Adultery Gabbie’s Giant Roommate - Copied
This story contains graphic details of a 19 year old college girl being physically, emotionally and sexually abused by her 19 year old college roommate in a dominant/submissive relationship.

If you find that type of material offensive, then this story isn't for you!
"Holy shit she is tall!"
That was the very first thought that came into my head as I walked into my brand new dorm room and laid eyes upon my roommate for the very first time.
It wasn't just that she was tall, she was buff! She had large masculine shoulder muscles, toned arms, bulging biceps, and thighs so wide you could land a plane on them.
I stood frozen in my tracks just staring at her. She had her back turned towards me, with headphones on, blasting country music so loud I could hear it before I even walked in the door.
Her dirty blonde hair was braided military style, she was wearing a camouflaged tank top to go along with her camouflaged sweatpants and large black army boots that made an already 6 foot tall girl look even taller.
I was instantly intimidated. The size difference between us was beyond comical.
The contrast in our choice of clothing couldn't be more different either. I was wearing a short white top that left my belly button exposed to go along with a short black mini skirt that showed off my summer tanned legs.
I was nearly an entire foot shorter than her with absolutely no muscle mass to speak of. I am the dictionary definition of petite, and I was perfectly happy that way. I always thought it was weird when girls worked out and gained muscle mass, in my opinion it made them look unfeminine and freakish looking. But she was different, while she was big and strong and had clear defined muscles that made her look masculine, she still had a feminine aura about her, not to mention large breasts and a big plump ass that would leave no doubt that she was still, in fact, a woman.
"God I hope she's nice!" was the second thought that entered my head. Having a giantess for a roommate who was a total bitch would be a complete nightmare of a way to start my college life.
Fingers crossed! "Never judge a book by its cover." I thought to myself as I slowly walked further into the room. That is how I was raised at least, I was raised to never judge anyone by the way they looked.
But yet... I was still feeling intimidated just looking at her, I was even shaking a little bit. It was completely obvious that I was nervous. Damnit! Now I'm worried she will instantly know I am afraid of her, that is a horrible first impression to give off, I thought.
I was half way into the room when I thought about just turning around and leaving. Forget about all the progressive values I was raised on. I did NOT want to be roommates with someone who looked and dressed like this!
I was frozen. Stopped cold in my tracks, just thinking. Thinking if it would make me a bad person to just turn around and leave to immediately apply for a new roommate just based off of someone's physical appearance and how they dressed.
I was also staring. I couldn't look away. My eyes were completely fixated on this person, I can honestly say I have never seen a girl who looked quite the way she does. She was taller than all the men in my family I thought to myself.
I was standing there staring at her for what seemed like hours, studying her body, her mannerisms, her choice of clothing (who the hell dresses like that anyway? no one from where I come from at least), before it finally dawned on me, she was almost done hanging up her clothing in the closet. I need to make a decision and fast!
But I found myself unable to move, I was completely stuck in two different states of mind. One half wanted me to just run out the door and find a new roommate immediately even if it wasn't practical. The other half of me knew better, it knew to never judge anyone by how they looked or dressed, and doing so was simply bigotry. There was also a small part of me that was undeniably intrigued by her. The way she looked, how tall she was, her clothing, it was just different from anything I was use to from attending preppy private schools all my life.
After what seemed like an eternity the giantess finally turned around and laid her eyes upon me for the first time.
Her face lit up when she saw me.
"Oh my goodness, look at you! Wow! Just look. at. you!" She excitedly said, as she looked me up and down for an uncomfortably long time.
Her voice matched her physique. It was deep, naturally loud and clear, while at the same time retaining some feminine qualities so you would never mistake it for being a man's voice.
She tossed her headphones to the ground and walked towards me in powerful, confident, giant strides, extending her hand and introducing herself. "The name is Courtney, but everyone just calls me Big C!"
Fuck! Even the way she walked and talked was intimidating! My best efforts to not look frightened or nervous were beyond pathetic. I looked like a deer in headlights, so visibly startled that you would have to be an alien to not notice it from my body language.
