Adultery Cutty - Copied
During the whole drive, she and Ms. Brendan were kissing and fondling each other. Ms. Brendan lectured her all the time on how she should make-out with her. She was also urging Donna to do the same and tell her what she liked her to do with her. As the trip continued, Donna revealed more and more of her sexual desires. In the beginning, it were just small things, like where she loved to be touched, how to stroke her skin. But it moved slowly up from her legs, to her belly, up to how to tease her nipples. Once they were conquered by Ms. Brendan's experienced fingers, there was no holding back. Ms. Brendan was a very good listener and followed Donna's guiding words to the letter, causing Donna to lose herself in a sexual frenzy, and eventually she found herself sitting with her legs spread, showing Ms. Brendan exactly how she would like her vagina to be caressed.
"No, don't stop now," Ms. Brendan instructed, when Donna felt the thrill overtaking her.
"You've come this far, now finish it. Make yourself come, but continue to talk out loud explaining your feelings, and what you like," Ms. Brendan said as Donna suddenly realized her awkward situation. "Let yourself go, Cutty."
Reluctant, fearful, confused, but excited, Donna continued to fondle her vulva in front of Ms. Brendan. "Well... I like to be stroked like this, not to hard but gentle and then..." A wave of pure electricity muted and stiffened her, as she felt a huge orgasm boil up. A few long seconds of deep breathing followed. That was a close one.
"Why did you stop?" Ms. Brendan asked gently as she caressed the hyper sensitive Donna as she was just shown. "No need for shame here, no need to hold back those hidden feeling."
Calmed down, Donna smiled insecure towards Ms. Brendan, and she continued with the fondling and rubbing of her swollen lips, gently caressing the area close to her clitoris, gently flipping her hood, and continuing to do so past the point of no return. As she was told to explain her actions, or at least that's how she explained her actions to herself, she finished screaming out loud, her whole body bucking in the seat. Wave after wave came over her, it seems her body was releasing all the stocked-up emotions of the past two months.
"You're doing great, Cutty." Ms. Brendan complimented her with a comforting smile, caressing the sweaty body of Donna, "Usually my girlfriends are a lot shyer at first. I appreciate the trust you have in me."
Donna looked at her, still enjoying the aftermath of her orgasm, feeling ashamed.
"I am usually also shy," she thought "But damn, I needed this. The last two months you deprived me of sex, and only today, as per doctor's orders, I'm allowed to have sex." She looked at her vagina. "The cut is clearly visible as you told her to do it. Luckily it didn't hurt me. It is still tender though." Donna looked up again, forcing a smile, "And lately I have been craving sex more and more. The absence of sex must have led me to this voyeuristic performance."
"Come let's kiss again, we still have so many things to learn from each other." Ms. Brendan said, and pulled Donna over to her.
"This weekend will obviously be about sex, sex, and more sex" Donna thought as she was sitting on the bed of the Hotel. She looked around at the luxurious suite Ms. Brendan had rented for the weekend. "It must be the wedding suite or so." There were rose leaves on the bed, champagne cold on the dinner-table. An open Jacuzzi, with a view through the window of the city, and its green forest behind it.
"I would love it if I was with Robert. We needed a little time alone for some time now... But I am with Ms. Brendan, blackmailed into a relationship with her, with a woman!"
Sadly, Donna thought back on the last two months. "It was not so much about sex up to now, it was all about preparing for it, preparing for this weekend." She began to see, "The diet, the training, and the surroundings which reeked of sex everywhere. That awful corridor, the driver with her obscene clothing, the other women and men visiting the mansion, it all was about sex. Not to mention the fetish of Ms. Brendan, with respect to clothing, behavior. By now I have worn more exposing clothes, than I have done through my entire puberty!"
"A penny for your thoughts!" Ms. Brendan said, as she walked into the room. She strolled over happily, looking around the room. "Great room isn't it." She said as she stood in the middle of the room spreading her arms wide. "All for us, and us alone."
She walked over to the silent Donna.
"Tata, no sad faces today, Cutty." She said as she stood before Donna. Donna put up a smile. "That's better. Now let me tell you what we will do this weekend," she held out both her hands. Donna took them, and was lifted to her feet.
"First you must understand that the old rules also apply to this room, our house for the weekend," Ms. Brendan told Donna. Donna understood the instruction and started to strip. "Good, now in addition, we have some new rules I would like you to follow."
"First of all, no more sad faces, you will always display a happy face, Cutty. Remember, this is the real start of our loving, lesbian, fling."
