Adultery Mrs Griffin - Copied
Like every guy on the planet, I had the hots for one of my teachers. The name of my crush was Mrs. Griffin, my senior year English teacher, who was a conservative woman in her late forties. Mrs. Griffin was a beautiful lady. She had short red hair, which stopped a little before her shoulders, a dark pair of chocolate brown eyes and a simply gorgeous face - the type I could've stared at for hours.
She also had an amazing body, in my opinion. She was tall, maybe five-foot-ten or -eleven, and curvier than most women. I guess some would call her thick, but definitely not overweight. What's more, she had a pair of double D tits that looked like a fun time, a narrow waist, complemented with wide flaring hips and a big round ass that distracted me to no end in class. She was the total package.
Every day, after school, I would get home, rip off my pants and beat off to depraved thoughts of her. And, boy, were they depraved. You see, ever since this one movie I'd seen when I was younger, which featured a scene of a woman being taken by force, I've had some dark thoughts.
At first, I felt evil for getting turned on by a woman being put through hell. To the point I thought I needed professional help. But I was too embarrassed to bring these thoughts up to our school counselor, so I decided to go online and ask questions.
I soon discovered I wasn't the only person who got turned on by the idea of nonconsensual sex. Apparently, millions of people around the world did, both men and women, alike. And the advice I got was I could stop beating myself up and fantasize as much as I like. The important thing I needed to remember was not to act on those thoughts in real life. Which I didn't think would be a problem. I doubted I had the heart to actually bang a woman. I was too afraid of the repercussions, both legally and morally.
But with my conscience now at ease, I decided to go on porn sites to quench my thirst for violent sex, and I watched them all: "bang" videos - it was obvious it was only role play - bondage, sadism, blackmail, humiliation. I couldn't get enough. What's more, every time I jerked off to those images I pictured me doing it to one of the women in my life, and the woman who starred in almost every fantasy was Mrs. Griffin.
I didn't know why, but for some reason I wanted to bring her pain. Which was strange, because she was a really sweet woman, who I doubted had ever wronged anyone. In fact, everybody in my class loved Mrs. Griffin. She wasn't close to being as mean as some of our other teachers. But still, I wanted to do unspeakable things to her.
I knew that would never happen, though. She was a happily married woman and I doubted she'd ever two-time her husband.
Mrs. Griffin's real name was Carol, by the way. I knew this because that's what I got to call her on Sundays at church. Yep, she and I went to the same one. Her husband, David, was a pastor there and almost every week my family and I would go and listen to his services. He was a nice man and I always thought I'd burst into flames for having wicked thoughts about his spouse during church.
One Sunday morning, after church, as everybody sipped on tea and chewed on cookies, I had to excuse myself from a conversation with Mrs. Freelander, my seventy year old neighbor who lived down the street. She went on and on about how handsome I was and about how she wanted to introduce me to her granddaughter, Lily - I think that's what her name was. Mrs. Freelander even showed me a picture of her granddaughter on her phone. I had to admit, she wasn't a bad looking girl and I agreed on meeting her some time.
Anyhow, I'd excused myself because I needed to use the lavatory. When I got there I entered my stall, unzipped my pants and voided my bladder with a sigh. Before I could flush the toilet, though, I heard the main door creak open.
"Is there anybody in there?" said a man whose voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who the voice belonged to. His name stayed on the tip of my tongue.
"No, get in here," said another man. From listening to his services almost every week, I recognized the second voice to be Pastor David's.
"Okay, then, lock the door."
What the fuck?
I heard the sound of keys jingling before the door was locked. I was confused and about to announce my presence, but what I heard next kept my mouth shut and helped me understand what went on. "Now get over here," said Pastor David, which was followed by the sound of lips smacking.
I was stunned. Why the hell is Pastor David kissing a dude? I sat on the toilet and tried not to make any noise. I couldn't come out now. They would know they'd been found. The sound of lips smacking continued before I heard someone unzip their pants.
"We better make this quick," the pastor said, "before the wives wonder where we've gone."
"You're right, but I've really missed you, you know."