So flustered in the moment, I held out my hand to meet hers while completely forgetting to introduce myself. Awkward!
I couldn't even look her in the eyes! Instead my gaze was fixated on our hands. I could not believe how massive her hands were compared to mine. I seriously looked like a little girl shaking the hands of a powerful weight lifter when we shook. I've never been made to feel so tiny by another girl in my entire life.
"Awwhh, don't be shy! do you have a name, or should I just call you mini skirt?" She quirked with a sort of sadistic laugh.
I finally snapped out of my daze and regained just enough coherent ability to stutter out my name.
"Oh sorry my name is G-Gabriella! But everyone just c-calls me Gabby!" I say without having the courage to look her in the eyes at all.
She took a step back, looked me up and down again like I was a prostitute on display in Amsterdam, before finally breaking the awkward silence.
"Well Gabby, I can tell you are a little bit shy so I'll just get right to the point, I think we can have a very beautiful roommate relationship" she said in a suddenly serious and authoritarian tone before continuing.
"As long as you respect me, my values, and the rules I have set out for us both to follow we will never have any problems, I can be the most loving sweetheart in the world, but I can also be a ruthless disciplinarian when I have to be, your actions and attitude will determine which Courtney you get, let's just get that clear right off the bat. Aslong as you show me the respect I deserve, we won't have any problems at all, I promise. But let's be clear, I do not tolerate any bullshit, so don't even think about trying me, I will not hesitate to put you in your place, and don't you ever forget that if you know what's good for you." She finished in a loud powerful voice.
I was beyond intimidated at this point, I was down right afraid of what I have just walked into. What the fuck. This girl could not be serious, but yet she was. She was so serious. The entire time she talked to me she maintained laser focused eye contact with me. But I was too weak to look her in the eyes, I just looked down the whole time, unable to find the courage to meet her. This wasn't me I thought, I've always been a strong girl who was able to communicate my feelings openly and honestly, but that wasn't me right now.
Once again I got snapped out of my daze when she resumed talking, this time in a much more soft and caring tone.
"Gabby, I need you to answer me, do you understand what I just said? What I demand out of you as a roommate? I can tell you are a very shy girl but I expect you to at least respond when I talk to you."
Still looking down at her feet I murmured out a fragile response.
"That s-sounds p-perfectly fine with me, I hope we c-can have a great freshman year t-together! I-I don't t-think we will have a-any problems living t-together at all."
Courtney smiled and laughed.
"Awwhhh, I am SO glad to hear that Gabby girl! I feel like we are already off to a great start! This is just how I was raised, the key to any relationship of any kind is trust, understanding and discipline, without those 3 key ingredients things can go south very quickly, which is why they need to be established immediately, no time to waste, does that make sense, Gabby?"
"Oh yeah that makes p-perfect sense t-to me!" I say lying through my teeth.
This chick is not normal at all! Who acts like this when you first meet someone? Why didn't I trust my initial gut feelings about this chick? God damnit. My intuition is never wrong about these things. It's okay, I'll only have to survive a couple of weeks with her before I can get an approval to officially change dorm rooms. This isn't the end of the world.
Another awkward silence was interrupted by Courtney.
"I'll tell you what, how about I help you with your stuff? I'm sure you have more than just that little backpack right?"
"Oh yeah, I have some more stuff in my car, that would be a huge help" I said apprehensively, still cautious by her constantly changing tones.
"I'll be glad to help out, it would be a good workout for me." she said while she was still checking me out up and down, making me more and more uncomfortable.
If I knew I was going to get paired up with a 6 foot 2 lesbo as my roommate I never would have worn this outfit, I thought to myself. I have never been made to feel like such a piece of meat by another woman in my life. As we walked to my car I tried to push my skirt down but to no real avail, it was just too short to make any difference. I've never wanted to change my outfit so much in my life. I could feel her eyes all over me as I walked infront of her down to the parking garage. Even most guys have better sense than to stare so blatantly at a girl like that. Well, at least she's helping me with my stuff I guess.
