Adultery Cutty - Copied
Ms. Brendan's house
When arriving at the mansion of Ms. Brendan after lunch, Donna was not too surprised to see it was a very luxurious one. It had started already with the limousine with personal driver. And during the ride Ms. Brendan had received at least five phone calls from various business associates, as she called them. The flares Donna caught of their conversations hinted they all were powerful and very influential.
Ms. Brendan had not really bothered Donna during the ride, leaving her to her own thoughts. Which she had done as she looked out of the window, absentmindedly letting the scenery pass by. Wondering, curious, about what was in store for her.
"Walk up to the front door, Donna," Ms. Brendan instructed Donna. "I will be there shortly, I have to make one last phone call."
And so Donna got out of the car and walked up to the front door. When standing alone in front of the big mansion her mind drifted back to the lunch-meeting and the situation she was in now. She was still embarrassed about leaving her underwear on the table. Although nobody had noticed it at first, the waitresses would for sure find them, and...
Not to mention the situation she was in now; a 'forced' lesbian relationship with an older woman. Kinky and exciting on the one hand, dangerous and humiliating on the other. How far would Ms. Brendan go with her?
"Ok, next instruction, Donna," Ms. Brendan had walked up to the house and picked up her key to open the front door. "When you are in my house, you wear what I tell you to wear." With that said she looked with obvious discontent at the clothes Donna was wearing now, "And as for now, I would like you to be naked, completely."
The door was open and Donna was guided into the hall. "Strip here, everything off," Ms. Brendan ordered while she locked the door.
"This is it," Donna thought. "Up to now it was all child's play, now she is moving in."
"Don't worry," Ms. Brendan reassured her. "I need to check your body to decide what exercises you will be needing." She pinched Donna's belly to indicate what she meant, and turned to pick up her post.
Donna reluctantly undressed, while Ms. Brendan read her mail.
"Okay, what shoe size do you have?" Ms. Brendan asked when she was finished with the mail.
Donna, busy getting out of her pants, answered: "7."
"Good, I have shoes that size here," Ms. Brendan opened a closet door and pulled out a pair of high heeled shoes. "Put these on."
Donna folded her clothing on a small table and proceeded to wear the high heeled shoes. "Everybody has his own kink," Donna commented in her mind. "For now I will go along with the flow, I will stop when this goes too far." The white shoes fitted her surprisingly well. Once on she turned to face Ms. Brendan.
Ms. Brendan sized her up, obviously liking what she saw. "When you are standing straight up in these heels, your belly does not show that much," she complimented. "And your thighs," she started fondling Donna on her thighs, her ass, her belly, her arms, all the while making small compliments; "Nice...", "Not too bad...","Soft..."
"Okay," she said when she was finished after a few minutes. "Before we continue, another instruction for you. When you see me in the house for the first time you will passionately kiss me, like lesbian lovers do." She walked up to Donna smiling,
"Probably you have never kissed a woman before, so we do some testing now. We will stop when I think you are doing a good job at it."
Nervously Donna laid a hand on Ms. Brendan and clumsily tried to kiss her.
"We do that again," Ms. Brendan stopped her. "Hands around my body," she pulled the Donna's arms around her, "and grab me tight, I'm not made from glass. And for the kiss, turn your head, pretend I'm Robert for all I care, and kiss me passionately."
Under the instructions of Ms. Brendan Donna soon found herself with more passion kissing Ms. Brendan.
"That's better," was all Ms. Brendan said finally, and pushed her gently away from her. "Look at you, all excited about your first lesbian experience!" She laughed looking at the hardened nipples of Donna. "No, no, no, no shyness now," and she pat the hands of Donna which tried to cover her breasts automatically.
"And here is another instruction: after this kiss you'll always say: 'I love you Ms. Brendan'." She waited for Donna to reply.
"I love you, Ms. Brendan," Donna said emotionless. She was too confused from the kissing to really put some effort in the sentence.
Miss Brendan grabbed her face and forced Donna to look her in the eye. "With emotion, like you mean it," she ordered sternly.
"I love you, Ms. Brendan," Donna retried with some emotion and fear.
"Again," Ms. Brendan said, and the sentenced was repeated until Donna was convincing enough.
"Now one last time with the kissing and the sentence in one, and we can go inside," Ms. Brendan said, and Donna did as instructed.
"Weird, weird, weird," Donna thought, as she hugged Ms. Brendan and kissed her passionately. Pretending it was Robert helped, and she said as convincing as possible, "I love you Ms. Brendan." Imagining it was Robert she was talking to.
"Very good, Donna," Ms. Brendan said, while she softly stroked Donna's face. "Now let's go inside."
She turned and walked in front of Donna into the house. Donna followed meekly naked in her new high shoes.
"This is the living room," Ms. Brendan informed her, while they entered a large high roofed room. Beautiful paintings on the wall (all of naked women, Donna noticed) and expensive furniture.
"We go here," Ms. Brendan informed the naked Donna and guided her to a corridor.
