Madison’s Changing Life - Copied
Soon enough three, then four fingers were roughly fucking my cunt as I tried to stay focused, tried to listen for the door. Finally I heard it again and two girls walked in this time, they started to chat near the sink, talking about the guys they liked or something like that, I couldn't focus. As much as I wanted to stop myself, I just couldn't, my hand continued to rub my clit, listening to their teen talk as my other fingers slowly moved in and out of my hole. It was as if my orgasm was on hold, I was doing everything I could not to lose it, not to let it slip away, I checked the time 23 minutes.
Thankfully they left soon after, the door swinging open, but hanging there for a little longer, then I heard another voice. "Fuck" I said to myself, if people came and went at the same time I had no way of knowing if someone was in here or not. I could feel a bead of sweat build on my forehead. I took a deep breath and realized I didn't have a choice, I had to get off. I slowly started to pump my fingers in and out of my hole again, trying to focus on how much noise I was making, the wetness making a sloshing sound that was hopefully not carrying beyond my stall. My other hand continued to roughly rub my clit, trying to get off as quickly as possible. I heard the door swing open and closed a number of times, voices coming and going, changing, stall doors opening and closing, toilets flushing, sinks running, hand dryers roaring, all while I continued to get closer to an orgasm.
Just as I was starting to feel my orgasm rise up, getting close to erupting through my body a message dinged on my phone, my heart jumped, my eyes opened as I strained to read the words.
Message: STOP
"WHAT?" I screamed in my head. My hands slowed, but didn't completely stop fucking myself, I didn't understand, stop what?
I couldn't believe it. After all this time the one thing I knew I would get was an orgasm, it at least made me feel like I was getting something out of this fucked up situation, but now the fucker wanted me to stop, to not get off, to not get my orgasm. Fucker.
My wet fingers sloshed out of my hole, and my other hand removed itself from my clit. They were both throbbing, wanting to be touched, to be roughed up, I wanted to moan and plead so I could get off, but I didn't, I held my ground, tried to fight back. My cunt was gushing juices now, I could feel them dripping down my thigh as I sat there, feet still up, waiting for the next message.
The thought didn't disgust me nearly as much as I thought it would, and maybe it was because of my heightened orgasmic mood. I stood up without opposition, sliding my panties down and off my legs and sat back down on the toilet, spreading my legs again, feet up on the door. My hands balled up the grey cotton panties and started to push them into my gaping whole. Fitting them in was no problem, and the slight roughness felt amazing. Once they were in I let out a little sigh. I looked back at my phone, waiting for permission to finally leave.
My breathing increased as I read it. I felt so turned on the thought of taking my bra off actually excited me for a few moments. It was dirty, and slutty, and for a second I wanted it. I slipped my arms through the bra straps and reached around to undo the clasp all without lifting my shirt. The bastard probably wasn't happy about that, but I did it anyway. When I pulled my white bra from through my shirt's arm hole I could feel my nipples rub against the thin shirt fabric, I looked down and could see my nipples poking through without much resistance, it was obvious.
My face blushed and I started to worry again, worry about how this would affect my life, and right now my job. "Just get through the day," I said to myself.
"What the fuck?" I said out loud this time, hoping that no one was in the washroom at that moment. I grabbed my phone and typed back. 
Reply: "You want me to leave my bra here? Someone will find it!"
I didn't reply. I just sat for a minute, contemplating, thinking, planning. If I leave my bra here how will anyone know whose it is for sure? Maybe someone could think it's weird that I'm obviously not wearing one now, and there is one in the washroom, but there is no way that anyone could be sure, unless they do a DNA test or something, which is ridiculous. The thoughts and possible outcomes kept running through my head as I continued to sit. Finally I did it. 
I took my bra and hung it on the coat hook on the back of the door. I took a deep breath, brushed my skirt down, made sure my panties weren't going to fall out, and opened the stall door. Slowly I moved towards the sinks and mirror directly in front of me. Just in case there were people in the other stalls I wanted to try to act normal, washing my hands. A few minutes passed and no one came out of the other ones, I let out a sigh realizing that I was alone. "Thank god," I said as I turned to go towards the exit. Before I even made a step in the direction the bathroom door pushed in towards me.
In front of me was now Jess, one of my better students. The word 'tiny' would be the first thing that comes to mind when you see her. She might be 5 feet tall, and maybe weigh 90lbs. Her hair is a bright red and done up in a ponytail as she stood in front me. Her face has light freckling, her body thin as can be. Her grades were always good, and as far as I could tell she was a nice young girl. 
"Hey Ms. Edwards," Jess said as soon as she saw me.
"Hi Jess," I replied with my face starting to turn red. Would she see my nipples? Would she know that I did something in here? 
She stood there in her loose black band t-shirt coming down just over her waist of her loose and longer than usual jean shorts. Her thin white legs continued down to a pair of grey socks and white keds shoes. 
"Well... I guess I'll see you in class Ms. Edwards," Jess said now a little confused at the slight pause.
I thought quickly, "oh yes, of course, see you soon Jess... don't be late," I smiled and walked past her. 
Class was about to start and just before it did Jess walked in, I looked at her as she did, and she gave me a big smile. She was always a nice girl. I watched her a little too closely as she walked through the desks towards the middle to grab her seat. Jess was not what you would usually call hot, or sexy, especially not in a college where there are popular students and cheerleaders, but there was a little something about her.
As class moved forward I could feel my nipples start to get harder. The more I moved around, the more I wrote on the chalkboard, the more they rubbed against my shirt, and the more excited they got. The more excited they got the more my pussy got wet, and the more I was happy my panties were where they were so they could stop me leaking down my legs.