"Wow is that really your car? You own a fucking Lexus? I knew you were a spoiled, privileged rich little goody-goody just from the way you looked and talked. My first impressions are never wrong, gosh, some people just are born with life on easy mode I guess while others have to work hard for every scrap." Courtney blurted out without any hint of humor whatsoever.
"Whatever you redneck hillbilly giant just carry my shit to our dorm and shut your mouth!"
That's what I wanted to say at least. But I didn't respond, I didn't say anything. I just sat there and took it. If any other girl would have said that to me then the fangs would have come out. I have never been the one to just sit back and let people talk down on me to my face, I always defend myself, but to this girl? Hell no. At least not yet. I knew I would have to build up the courage to eventually confront her if she didn't change her attitude. But right now I was just way too intimidated to even respond.
"Here's all my stuff." I say in a calm voice as I open the trunk. At least I'm no longer stuttering and shaking I thought to myself, trying to come up with a small win to boost my confidence.
"Good lord that is alot of shit! Is this all clothes? This can't be all clothes! Jesus you rich girls have so much money to spend on clothes! What a joke. There's not enough room in our joint closet for all of this SHIT, sorry to break it to you sweetheart. I think you'll live though." She said, almost yelling so other people could hear it. Looks like she was back to being a bitch and I was back to shaking and stuttering! Great!
"W-Well it's not all clothes, some of it is f-for hygiene and my s-studies" I replied in a soft anxious tone.
"You better hope so little girl, because I've already used up most of the closet, first come first serve as they say. So not all of your rich girl clothing is going to fit in there, just giving you a fair warning of what to expect."
Oh yeah that sounds totally fair I thought to myself. God what a bitch. Some of the fear I had of her was already starting to be replaced with anger. But nonetheless there was still a good amount of fear. Fear that kept me from speaking up, fear that kept me in my place.
"Oh okay t-thanks for the h-heads up" I say in a pathetic voice as I go to grab some of my bags before Courtney slaps my hand away.
"Don't worry about it! I can handle all of this, trust me, I need the workout."
I sat back and watched in amazement as this giantess effortlessly picked up all 7 of my bags with ease. Fuck she's strong. I could barely carry one of those bags at a time. She's carrying them all at once. This is why I need to be careful with her, I thought to myself.
"Can you go already?" An annoyed Courtney screeched, once again breaking me out of another admiring gaze.
"I need you to open the door for me, I mean it's the least you could do as I carry up your expensive shit for you. Hurry the hell up."
"O-oh yeah sorry." I say as I scurry on up the stairs to our dorm room with Courtney trailing close behind. As soon as she stepped foot into the room Courtney threw down all my bags on the floor before laughing to herself, "Well this is my good deed for the day."
Still a little bit flustered from earlier, I head towards and kneel down near my bags to begin unpacking some of my electronics before a clearly aggravated Courtney blurted out in her loudest voice yet.
I completely froze. In both confusion and fear. I started to shake again. She just yelled at me, no one ever yells at me.
Unable to form words, I instead turned my head towards her direction and offered her a look of pure bewilderment, I even found the courage to look her in the eyes this time, something I instantly regretted. If there was something even more intimidating than her physical appearance or her powerful voice, it was her stare. It was so scary, I couldn't handle it for more than 2 seconds before cowering my head back down to her feet again.
"Are you serious? You can't be fucking serious" Courtney growled as she slowly strided towards me.
I was petrified and visibly shaking. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as she got closer towards me. Still looking at the ground behind me, I saw Courtney's boots stop right near my sitting butt.
"Don't you have something to say to me?"
I still couldn't form words. I honestly had no idea what she was even talking about, so I just sat still looking at the ground, hoping she would just leave me alone.
"TURN AROUND AND LOOK AT ME LITTLE GIRL, I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE IGNORE ME, WHEN SOMEONE TALKS TO YOU YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOOK THEM IN THE EYE AND RESPOND!" Courtney shouted so loud that I'm almost positive people in the adjacent rooms could hear her.
I was so scared I felt like I was about to pass out, but I was able to form enough strength to scoot my butt and turn around, still sitting, and looking all the way up at her in the eyes before I stuttered to her in a weak, scared voice, "W-what d-did I-I do wrong?"
