy boy like you doesn't deserve a woman like her."
It would be some measure of victory if I could keep him from making me lose Kavita permanently.
I then thought of Kavita.
She had betrayed me in the ultimate manner.
But if we divorced, she would face immense scorn from society as well. It was not like Amir was going to support her. She would have to manage on her own, and probably would have to resume working again, in a society not forgiving of adulterous women.
Sooner or later, she would have had to go back to Amir for help. The kind of preying guy he seemed to be, he might peddle out her body.
I could say to myself, “She deserved it."
But I couldn't really mean it. I felt as ashamed, as humiliated, at the prospect of Amir peddling out my Kavita to help her make ends meet.
Worse, he might give her a humiliating option of being his 2nd wife or something.
I visualized Amir strutting proudly, at some distant date, with some woman on one side, and Kavita on his other side, as his wives, while I was a lonely divorcee.
It was a terrible scenario to contemplate, and it would be even more insulting for me than it would for her.
She might be able to able to reconcile to being Amir's 2nd wife.
But it would be far worse humiliation for me, if people went around discussing how my pretty wife left me to be the 2nd wife of this muscular hunk.
The more I thought about it, the more my assessment seemed right. Given the culture we lived in, I would face more ridicule, more social scorn if Kavita and I divorced, and word got around about the reason for the divorce, as compared to if I gritted it out for the limited time this was likely to last.
That too, was assuming this was not a one night stand. This may well have been a one night stand.
Amir would not probably change his womanizing ways. Sooner or later, there would be more situations like Thursday, when Amir went out and went to bed with someone else (as he claimed to have done).
And Kavita, regardless of how Amir was trying to humiliate me, didn't seem to be totally put off by me.
Three times this week, she had tried to make love to me in bed.
And she had voluntarily brought me off today, after seeing my hard-on.
Amir would make claims like 'I own Kavita's pussy'. But it wasn't really true, she wasn't acting like she was a slut who would do his every bidding or something. And she had been trying to sleep with me on Thursday, to spite Amir for going out with his colleague. So it was not like I was up against the two of them.
Still, I needed to get Kavita on my side. She was surely not on my side, at this point. She had allegedly proclaimed to a near stranger,two days back, that 'Amir Ali is her boyfriend'.
I was awash with shame again as I recalled the incident at the restaurant.
The proprietor/manager had seen Kavita with Amir on Sunday. He would have seen the kind of hunk he was.
And now he had seen me. He had seen the picture of Kavita and I on my cellphone. He knew for sure that Kavita and I were married.
And if his claim was true, Kavita had proclaimed to him on Wednesday, that Amir Ali was her boyfriend.
I must have come across to him as such a wuss, such a wimp.
I was even picking up the same dish as Kavita had picked up on Wednesday. He must have visualized Amir sending me, Kavita's wimpy  husband, to get him his dinner, with his arm wrapped around my wife Kavita.
Though that was not how it happened, it felt the same way.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-12-2018, 10:18 AM

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