"Secondly, I want you to obey all instructions given to you. I will expand your sexual horizon in several ways, as you are very inexperienced. Some of those experiences will be very odd to you, but I want you to trust me, and just do as you're told. I need you to completely obey every instruction."
Donna, naked by now as she was not wearing that much, meekly nodded her head.
"Third, always answer questions aloud, and address the person with Ms. or Mrs. followed by her last name."
Donna understood the remark, and replied, "Yes, Ms. Brendan."
Smiling Ms. Brendan continued, "Fourth, you will always wear high heels. And I do mean all the time: when you sleep, when you use the toilet, when you shower, etc."
"Yes, Ms. Brendan" Donna replied, picking up the shoes she just stepped out of, and putting them on again.
"You look so much sexier in heels," Ms. Brendan looked appraising at the naked women in heels in front of her.
"We will add some more rules as we go, but these are the basics."
"As for the schedule of this weekend. Well, today it is Friday, and we first have a romantic dinner at this hotel, after which we will go to a club, I hope you brought something sexy as I asked you to do."
"I have ...Ms. Brendan," Donna added, as she remembered the rules.
"Good, tomorrow is shopping day. I will show you what clothing you should wear from now on. You have a new body, and with it should come new clothing."
Donna shrugged, "New clothing, what more perverse outfits will she force upon me?"
"That should take us through the whole day. We'll have a nice little dinner again, followed by a movie, and a special night club. Sunday is our relax day, we will mostly be inside and enjoy each other's company. At night we drive back to our town, where you will spend the night at my mansion. Monday morning you will start the new exercise regime, and Monday afternoon you are back at your home."
"Okay, you are forgetting a few rules already, my dear." Ms. Brendan looked at Donna.
Donna put up a smile and replied, "I'm sorry, Ms. Brendan. It is all so new to me..."
"I bet it is, but there is another rule you're missing, what about a...kiss?"
Donna remembered, stepped up to Ms. Brendan and kissed her passionately. In the two months of kissing, as well as the whole ride up to the hotel, she had become quite good at it. She really could put passion in it, especially if she imagined it was Robert she was kissing.
The kiss lasted a long time, as Ms. Brendan used it to caress Donna's body all over, feeling her breasts, teasing her nipples, grabbing her ass, touching her asshole, her vagina, the lips...
"I am getting hot again!" Donna noticed, "What is happening to me, why am I so easily excited?"
The kiss continued, and Ms. Brendan forced Donna backwards towards the bed. They both fell on the bed, with Ms. Brendan on top.
"Now we are going to make love," Ms. Brendan whispered. "And I will guide you..."
And so she did. After some heavy kissing, Ms. Brendan licked and sucked on the hard nipples of Donna. Meanwhile, her right hand was feeling up Donna's pussy, mimicking Donna's show in the car, making her squirm from pleasure.
"Now it is your turn, Cutty." Ms. Brendan said, when Donna was on the verge of an orgasm once again.
"What..?" Donna opened her eyes, already lost in lust. Ms. Brendan took of her blouse exposing her breasts with bra.
"Take of the bra, Cutty," she just said. Donna complied, and soon the breasts of Ms. Brendan were freed. "And now lick them," Ms. Brendan pushed Donna's head gently towards her right breast. Donna opened her mouth and sucked on the nipple. "That's good Cutty, now the other," and Ms. Brendan moved Donna's head to her other breast. She took Donna's left hand and guided it to her wet right nipple. "Fondle this one, like you would want me to fondle yours." she instructed, and so Donna did.
"With your free hand explore my ass" Ms. Brendan whispered into Donna's ear. Slowly Donna got into it, as she licked and caressed the body of Ms. Brendan. When she needed no more explicit guiding, Ms. Brendan started to kiss and lick back, caressing the naked Donna. Soon, both of them heated up, and Donna undressed Ms. Brendan, while being kissed and licked all over. Donna started to moan out loud when Ms. Brendan slowly licked her way down towards her vagina. Teasingly slow. Donna went wild and grabbed and groped Ms. Brendan, in an effort to speed her up. But Ms. Brendan just smiled and tickled her at her belly button with the tip of her tongue.
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, please..." Donna squirmed, as Ms. Brendan finally went down. The first direct lick on her clit send wonderful feelings through her body "YEAH, YEAH" Donna bucked her hips, as she became aroused as she felt she never had been before.
Ms. Brendan expertly licked the pussy lips of Donna, making sopping noises as Donna felt her fluids flow freely.