I sat, listened and waited for them to finish their business, regretting my decision to come into the restroom. But then a mischievous idea came to mind. There was a possibility I could get some money out of this situation. I pulled out my phone, put it on silence and then opened my camera. Then I slowly took off my shoes, stepped onto the toilet and carefully placed my freehand on top of my stall's door.
I peeked over the wall my stall shared with the next stall and looked over its door. I saw Pastor David. He stood on the other side of the restroom, facing the tiled wall my stall stood next to, and balanced himself against the sinks' counter. What's more, his head was tilted back, mouth was wide open and pants were around his ankles. And before him kneeled a man dressed in a dark blue suit, whose head moved back and forth.
I saw it, but still couldn't believe it; Pastor David committing adultery right after church - with a man! Who would've guessed? And I thought I would burst into flames. I brought my phone up, got them into the shot and hit the record button.
The sound of sucking filled the room as the mystery man continued to orally gratify the pastor. I zoomed in on Pastor David's face so there could be no doubt it was him and then got the man's head into the frame to verify what was being done. Recording the act was scary. I couldn't help ducking every time the pastor's head moved. I wondered what he'd do if he caught me. It wasn't time for him to know I knew his secret. I needed to make backups first. But luckily, he never looked my way.
Minutes went by as the blowjob continued. Then the pastor grunted as he gripped the man's head. I assumed he came. Once the man slid the pastor from his mouth, I stopped recording and carefully stepped off the toilet. I was happy with the evidence I had obtained, though thought I was probably going to hell for blackmailing a pastor - even if he deserved it.
"That was awesome," said Pastor David. "I owe you one."
"How 'bout you make it up to me tomorrow. I'm not going in for work. I can come around to your place when Carol goes to her job."
"That sounds like a great idea. Now let's get back to everyone before they come looking for us."
Later that night, as I lay in bed, I thought about the power I'd acquired with the footage on my phone, which I'd also copied onto my hard drive. At first, I had planned on blackmailing Pastor David for some cash. All he'd have to do was throw a few hundred dollars my way for me to keep what I knew to myself. It seemed like a fair trade. I didn't really need the money, but I could always make use of the extra change in my pocket.
However, after my last jerk off session, a more sinister idea crept into my mind. If blackmailing a pastor wasn't a good enough excuse to get a one-way ticket to Lucifer's pit, what I'd cooked up now definitely was. But as immoral as my plan was I wasn't going to pass it up. Opportunities like this came around but once in a lifetime and I planned on grabbing it with both hands.
I stayed up and plotted out my idea for the next couple of hours. I didn't want any mistakes and planned on executing it the next day. I drifted off to sleep with a big smile on my face. If all went well, tomorrow would be the beginning of a wonderful period in my life.
The next day, at school, right before lunch, I found myself in my favorite teacher's class. As always, Mrs. Griffin looked good enough to eat. With her hair loose and black rectangular glasses on, she wore a long white button up shirt, with her sleeves pulled up, and a beige skirt that hugged her hips, covered her knees - I think I've mentioned the word "conservative" before - and matched her stockings.
On her feet were a pair of black heels. And she topped everything off with a gold watch, bracelet, earrings and chain around her neck which held a cross. She'd also applied her makeup beautifully. It made her face pop and the only noticeable part of it was the deep red lipstick that covered her full looking lips. She looked utterly fuckable - if that passes for a compliment.
Soon the bell sounded. Everyone packed up their stuff and headed out for lunch. I sat in my seat and waited for the last person to exit the classroom. My heart pounded as I stood and made my way over to Mrs. Griffin, who sat at her desk and looked over papers. It's time to do this.
"Great lesson today, Mrs. Griffin."
She looked up with a smile. "Why thank you, Ryan. Is there anything you'd like me to go over with you again?"
"Nooo." My head shook. "I just wanted to come over here and tell you how beautiful you look today."
She blushed. "Thank you, Ryan...But there's no need to flatter me. You're already doing well in my class."
I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Yea, couldn't hurt."
She smiled. "Well, it was nice talking to you. And -"
"No, no, no, no, Mrs. G," - I shook my head - "I'm not going anywhere. I'd rather stay right here with you."
