Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
Still, I tried to get Kavita to talk to me. I fondled her belly with my right hand, still covered by the lace cuffs as I asked her, "Kavi, are you upset with me over something?"
She replied quickly, "No Manu. Am just feeling tired. I'll like to go to sleep after I finish reading this chapter."
I continued hugging her, fondling her waist, and thighs. Her tired mood seemed to indicate she might not want to have sex tonight. Still, I waited for her to finish her chapter, and kept fondling her.
A short while later, she put the book away, turned off the light, turned to face me and put her leg around my leg.
I felt much better now, and kissed Kavita on her neck. She responded by putting her arm around me, and pinching my ass through the tight pyjama pants.
I felt both excited and embarrassed. Excited because I was aware of how tight these pyjama pants were, and the material was stretching tight over my ass, making me feel extra sensitive to the pinch. Embarrassed because, Prem had done the same thing earlier when I was heading to the kitchen to help Kavita with the chapatis, before dinner.
The excitement I felt in my blood sadly did not cause even a twitch in my penis. I consoled myself with the thought that Kavita was still upset at me even though I didn't know why, and so she probably wouldn't be up for sex tonight.
And with that thought, I drifted off to sleep in Kavita's arms.
I woke up in the morning to the sound of the alarm. I saw Kavita head into the bathroom for her bath.
I picked myself up, dreading another morning starting off with facing up to the bully Prem. I walked through the door, to Prem's room.
Prem was in the middle of his exercise routine. He saw me, paused, and beckoned me over.
I walked to the door opening out to the balcony.
Prem grinned at me, his evil grin that I had got used to by then. He then said, "I bet the pyjamas feel better now after a night's sleep-in, eh, pussy boy?"
I considered this. It was true that I was feeling less itchy now around my wrists, neck and ankles, even though I was still wearing the same lacy pyjamas. I felt ashamed internally over the fact that my own body was getting acclimatized to the feel of the lace from these pyjamas against my skin.
As though reading my thoughts, Prem chuckled, "Yeah, you'll feel perfectly normal wearing those pyjamas after a couple of wears."
I stood in silence, trying to not provoke him into saying humiliating things.
A little while later, Prem finished his exercises, and strode back into the bedroom.
Dully, I followed him and started my daily morning ordeal.
I went through the motions of toweling him off, starting off with taking his sweaty smelly vest off. I hated the smell of his sweat, but shamefully, had also started getting familiar with the smell.
As I toweled off his thick muscular arms, Prem started a conversation again, "Have you figured out why your pretty wife is upset at you, pussy boy?"
I hung my head in shame. So even Prem had noticed that Kavita was upset with me. Did he know why?
With a trembling voice, I spoke up as I continued toweling his arms, "Do you know why she is upset at me Prem? I mean Amir?"
Prem snickered before he replied, "Surely it should be obvious by now boy. She was expecting something from you and you came home empty-handed like an idiot."
And then it occurred to me. I had got her gajra the day before, but had missed it on Tuesday. Was that why she was upset?
As though reading my thoughts, Prem continued, "Yeah, if you're not man enough to give her sex every day, you should at-least be man enough to get her flowers every day, otherwise she'll be pissed at you and rightfully so."
I nodded, in a way feeling grateful to Prem. I couldn't quite understand why Kavita had been upset until then, but when Prem said it that way, it made sense. I toweled off his muscular hairy chest, feeling in a way obligated to do a thorough job as gratitude for his helping me out in pacifying my wife.
I then pulled off his shorts, revealing his heavy nut-sack in white underwear. He wasn't hard, so it appeared like Kavita wasn't watching me towel him off today.
I noticed that his white underwear had red stains on them. They seemed to be an odd place to get red stains, but they didn't seem like blood, so I didn't worry about them. I proceeded with my toweling and was finally done.
Prem donned a towel and turned to me as I was picking up the pile of sweaty clothes and used towels, "Come back and fix my bed before you go for your coffee."
I nodded again. After all the trouble I had been through with these itchy pyjamas, it seemed worth it to have figured out why Kavita was upset with me.
I walked past Prem to put the dirty clothes in the washing machine. Kavita was in the kitchen, and Prem was reading the newspaper when I returned. I was grateful even more that she didn't give Prem the opportunity to fondle her during his newspaper reading. I dropped by in the kitchen, and crept up behind her.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-12-2018, 09:40 AM

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