"AAAAH!!" Donna came hard, and she grabbed Ms. Brendan's head forcefully and rubbed it up and down her wet pussy. Ms. Brendan replied with firmly grabbing her ass, even sticking a finger in Donna's asshole, and licking and even biting Donna's lips and clit.
Donna felt back on the bed and heaved heavily. "Oh my, Oh my!! that was nice, that was fucking unbelievable nice!!" she shouted out loud.
Ms. Brendan laid herself upon her, and looked Donna in the eye. Her face was all shiny from Donna's love juices. She kissed Donna, making her taste her own juices.
"Lick my face, Cutty," she instructed the heated Donna, who did. She kissed and licked all over Ms. Brendan's face, still in the wonderful aftermath of her intense orgasm.
Then she was guided down again to the breasts of Ms. Brendan. "Use your hands too Cutty," Ms. Brendan said as she fondled the back of Donna's head, and with her free hand felt up Donna's breasts.
Donna woke out of her dreamlike state to find herself licking Ms. Brendan's breast obscenely, while her hands groped her body, and especially Ms. Brendan's ass.
"Do as I did to you, Cutty," she whispered, as she gently pushed Donna down with her two hands on her shoulder.
"No, you don't tease, Cutty," she said as Donna tried to move up again, just like Ms. Brendan had done with her, "You always go directly to the hot spot." And so Donna did. She kissed the outer lips of the shaven vagina of Ms. Brendan, then licked the inner lips, and went up to her clit. Ms. Brendan grabbed Donna's head, and rubbed it slowly up and down, forcing Donna to lick her entire slit up and down.
"More tongue, dig deeper."
"Circles, Cutty, make circles as I did."
"That's good, keep this motion."
And so the instructions followed, as the two naked ladies satisfied each other. When Ms. Brendan finally came she bucked roughly and held Donna's head tight. "Yes Cutty, Yes Cutty!"
She screamed "OHOHOOOH!!" for the longest time, and fell limp the immediately after this.
Donna didn't know what to do next, so just gently licked the wet lips in front of her.
Ms. Brendan enjoyed her orgasm with her eyes closed, still holding both her hands on Donna's head, so she actually couldn't do anything else but lick her vagina.
"You are good, Cutty," Ms. Brendan complimented Donna, as he woke up from her trance. "Need to learn a little more, so you can do this without guidance..." she sat up and lifted Donna up to. "But it was good, very good. How was it for you?"
"It was... nice," Donna replied, suddenly aware that she just had her first real sexual intercourse with a woman.
"Hahaha, from the way you came, it was excellent!" Ms. Brendan cracked and flipped of the bed. "And this is just the beginning, my dear. You have so many new beautiful experiences awaiting you this weekend." She lifted Donna's face and looked it over.
"My cum is nicely spread over your face." She remarked, "Now take a finger and wipe some off." She said, "I want you to taste my cum when you are not in ecstasy."
"No..." Donna started to say, repulsed by the thought of tasting her cum, though ten minutes ago she had swallowed gallons of it. She was now too much aware of what she was doing, and wanted some control back.
SMACK. A hard hand hit her face dazzling her.
"You are forgetting the rules now, Cutty," Ms. Brendan said. "You have to follow all instructions."
The look on Ms. Brendan's face was impartial, expecting no disobedience.
"Trust me, Cutty, this is good for your education into enjoying sex. You have been a boring housewife for too long. As with everything also sex comes with some disadvantages, although some people really love drinking my cum, or any cum for that matter."
Donna, shocked by the blow, wiped a finger across her wet face, and placed it in her mouth. "Salty," she thought as she tasted it consciously. "And slimy." She put up a dirty face.
SMACK. Another blow left her dazzling again.
"No faces, Cutty, always the happy smile, remember?" she reminded Donna of the first rule. "Maybe we should write down the rules for you, I thought you were capable of remembering them, but obviously you're not."
Donna, close to crying from the pain and humiliation, sniffed and put up a smile.
"Good, now repeat the cum eating, and tell me how nice my cum tastes."
Donna wiped up another finger of cum from her face and with a forced smile sucked it into her mouth.
She saw the strict expecting face of Ms. Brendan, so she started to up her act.
"Mmmh, delicious!" Donna said, as she popped out her wet finger.
"A little over done, but it is better." Approved Ms. Brendan, smiling again.
"Okay, now look how time is flying by," Ms Brendan said as she looked at her watch next to the bed. "We must hurry for dinner." She got up, and pulled Donna up next.