"All these pictures are girlfriends, or former girlfriends," she smiled proudly, as Donna looked at the large amount of pictures hanging on the walls of the corridor. All pictures were of naked, or partially naked women. She even noticed some pictures with several women on it, having sex, and a few with women having sex with men.
"All of them signed personally," Ms. Brendan explained. "I like these gifts, and my girlfriends know that." She stood still to admire all the pictures.
Donna just looked amazed. "I will never have myself exposed like this," she thought when she looked at all the naked women. All were smiling into the camera even if they were obviously hurt by the things they were doing. Some women were being taken by other women with huge strap-on dildo's, some women just masturbated, with or without dildo's, and some were even being gang banged by several man, even black man!
"Don't worry," Ms. Brendan assured an obviously disgusted Donna. "All these pictures are taken with the consent of the women, and they even signed them, look." She pointed to all the signatures, some even with remarks as "Forever yours," "love," etc.
"Yours will not be here if you do not want to. These are only for the girlfriends that really learned to trust me and wanted to give something in return."
"Come," she took Donna's hand and took her through the corridor into a large exercise room.
"Here we are. You will train here regularly. I have seen your pockets of fat and know exactly how to get rid of them, we'll even fine-tune your overall posture. That's where the heels are for too. You walk up straight with them, instead of bending over. Yes, you do that."
She walked to a lifting machine. "Come here," she said to Donna.
Donna, relieved to be out of the disturbing corridor, walked towards her.
"Give me your arms."
And Donna did. Before she knew it, she had two clamps around her wrists and was being hoisted up.
"This machine is for the belly," Ms. Brendan spoke matter of factly, while Donna looked at her with wide eyes, surprised at how easy she was tied up and hanging in the work out machine.
"Oh, before I forget," Ms. Brendan said, and pinched Donna's left nipple hard. Donna tried to scream, but the moment her mouth was half open a rubber was inserted into it, and it inflated rapidly.
"A ball gag," Ms. Brendan said while petting the cheek of Donna. "I'd like you to be silent and just concentrating on the exercise." Then she put some ankle cuffs on Donna and spread her legs.
"I do not like hairy pussies," Ms. Brendan spoke sternly. "You will keep yours totally bald, unless I fancy another dirty look."
She went to fetch a shaving kit. "I will now shave you bald, so keep still," she said while applying the shaving cream on Donna's vagina.
"No!" Donna screamed in her mind, "This has gone too far!" she looked franticly around for someone or something to help her. Finding none, she started wriggling to get out of her bondage. A sharp pain in her vagina stopped her.
"Now you've done it!" Ms. Brendan said angrily, while taking a step back, holding up a bloody shaving knife. "You cut yourself badly my dear," she looked up at the face of Donna. "I told you to hold still!" She angrily waved the bloody knife at her, "You must learn to listen to me and follow my instruction to the letter." She pointed down to Donna's vagina, "This is a very bad cut Donna, very bad."
Donna looked scared and painful at Ms. Brendan, who did not make any attempt to get her out of her bondage. "Get me out!!" Donna screamed, but was silenced by the ball gag "Oh God it hurts!" She wriggled to get loose.
"That will only hurt you more and rip yourself open down there," Ms. Brendan informed her, while she laid away the shaving kit. "I'll ask my neighbor to help me out here. You, Donna, sit still, there is no way to get out of this bondage, and you do not get off this easily. I am very angry with you right now."
"How could she treat me like some little kid?" Donna wondered, while Ms. Brendan walked away. "I must get out, what if the neighbor sees me like this? She can't be serious, I need professional help, I will call the security officer, I will..." Donna's mind raced at how to solve this situation, her vagina was hurting very bad, she was strung up, naked, with high heels on, and in the house of a complete stranger, actually.
For five tormenting minutes she waited for Ms. Brendan to return. She found out that hanging still was indeed the best solution, and was slowly calming down. She felt the blood creeping down her left leg, down to her feet, and eventually it dripped on the floor.
"You see the mess." Ms. Brendan's voice woke the silent Donna up. "If she just wouldn't have moved. This is my first time I cut one of my girlfriends by accident."
Miss Brendan stood before the naked exhausted Donna, with besides her a young woman in her late twenties. They both looked at the mess Donna was in.
"It looks worse than it actually is," the new lady said, and opened a medicine kit.
"You hold still," she told Donna. "I will clean it first and stop the bleeding." She started to work on the cut by first disinfecting it with a cloth and some alcohol substance. This of course made Donna squirm and shake about. "Still," the lady just said and Donna tried to comply. "Okay, that is better."
The lady took a step back and looked at the wound. "I think this will leave a scar. even if I try to close it neatly. It is pretty deep," she told Ms. Brendan.
"Well, if that is the case, it will be a constant reminder for her she should do as she is told," Ms. Brendan said, obviously still angry at Donna. "Make it a nice scar."
"Will do," the other lady smiled. "But it will take some time."
"I'll be checking up on some other stuff, in that case," Ms. Brendan said, and walked out of the room.