I wasn't too worried about the lack of coverage under my skirt, I was standing or sitting behind a covered desk, but my nipples were another issue. They felt raw and hard and amazing all at the sametime. I just needed to get through this class and then the day would be over, I could go home and move on with things, hopefully. 
To my surprise I didn't notice too many stares at my shirt and nipples. Maybe they were there, maybe my students did notice, but it never felt like it. Either my nipples weren't as noticeable as I thought, which would be good, or my students had become numb to my new wardrobe situation and it wasn't anything new to them anymore, which was bad. At this pointed it didn't matter though.
The bell rang and class ended. I was ready to get out of here and start the weekend. It didn't matter what the blackmailer wanted me to do, I was just happy it wouldn't happen at college. I slid my papers and laptop into my bag and waited for everyone to leave the room. I smiled and said "have a good weekend" to whoever offered the opportunity as I continued to wait. The line started to dwindle until the last student walked past my desk, Jess.
She stopped when she got there and I was immediately worried.
"Ms. Edwards... I think you forgot this in the washroom..." she reached into her bag and pulled out my white bra and handed it to me. I was in shock, and she could tell.
"I... uh... well...," what could I say? How could I explain myself? Should I just say it wasn't mine? Did she notice I didn't have a bra on, she must have. And my stumbling of an answer pretty much confirmed it was mine to begin with.
Her hand reached out and touched mine while I still held the bra, she simply said, "it's OK." She smiled and turned to leave. I didn't know what to make of it.
Why was she so nice? Would she tell anyone? My mind raced again, I felt tired again, I felt angry again. All of this stress kept building, kept forcing me to consider every step, every action, I was exhausted more than I could remember and I just wanted to go home. Whatever Jess did or didn't do at this point was out of my control. I had to turn off my brain for a while, not worry about it. Jess was a good kid, I didn't think she would tell anyone, but you never know, it could be the end of everything.
I grabbed my full bag, closed the classroom door and headed out through the halls towards the parking lot. As I was walking past the main office I heard something I dreaded. Principle Wallace's voice. 
"Ms. Edwards! Ms. Edwards!" he said, trying to catch me before I walked off. I had no choice but to respond.
I turned around and walked towards the door. "Yes Mr. Wallace?"
"Ms. Edwards, I was hoping to meet with you sometime next week to discuss some things, is that ok?"
How could I say no? He was my boss.
"Ya, sure, ummmm, what works for you?"
"Well why don't you talk to Tina here and she can schedule you in for a time that works for both of us."
I looked confused before speaking, he seemed to pick up on it.
"Oh, right, Tina is our new secretary, actually I think her full name is Kristina," he filled me in.
I walked into the office. Tina was in the back corner filing some things away and she kind of took my breath away. She had a pair of maybe 4" heels which flowed to her skin tight jeans that went up her seemingly never ending legs. Her ass looked amazing in them. She had a loose fitting button up blouse on, but you could tell she was extremely fit underneath. If my pussy wasn't so wet already it would have been after seeing her. Her blonde hair ended at her shoulders and when she turned towards me her smile just automatically made me smile. In so many ways she was perfect.
"Hi, I'm Tina," she said as she walked towards her desk and stuck out her hand. She had a somewhat obvious accent, but I couldn't place it. 
I reached out to shake her hand but my eyes were taking in her tall slender beauty, I tried not to make it too obvious.
"Hi, I'm Madison Edwards."
"Oh, YOU'RE Madison Edwards, I've heard a lot of about you," she paused as she sat down at her desk. 
What did she mean by that? Heard about me from who? And what could she have been told? My mind started to race again, and in all the wrong directions.
"So you need a meeting with Principal Wallace next week?" She asked looking up at me with a smile.
"Uh, ya... maybe Tuesday?"
"Ya, Tuesday at 10am, is that OK?" Her hands quickly typed on the keyboard, my eyes looking at her athletic arms as they moved.
"Ummmm..." I thought for a second, "ya that should be fine, Tuesday at 10am."
"OK, awesome, I'll put you in the schedule," Tina smiled at me again. 
Before leaving and saying goodbye I had to find something out, it was gnawing at me, I needed to know where this piece of perfection was from.
"Sorry, but I just have to know," I started trying to sound friendly and not at all stalkerish, "where are you from? Your accent is beautiful." Why did I say beautiful? I couldn't have chosen a different word? I tried not to blush. Luckily for me she blushed even more.
Tina looked up at me, her cheeks a little red, "Oh, thanks! I'm actually from Czech Republic!"
A Czech beauty I thought to myself.
"Oh wow, well, it sounds beautiful," I smiled again, and again wondered why I chose that word, "it was great meeting you!" I said as I picked up my bag and started to leave.
"You too!" Tina said as we smiled at each other again.
As I walked out I mentally hit myself for being so awkward and weird. I should have asked her so many more questions, gotten to know her, but instead I just left. "Oh well," I thought, nothing I can do about it now.
Emma and Sam were waiting at the car and we all proceeded to get in when I got there. They were too preoccupied to notice my obvious lack of a bra. The ride home was quiet again, and once the house door opened they were upstairs before I could even get my shoes off. With them out of site I reached under my skirt and pulled the soaked panties out of my pussy. It felt good and disappointing at the sametime, there was just something hot about having them in there, even as I scolded myself for thinking it.
After going to my room and changing into some sweats and a t-shirt I finally checked my phone. Only one message showed up.
I smiled when I read it. No fucking blackmailing for over 24hrs! I almost wanted to jump around my room in glee, but it hit me about how sad that was. My life was so fucked up now that I was happy with 24hours of freedom. My mood immediately dropped, but I knew I should at least relax during this time. I grabbed a book to read and headed downstairs to the couch where I planned to spend the rest of the night.
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Madison’s Changing Life - Copied - by hirarandi - 09-04-2021, 02:00 PM
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