Madison’s Changing Life - Copied
Saturday morning finally came. A day off from everything, from college, from blackmail, from having to masturbate in class. I let out a deep breath before swinging my legs off the bed and getting up. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. "Everything is going to be fine," I said to myself before putting the towel down and heading downstairs.
I made myself a coffee and read the news on my phone as I waited for Emma and Sam to finally rise from their sleep. I didn't have anything planned for the day, but who knows with them. My mind tried to focus on what I was doing, the news, the coffee, relaxing. I could feel the sun through the window, warming me up.
Eventually I couldn't wait any longer and had to start my day. I made some cereal, cleaned up and went to my room to shower. I slipped off my clothes and closed the door behind me as I felt the hot water stream down my body. It felt nice, the warmth making me relax not just my body but also my mind. I started to think about things again, things I shouldn't have. My mind went to Emma and her instagram account, her pictures, how she was posing and how she was dressed. She looked so sexy, so hot, so slutty. I couldn't believe how she was liking the comments people left for her, calling her a slut, saying they wanted to fuck her. I just couldn't believe the whole situation. Sometime during these thoughts I started getting turned on, and before I knew it my hand was on my pussy slowly rubbing it. "Mmmmmm," I moaned under the sound of the water.
Once I realized what was happening, what I was doing, masturbating to the thought of my daughter, I quickly pulled my hand way. I could feel my face blush, not from the hot water, but from extreme shame and embarrassment. How could I think like this? My mind was turning against me. I quickly washed my hair and body, rinsed, and got out of the shower. I threw my bathrobe around me but before tying it up I caught a glimpse of my body in the mirror. The little bit of hair just above my pussy glistened with water, I didn't need Emma to get turned on, just seeing my pussy gape open turned me on. My palm came down and gave it a little slap as I followed it up by tying my robe in place and walking to my room.
After drying myself off, doing my hair and some light make up I got ready to go out. Panties, tight jeans, bra, t-shirt tucked in the front. I looked like a regular 34 year old about to go out for the day, and that was exactly what I was going to do. As I made my way downstairs and to the front hall there was no sign of Emma or Sam, so I assumed they were still sleeping. I bent over and put on a pair of sneakers and headed out.
For the next few hours I spent time at the mall and a few other stores, retail therapy was exactly what I needed. As I moved through the stores I saw a few students from college, we avoided each other as expected, but just seeing them made my thoughts turn back to the week behind me. Everytime it happened I had to fight myself to get back on track, back to relaxing, back to thinking about how to get my life in order again.
After a couple of hours, I took a break and stopped at a local starbucks. I ordered my regular, a drink with way too many options, and sat down, a feeling of dread over me. No matter how hard I tried to stay relaxed, to keep my mind off of the blackmail, I just always came back to those same thoughts.
"Hey! Madison!" I heard from ahead of me, my head lifted and I saw my friend Beth walking towards me, coffee in hand.
"Hey Beth," I said back, trying to hide my mood, but also not feeling like talking to anyone right now.
"How are you doing? I haven't seen you in a while," Beth asked as she sat down, not even asking if it was OK.
"Oh, I'm OK, how are you?" I asked back politely.
"I'm good... but you seem... are you sure you're OK?" she asked back, it was obvious, I guess, that I wasn't exactly myself.
"No, I'm good, just a little tired and worn out," my response was unenthusiastic.
"Ya, I guess getting back into the swing of things with classes can take it out of you," was her response, I nodded in agreement, yes, that was exactly the reason I thought.
For the next 20 minutes we chatted about this and that, nothing of importance, but it was nice. It felt good to really talk to someone and the more we talked the better I felt. Part of me just wanted to blurt out "I'm being blackmailed!" and talk to her about it, but I knew I couldn't, not if I wanted me life to stay the way it was. As our conversation ended we hugged and agreed we would have to get together again soon. I sat back down in my chair and smiled. Maybe life could be OK, maybe I could compartmentalize things, the shitty and the good, the fucked up and the normal.
For the rest of the day I went to a few more stores, got my nails done, and generally just lounged my way around town. I texted Emma and Sam on my way home with the same question, "what do you want for dinner?" I never knew who would reply so I always texted both. Of course I received two different replies.
"Sushi!" from Emma.
"Indian!" from Sam.
I texted back for them to talk to each other and pick one. Eventually I received a simple "Sushi thanks!" and off I went to get dinner.
