Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 07 Pt. 1

I drove to work with more fear than I had ever felt during our 4 years of marriage. It has been less than a week since Prem had arrived. Already, it felt like I was going to lose my wife to Prem, like I had lost my wife to Prem. Why would she kiss him on his chest? Was that really her lipstick mark, or was Prem trying to taunt me by putting a mark like a lipstick mark there by himself? I recalled the incidents that morning. I had overheard Prem telling Kavita, "You promised." Promised what? Promised to kiss him? On his chest? What for, why?
The only thing that had happened that morning, different from the other days before, till then, was the fact that I had toweled off Prem, instead of Kavita. So had she 'promised' to give him a kiss for Prem 'getting' me to help her out with this task? I winced with shame as I recalled the humiliation of toweling off his near naked body. Kavita had been watching it silently. How did she feel seeing me, her weak husband, trembling as I toweled off this near-naked muscular hunk?
Surely she should start realizing that Prem is being unaccommodating to a ridiculous extent. Maybe she would step in and stop this from continuing. She didn't have the background, the confrontation between Prem and me the previous day. There was every chance that she put her foot down on this ridiculously selfish behavior from our guest.
Those thoughts put me in a somewhat positive frame of mind. I got a productive morning's work in, and called Kavita up in the afternoon, after lunch. Kavita had been watching TV and had had lunch as well, she said. We talked about how the day had been so far. She mentioned that she wasn't as tired today compared to previous days, and thanked me for helping in the morning. Needless to say, this got me blushing in shame. As if it was not embarrassing enough to have seen my wife toweling off this muscular bully each day the previous week since his arrival, it felt like Kavita was 'rubbing it in' that I was now doing this humiliating task. I was trying to figure out a way out of the embarrassing direction our conversation was taking. Just then, Kavita said she was getting a call and hung up.
It was difficult concentrating on work, after having been reminded by my wife about the humiliation I had undergone that morning. My mind was on trying to regain some face before my wife before things slipped out of control. Unable to make much progress at work, I left work a little earlier, planning to get home by 5:30 PM. Prem would probably not have got home, so I could perhaps try to get Kavita's attention the romantic way, and at least fight off some of the threat I was feeling on account of Prem. Towards that end, on the way home, I also bought jasmine gajra for her, like I had done last week.
I was disappointed though, to find out that Kavita was not at home. At first, I didn't think it could be anything worrying. She probably has gone to meet someone in the neighborhood, I figured. I tried calling her cellphone. Her cellphone seemed to be switched off. That's when I started worrying. I recalled the incidents of the afternoon. She got a phone call, and then hung up on me. I hadn't heard from her since then. I started worrying that she might be in some trouble. I tried calling Prem in case he had any idea. It appeared like he too had switched off his cell phone. I then started getting a different kind of worry. Had she gone out with Prem?
I then got a very fearful thought. Just to assuage myself, I went looked in our bedroom. Kavita's clothes and things were all there. Phew. Then I went to Prem's room. Again, his trunk and stuff were there. I also noticed that Prem had locked up his trunk, after the episode of my going through his trunk in his absence. At-least, she hadn't left me and ran away with Prem or something. That was a relief.
I tried calling Kavita again, and it seemed like the phone was now turned on, but she wasn't picking it up. I tried sending her an SMS asking her where she was. She sent back an evasive sounding SMS saying just one word: "Busy." This made me start panicking again. What was she doing that made her so busy she couldn't talk to me? I kept sending her SMS messages frantically, trying to get her to call me back. I sent several messages before she replied curtly again, "Will be home soon. Don't worry." So she had been out somewhere. Was she out with Prem? Was it a coincidence that he was not answering at the same time?
I changed out of my work clothes into shorts and a t-shirt, and went and stood on the balcony of our bedroom, awaiting her arrival. When I say 'stood', I mean I stood in a 'crouching' posture. I wanted to see her come in, but I did not want her to spot me, especially if she had been out with Prem. And I definitely didn't want Prem to spot me.
In 15 minutes, I saw Prem's motorcycle pull in, with Kavita sitting on the pillion. She was wearing a maroon saree with a matching short-sleeve blouse. So she had changed from the clothes she had been wearing in the morning. She had a couple of big polythene bags with her. It appeared like she had been out shopping. After Prem parked his motorcycle, she handed one of the bags to Prem. I moved to the hall, and awaited their entry.
Kavita and Prem came in together. Nervously, I looked up at Kavita, hoping she would provide an explanation. She asked me if I was hungry or would like tea or coffee. I was, but I was hoping for an explanation as to where she had been. With a dry throat, I said yes to Tea, and asked her why she didn't SMS me back saying she had been out shopping. At this cue, Prem walked over to me and said, "That's because I wanted to surprise you. So I asked her to not let on that she had been out shopping. I am your guest here, so I thought I should get you some gift, and I didn't want you to suspect that."
And saying so, he handed over the bag he was carrying. I dreaded to open it. Somehow, I had a feeling he wasn't doing this to make me feel better after bullying me around over the weekend. Nevertheless, since Kavita was watching, I looked up at him, managed a grin and said thanks. Kavita didn't hang around for me to open Prem's gift, as she said she had better hurry to prepare my tea and then dinner. She went to the kitchen, and Prem whispered to me, "Go to your bedroom and open it now, pussy boy."
I went to the bedroom and opened the bag, shaking with trepidation. I suspected from his words that this 'gift' of his would not be anything I would really appreciate. The first thing that struck me was, there was an envelope with a note from Prem. I opened the envelope. It had a brief note: "These are your new home clothes. They're labeled for each day this week, and you can rotate them afterward. Don't open bags for the remaining days of this week ahead of time- Amir."
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-12-2018, 09:35 AM

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