"That leaves us alone... Donna was it, right?" The lady said while she started to pull out some stitching stuff from her medicine kit. She looked up at Donna and smiled at her. "Don't worry, I'm a professional Doctor. You were lucky I was home."
She walked up to Donna, "Here's what I will do. I will give this cut some stitches. I think it will be around 7 or 8 maybe even more. As said, a scar will stay, and as your girlfriend ordered, I will leave a nice scar, instead of trying to get rid of it as much as possible." She looked up while standing very close to the naked Dona, "It is better that way: the scar will give you personality down there, and it is always better to do as your girlfriend tells you to do." She looked into Donna's pleading eyes. "It is very unwise to cross her. She has powers beyond your imagination, and always gets what she wants. And if you go along with her demands, you will find it is much more rewarding." With that said she started to apply the stitches. "Try to move as little as possible my dear," she said to Donna, who started to shake again.
Donna looked down at the woman who acted as if this was a normal situation; a woman naked with white high heels strung up and cut in her pussy. Donna wanted to plead for a different handling for the cut. "No scar please," she thought. "How to explain my husband?" And at the same time, "Who is this girl? What is she saying about Ms. Brendan?"
"Hold still! I hate to have to tell her you did not behave well." She grabbed Donna's ass firmly and moved her hips forward, which made Donna push out her pussy. "Hold it like this, only a few more stitches."
"Oh God," Donna thought. "This can not be happening."
It took for ages, according to Donna, for the lady to finish down there. Afterwards she cleaned up the blood and inspected the wound carefully.
"It's ok now," she informed Donna. "I'm done. This will heal nicely." She looked up at Donna, while still fondling her vagina, "Hmm, somebody is even getting wet down here."
Donna was embarrassed by this remark, and turned a bright red immediately.
"Oh lovely, your still shy!" she frowned, "First date?" the lady asked.
Donna just nodded screaming, "Let me out!!" in her mind.
"So you probably do not know what you're up for..." the lady pondered out loud. "Let me fill you in on the basics, as far as I know them, that is. It will help you adjust, and be more comfortable with the situation." She started packing her kit.
"Miss Brendan likes you. She chose you to be her girlfriend, and you for whatever reason, agreed. She is very good in persuading people to see it her way.
"Now crossing her in any way is not a good move." She packed her last bottles. "Your cut is probably a result of this. She probably cut you indeed by accident..." She turned her face to Donna, "but twitched it a little deeper on purpose." She let that remark sink in by Donna. "And that is why she wants that scar to be clearly visible. You will feel it the coming weeks, and it will probably always be a tender spot, as a constant reminder."
She fetched her bag and turned towards Donna.
"Now you have seen those pictures in the corridor. Not all women were willing to be her girlfriend at first. But eventually they all went along and tried to enjoy the ride, or at least act as if they did. The way she can force you to see it her way can be downright cruel."
Donna was listening carefully now, getting very worried about the situation she was in.
"But I will back out, and go to the security officer as soon as I have a chance," she thought.
"Now I see you thinking of this being impossible in this day and age, and for you especially. However.." she looked Donna straight into the eyes, "Your situation is very real. And going along is the best way to go. Probably an example is the best thing for you to understand."
"You should look at one of the pictures in the corridor. The one where you see a women being gang banged, as they say, by several black man. You can't miss it." Donna thought she could remember that one. "That lady went to the security officer for some reason." Donna's eyes went up.
"She never made it..." A long silence followed.
"As the story goes, a gang of black man awaited her, and they took her for a ride, if you know what I mean. Then they delivered her back here again."
"Miss Brendan was very angry at her, and gave her a thorough beating in addition. She was brought back to her family by one of the black gang members. He forced her to make her daughter come into the car, after which she had to get out..."
Donna looked full of fear now.
"I leave it to your imagination what her daughter went through," the lady continued "But she became a girlfriend of Ms. Brendan too, eventually." And again looking straight into Donna's eyes, "Her picture is there too."
"Do not go to the security officer, that is your worse option. She does not like it, and it does not get you anywhere. As far as I know, nobody made it to a security officer station, and I am sure she has contacts there too. Her way of treating people is not always, how would you say, within the legal boundaries. Yet she has never even questioned..."
Donna was now listening with a growing fear for this Ms. Brendan figure.
"So go along, and you'll be better off... At least until you fully understand what you are up against, would be my advice. Don't tell anybody, not your husband, not your friends. If she finds out, and she will, it won't be nice for anybody involved."
She packed her kit into her bag, ready to go. "Remember that woman and her daughter. Look at their pictures in the corridor."
Donna watched as the woman left her alone. Now her own daughters were in danger too! She was suddenly in a real big mess somehow. She looked around for something, anything, to help her cope with the situation. After what seemed for ever, she decided to follow the advice of the 'doctor', and go along. "At least until I know what I'm up against," Donna decided. "I want to know if this all is true..."
She relaxed and just waited for anybody to come to her aid. Going along, just going along for now...
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