When I eventually arrived home I found Emma laid out on the couch with the TV on and her phone in front of her face. I was finding it hard to look at her without associating my daughter with that instagram account. Her feet were bare, her legs were covered in a pair of loose fitting grey sweatpants. She had them rolled down so they sat right on her hips. On top she had a tight white tank top that showed off most of her midriff, it was a little see through and I could see my daughters nipples poking through the material.
"Fuck!" I yelled out as I tripped over a pair of shoes in the hallway.
Emma's head lifted from the couch and looked over, "are you OK mom?" she asked with a little worry in her voice.
"Ya ya, just maybe don't leave shoes in the hallway next time," I replied, obviously flustered.
"Uh, mom, those are your shoes," Emma said with a laugh before sitting up on the couch and coming to grab the food from me.
"Well fuck," I said as I smiled back at her, "where's Sam?"
"Downstairs playing a game."
"SAM!" I yelled downstairs to the basement to get his attention.
"Be up in a minute!" I heard yelled back overtop of gun shots from the TV speakers.
We decided to eat dinner and watch a movie together, something we don't do that often anymore. I changed into something comfier then tight jeans, this time pair of slightly worn out grey leggings and a hoodie. When I came down the food was laid out on the coffee table, Sam in the single seat wearing a hoodie and shorts, and Emma on the larger couch. I sat down beside her and grabbed a plate.
"Did you two have a good day?" I asked while grabbing food and putting it on my plate.
"Well I did nothing, so ya it was good," Emma said with a smile while getting her own food.
Sam didn't answer as he was flipping through the movie selections trying to find something we might all like.
After a few minutes we all had food and started watching the movie, it was something about a dirty accountant and him getting in over his head, or maybe it was a dirty stock broker, I wasn't really sure, it also didn't matter.
As the movie went on we all finished our food, I cleaned up the plates, took them to the kitchen and went to the bathroom. When I came back to the room I saw Emma had decided to lay down on the couch taking my seat with her.
"Uh, excuse me?" I said quietly to her with a smirk, not wanting to disrupt the movie.
All she did was lift her legs so I could sit underneath them. I slid in and her legs flopped back on top of my thigh. "Great" I thought to myself, mostly as a mother having her daughter take advantage of the mother daughter situation. The longer we sat there, the more my mind wandered. I looked down at Emma's legs in front of me. Even in her loose sweatpants I could tell they were sexy. I placed my hands on top of her knees that were directly in front of me. There wasn't anything odd about it, it was where my hands would naturally go, but it was odd because of the feelings I was having. My eyes wandered up her legs to her hips where the pants were rolled to. Her skin looked so amazing, so smooth, so perfect. I wanted to run my hands up her thighs and touch her midriff, gently. Her tank top had ridden up higher while she laid down, now stopping just below her tits. I looked up her body and I could still see her nipples poking through.
I could feel something happening in my pussy, I was getting turned on, I wanted to stop myself, I wanted to tell myself, no, but I didn't know how. Emma was so beautiful, and her legs were dbangd over me. At this point I didn't even know if this was because of the blackmailer and what he had shown me, or just my own disgusting self.
For the rest of the movie I tried to stay still, focusing on the TV, not looking down at my daughter next to me. My hands stayed still, my thoughts struggling. I was worried if I got more turned on my worn out grey leggings might show just how wet I was. I was waiting for this movie to end, I didn't even care what happened anymore, it just needed to end so I could excuse myself.
After what seemed like hours, the movie finally ended. I took a deep breath and was going to excuse myself up to bed, but of course that didn't happen.
"Well that wasn't great," Sam said with a little laugh, "want to watch an episode of The Third Light?"
"Sure!" Emma said quickly.
My mind thought about it for a second, I wanted to say no, I wanted to get out of this situation, but I couldn't, The Third Light was our favorite show and we always watched it together. What would be my reason to not want to watch it? I didn't have a reason, or at least not one I could think of on the spot right now. So I did the only thing I could.
"Sounds good," I said while lifting myself off the couch and moving Emma's legs out of the way, "I'm going to get a drink, does anyone want one?"
"Water for me," Emma said, while grabbing her phone as if she couldn't go five minutes without looking at a screen.
"I'm good," Sam replied while getting the show setup.