Her face scrunched with a slight smile. "Umm...okay. But wouldn't you prefer to have lunch with your friends?"
"Nope." My head shook.
"Uh. Very well, Mr. Norton. What would you like us to do?"
Here we go. It's now or never. "Ooh, I dunno. How 'bout you take your top off for me?"
Mrs. Griffin looked confused. "I'm sorry, dear, but...what did you just say?"
"I said," I rephrased slowly, "why don't you take your top off for me, Mrs. G?"
Her eyes widened. "Mr. Norton. Are you out of your mind?"
"I'd watch my tone if I were you, Carol. You're not in the position to talk to me like that."
"That's Mrs. Griffin on this premises, young man." She stood, glaring. "And you better watch what you say next. You're skating on very thin ice and asking for big trouble."
I've gotten this far. "No, I'm not. I'm asking to see those big tits of yours."
"THAT'S IT! Off to the principal's office with you right now, Ryan. I'm very disappointed with you and your parents will be hearing about this directly from me."
I needed to take control of the situation and show her who was in charge. "I don't think you quite understand what's going on, Carol." I grabbed her by the bicep and squeezed, causing her to squeal. It caused my cock to twitch.
"Unhand me this instant, you brute! I'll have you expelled for this."
I stared her down for a while then released her arm. She looked relieved. That wouldn't last long. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. "There's something I need to show you, Mrs. Griffin." I tapped my way to my videos' folder. "You might want to retake your seat."
"I'm fine. I'll stand."
"Have it your way." I double-tapped on her husband's video and handed her the phone.
After watching it for a few seconds, the color drained from her face and she sat back down. She watched for a little while longer then handed me back my phone. I stopped the video and put my phone back into my pocket. Mrs. Griffin sat with a lost expression for a few moments. Then she regained her composure.
"'ve found out about my husband and Kevin."
Kevin Mitchell? The dentist?...That's who the other guy was? I found that surprising, but I was even more surprised she knew.
"I didn't know you knew about them."
"Of course I knew. They've been pulling this shit off for years."
Years? And did sweet Mrs. Griffin just say "shit?"
Moments went by. "So that's your plan, huh? You want to blackmail me into showing you my body."
I shrugged.
She thought. "And if I refuse?"
"Then everybody at the church gets an email of your husband's video," I bluffed. "I wonder what other qualifications Pastor David has."
"But, Ryan, I'm more than twice your age. Why would you want to see me naked?"
If she fished for a compliment she wasn't about to get one. "A naked body's a naked body."
She thought for a while. I could see an intense battle went on in her head. "If I do you promise to delete that video?"
"I do." I nodded with my right hand raised.
She thought some more then sighed. "Fine." Mrs. Griffin stood. "Let's get this over with." She slowly reached for the top button of her shirt and unbuttoned it. I couldn't believe this was working. My heart thumped with anticipation. She undid the next button and then the next until her shirt fell open. Then she pulled her shirt off her shoulders and folded it neatly on her desk before she stood and waited.
"The bra." I motioned.
She slowly reached behind her back and unclasped her white bra. Her straps fell off her shoulders. Then she quickly pulled her bra away and covered her tits with her one arm as she dropped her bra on her desk with the other. I motioned for her to remove her arm from her chest. She complied and placed it by her side.
Man, Mrs. Griffin had a nice pair of tits. They didn't sag too much and still had a round shape, which was remarkable, considering she was the mother of three people. I also liked the contrast between her milky skin and rosy areoles, which were as wide as the rim of a cup and topped off by two nipples the size of cue tips. Fuck, I was rock hard and wanted to reach out, knead and suck on her tits. But it wasn't time for that. I needed to follow my plan and get there systematically.
"Not bad for an old woman, I guess." I shrugged. I could see on her face my words had stung. Of course I didn't feel that way, but the other part of my plan was to break her down mentally. "The stockings are next."
"They're not stockings. They're pantyhose."
"Whatever. Just do it."
She sighed, sat back in her chair and leaned over to remove her shoes. Then she reached under her skirt and rolled her hose down her legs and off her feet. She placed them on her desk and got back on her feet.