"Off you go, to the showers." She smacked Donna hard on her bare butt. Donna jumped and automatically walked to the showers, rubbing her ass. Followed by playful laughter from Ms. Brendan.
The dinner was at a very expensive restaurant, named "La Burro", at the hotel. Ms. Brendan had reserved a special romantic table in the back of the restaurant, and upon entering they immediately got a glass of wine on the house. It was obvious to Donna that Ms. Brendan was a 'regular'.
Donna was sitting, pondering on the events of the day, while going over the menu card. She wore the black night dress she had packed, as well as the black high heeled shoes she had bought especially for the dress. Yet she had worn them only one time, as she and Robert rarely went out anymore. The jewelry she wore was Ms. Brendan's however, as she had not approved of the ones she had brought along. And she had to admit Ms. Brendan's jewelry suited her outfit better; long stylish silver earrings, with matching necklace and bracelets. The silver went very well with the belt she was wearing, which had a silver colored lock.
She wore skin color stockings, but, as per specific instructions of Ms. Brendan, no underwear. Due to the thin fabric her evening dress was made of, she was feeling quite naked.
"I am sure when I walked passed that lamp over there, everybody could have seen my naked figure., Donna thought, as she looked at the path they walked to get to the table. She felt her bare freshly shaven vulva, or pussy as she was instructed to call it, as if it was directly on the chair.
The showering and dressing for dinner had been more a dress up game, as Donna recalled. Not only was she not allowed to close the bathroom door, but Ms. Brendan at a certain moment took her time in pointing out area's that needed to be cleaned specifically, like her ass and her pussy, and she also closely watched and commented on Donna's shaving around her own vagina.
"And she had brought even high heeled slippers!" Donna reminisced. "And then she insisted on drying me, rubbing me all over once again. Making me feel hot and vulnerable at the same time." Donna began to understand that this weekend would really be one of all sort of strange games. Sex games that is.
The dressing was a small private fashion show with Donna showing the various dresses she brought. Ms. Brendan decided on her current outfit after having her take various poses, some Donna found outright disgusting, but after several smacks she had done them.
"That's new too," Donna recalled "She now smacks me whenever I do not comply. And hard." She looked at Ms. Brendan, "Wonder how far she would go if I do not give in."
But she had, and here she was, totally dressed up as Ms. Brendan wanted her, from clothing, to jewelry, up to her make up.
"When you drink from a glass you have to watch for the mark you'll be leaving, now you are wearing this thick layered lipstick." Ms. Brendan brought her back to attention. "You see, after a few sips your glass is already a mess." Donna looked at her glass and noticed the smeared lipstick.
"What you must do is force a heavy in print at the first sip, and then carefully use the same spot to finish the glass. That way you leave a nice sexy mark, not such a silly streak. Try it." Ms. Brendan offered her a new glass "First put on new lipstick" she added.
Donna did as instructed, and made a nice big mark on the glass, which she then reused carefully on the next sips.
"There you see, now remember this, will you, Cutty?"
"Yes, Ms. Brendan" Donna replied with a forced smile. She was not entirely sure this was proper etiquette, she found it more rather inappropriate, to leave such a dirty mark on a glass.
The dinner itself went actually quite normal, to Donna's surprise. They chatted a lot, or better, Ms. Brendan asked a lot about Donna's personal life, and Donna found herself answering more and more truthfully, and in detail. She blamed it on the wine, she just couldn't stop herself. She noticed certain questions were checks if what she had written in her diary was correct.
"That's not exactly how you wrote it in your diary" Ms. Brendan would say at times, as she answered a question slightly different than she had written in her diary. Donna usually could explain the difference as a 'different point of view'. Or had to admit she wrote not the total truth. Most of the times, however, she was forced to embrace the diary as the truth. All lies she had to live up to, she understood.
As the dinner passed, the chatting became more relaxed, as both had more drinks. They exchanged jokes, or funny situations they encountered, and Donna totally relaxed again.
At the end of the dinner when they were drinking coffee Ms. Brendan popped the question. "How do you feel about being my girlfriend? I mean, with all the demands I have, and the fetish, the sex, we have had now." she looked at Donna "It must be all very strange to you, is it as bad as you thought it would be?"
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Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:02 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:45 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:09 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:10 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:11 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:12 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:13 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:14 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 11:15 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:22 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:23 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 17-04-2021, 12:24 PM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 18-04-2021, 06:10 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 18-04-2021, 06:11 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:17 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:19 AM
RE: Cutty - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-04-2021, 02:20 AM

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