I walked into the kitchen, and got two glasses out and put them down on the counter. I turned my head around and looked out at the couches to see if anyone was paying attention, they weren't. My hand grabbed a paper towel and I shoved it down the front of my leggings into my panties. I kept it in there for a minute while I let all of my juices soak into it. I had to keep myself from showing how turned I was, and this was the best way I could think of right now.
I threw the paper towel in the garbage and put the glasses under the tap to fill them. As I returned to the TV room Sam pressed play on the remote, and Emma sat up thanking me for the water and taking a sip. I sat back in my seat and started watching the show. Eventually Emma decided to lay down again, only this time she laid on her front, now her knees pushed up against my thigh, her legs bent and feet in the air. I couldn't help myself from looking over at her.
Her legs were spread, meaning I could see right down to where her pussy was being covered by the loose pants. Just knowing that under there was that slutty girl from instagrams pussy made me think dirty things. Her back was exposed from the tank top being pushed so high, my eyes fixated on her smooth skin. "Stop it!" I said in my head and moved my eyes back to the screen, but it only lasted a few minutes. Before I knew it, I was again focused on my daughter beside me. My hands struggled not to reach out and touch her ass. My body felt like it was being pulled apart from the two sides, the good side telling me to watch the show, and the bad side telling me to touch my daughter. It was a battle, and it got harder and harder, but to my relief the good side won and I behaved myself for the rest of the show.
As it ended Sam asked if we wanted to watch another episode, but I said I was tired and excused myself. I got two haphazard "goodnights" from Emma and Sam as I put a few things away in the kitchen and finally walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed and scrolled through instagram for awhile. Luckily I didn't have Emma's secret account on my phone, otherwise I don't know how I would have stopped myself. I struggled for the next while to not think about Emma, to not get turned on, to stay respectable.
At some point I must have passed out, as I finally came too, my phone laying beside my head on the bed, the lights in my room still on. I groggily sat up and went to the washroom. My mind was still trying to wake itself up. I looked at my bedside clock as I came back to the room and it was 2:35am. I walked past my desk and saw my laptop sitting there, I stopped and thought.
I knew the pervert said I had the day to relax, but maybe he sent me something for tomorrow? I couldn't really fathom why I was so interested in finding out, I chalked it up to not wanting to miss something and have the pictures and videos shared, but I think part of my knew that wasn't the whole truth.
While standing there I opened my laptop, and then clicked on my e-mail waiting for it to load. I could feel my heart pumping, was there going to be an e-mail there? Of course there was, and not just one.
I just stared at the screen for a minute, not sure if I was reading everything correctly. It took me sometime to fully comprehend what was there on my screen. "Did you think about your slutty daughter?," the words stung me, slapped me, hit me. "I know you did." I couldn't believe what I was reading. Was he watching me in the house too, or was I just being paranoid? How would I have thought anything else? The thing that really bothered me was that it was like he was beginning to know me better then I knew myself. How did he know I was thinking about Emma? How could he know that I liked it? The only way was if they were watching or could see what was happening. But how could they be? My mind was going around in circles, I felt like I was going crazy. At this point I didn't even know what my feelings were, I was just stuck. My hand reached out and slammed my laptop closed.
I stood up and started pacing around my room, my mind racing, thinking about what I could do to get out of this situation. Did he have cameras in my house? Did he know where I lived? This must be someone with connections, or computer hacking skills or something, right? Should I go to the cops? Maybe a private investigator? What about those bug sweeps they do on the TV shows, maybe I could get someone in to sweep the house and see if there was anything out of the ordinary.
As I continued to cycle through all of the options I was always stopped by one thing, one issue, what if they found out and released everything? If they could really see me or listen to me, in more places then there was a chance they would know I called the cops, or an investigator, they would know I was trying to figure things out, and could release my pictures and videos right away.
I tried laying down on the bed to sleep but my mind kept racing. It was late, maybe I was just tired and being paranoid, I didn't know anymore, I couldn't tell. I decided that as long as Emma and Sam were kept out of it I would be fine, I could hold on for now. I know the pervert sent me Emma's secret Instagram account, but she was already doing that, it wasn't like the asshole made her do it. "OK Madison," I said to myself with a deep breath. I closed my eyes, turned off the lights as I tried to relax. I knew a good nights sleep would make everything seem better, so that's what I tried to do, while remembering that I had to check my e-mail in the morning.
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Madison’s Changing Life - Copied - by hirarandi - 09-04-2021, 02:00 PM
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