"Now the skirt."
She sighed again, pulled down the zip on her hip and then pushed her skirt to her ankles. I was greeted by the sight of white panties. She stepped out her skirt, bent over to pick it up and then folded it over her shirt. I asked her to do a slow spin. She complied and as she faced the other way, I noticed her underwear was tightly stretched across her entire ass. Granny panties. I shook my head. I should've known. I sighed.
Once she faced me, I made a face that said; you know what's next. She'd looked reluctant to remove every item of clothing that came off, but I could tell she really didn't want to remove this one. But she knew she had no choice. She pushed her thumbs into her waistband and bent over to push her panties to her feet. She stepped out of them. Then as she got vertical, her one hand went over her crotch as the other placed her underwear by her bra and pantyhose. Her hand then joined its partner over her crotch.
I smirked. "Hands by your side."
She exhaled with frustration then did as she was told. I focused my attention on her pussy. It was covered by pubic hair and by far the most unkempt part of her body. I also noticed her pubes were black. I thought she was a natural redhead. Or were some of them just like that? I didn't know, but also didn't care. It didn't make her look any less attractive.
I studied her body as a whole next. Wow. It looked as stunning in the nude as it did while clothed. Everything looked tight and toned. If she told me she didn't exercise I wouldn't believe one word of it. I was sure she did on the regular. The only part of her that showed she'd been through childbirth was the bump on her lower stomach. But it wasn't close to being a turn off and nobody's perfect. She was mighty close, though.
"You look okay, I guess." I shrugged. "But you should really do something about that stomach." Again, her face indicated my words hit home.
"Are we done?"
"Almost, Mrs. G...I just need you to do one more thing for me."
"And what's that?"
"I want you to bend over your desk for me."
"No ways." Her head shook. "I never agreed to have sex with you."
"Who said anything about sex? I've just always wanted to see you in that position." That wasn't a complete lie.
"And how do I know you won't pull out your penis and stick it inside me?"
"You have my word that won't happen."
She looked at me untrustingly. "Swear to God?"
Once I told her I did, she stepped over to my side of the desk and slowly bent over it. "Nice, Mrs. G." I pulled out my phone and opened my camera. When her tits were flattened on the table, I said, "Okay, now pull your ass cheeks apart for me."
She obeyed and revealed her tiny light-pink asshole to my eyes. It was a pretty, pretty sight and looked clean enough to eat off. I probably would have if given the opportunity. I also noticed it wasn't close to being as hairy as her pussy. I wondered what was up with that. I tried to get as much of her into the frame as I could. "You ever had a cock in this hole before, Mrs. G?"
"Never." Her head shook. "I'm a Christian woman."
My eyes rolled. Whatever. I took the picture, which made that snapping sound and flashed a light.
"Hey!" She spun and covered herself with her arms. "I never said you could take pictures."
"You never said I couldn't." I smiled and she glared. "Relax. Look, you can't even see your face in it." I showed her the screen. "And besides, I need something to remember this moment by."
She frowned. "Are we done?" Mrs. Griffin folded her arms.
"Yep. And look, I'll uphold my end of the deal by deleting your husband's video in front of you." I tapped to it and hit delete.
"Good." She nodded. "Now that that's over, you and I shall never speak of this again." Mrs. Griffin reached for her panties, but I beat her to them.
"Uh-uh, uh-uh." I held her underwear in the air. "And why would I want to do that?"
"It's over, Ryan." She smirked. "The video's gone. You no longer have leverage over me. Now give." Her hand stuck out.
"No, I think I'll hold on to these as a souvenir." I pocketed her panties. "And what makes you think I haven't made copies of your husband's video?"
Her expression went dark. "That's not fair, Ryan." She stomped. It always amused me when a fully gown adult acted like a child. "Our deal obviously included you getting rid of any copies you've made."
"Well, technically, I only agreed to delete the video on my phone." I smiled. "But I'll give you that and delete the other videos," I lied. "I've got something even better on you now."
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Mrs Griffin - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:13 AM
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RE: Mrs Griffin - Copied - by hirarandi - 11-04-2021, 01:17 AM

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