"Hmm I don't know, how about when someone does you a favor, or helps you out, that you show them the bare minimum form of appreciation and actually thank them? Is that seriously too much to ask for? I don't know about you, but I was raised to show gratitude to any and everyone who helped me out, and to show that gratitude back towards them, but I guess not everyone was raised the right way, did your parents not instill any values in you whatsoever? What a joke, your parents should be ashamed of themselves. What a disgrace! Do rich people really just not care? Little miss preppy girl, you've probably had everything handed to you your entire life haven't you?"
I was seriously about to start crying, it took every ounce of vigor in my body to hold back the floodgates of tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening, it was an honest mistake really! I'm always nice and courteous to people. I have manners! I was raised right! How dare her insult my parents! She was clearly overreacting!
Courtney took a brief pause before resuming her verbal degradation.
"I am going to let you know right here, right now, that this kind of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated by me EVER! You have probably gotten away with this bullshit all your life growing up in rich man's land, but I'm going to give you a reality check sweetheart, that kind of BULLSHIT does not fly in the REAL WORLD! YOU WILL SHOW ME THE RESPECT I DESERVE!"
She paused for a moment, bended her knees, and lowered her head closer to my face. "Now... Do I make myself clear?" She finished with a vicious spite.
As hard as I tried to stop them, I just couldn't hold it back any longer, I was just so scared that the tears started to fall down my pretty face at a rapid pace. I have never before been treated like this, by anyone, ever, not even my parents would yell at me like this. But beyond the sadness was the fear, this girl absolutely terrified me, I felt like a small little girl being yelled at by a giant, powerful grown up.
I didn't even hesitate, I looked her right in the eyes, with tears falling down my cheeks and I told her "Yes Ma'am! I am s-sorry Courtney, please b-believe me, you were so nice to me, carrying my bags up f-for me, I s-should have immediately t-thanked you for helping m-me out like t-that."
I pause for a second to wipe away my tears and try to compose myself.
"I-I promise I'll be m-more grateful and respectful from n-now on, p-please, from the bottom of my heart, I am so s-sorry for how I acted" I said, as more tears fell down my face.
Courtney slowly rose to her feet and just stood there, staring down at me, staring at what she had done to me, how she had just broken me down in under an hour of us meeting.
About a minute went by of her just standing over me, staring, before she finally spoke.
"Awwhhh, poor little Gabby girl, you know it just breaks my heart to see you cry like this, it really does! Your parents didn't teach you any manners, but you don't have to worry, because I will, I'll be your parents now, your mommy and your daddy, and I'm going to teach my little Gabby how to be a good little girl who has manners. When I'm done with you you're going to be the most respectful, obedient, well mannered girl in school." Courtney said in a scolding tone.
"Finish unpacking your shit while I take a quick nap, once you're done, we are going to have quite the lengthy discussion on the rules of MY dorm room, and how I expect you to behave from here on out, do I make myself clear, little miss miniskirt?"
As tears continued to fall down my face I immediately looked up at her, without looking directly into her eyes, and answered her.
"Yes Ma'am, I understand loud and clear Courtney."
"Oh no, hang on!" she loudly replied as my heart sank for a moment, fearing I somehow offended her again.
"Let's get one thing crystal clear right now before we even have our discussion later. When you refer to me, you will call me 'MISS Courtney' not just Courtney. You will put some respect on my name! Starting NOW! So let's try this again, do I make myself clear, Miniskirt?"
Again, I didn't miss a beat, without even thinking about what I was saying or the hole I was digging myself into, I looked her DIRECTLY in the eyes and obeyed.
"Yes Miss Courtney, I understand loud and clear."
Courtney's face lit up in total joy at my quick submission. Like she had just won the lottery or hit a game winning home run. She was smiling from ear to ear, looking down on me as I still had tears falling from my eyes.
"That's what I thought. Very good then, I am glad we understand each other better now, go finish unpacking all your bullshit while I nap, and don't be too loud about it either, if you wake me up prematurely, I will make you deeply regret it, Miniskirt, trust me on that."
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Gabbie’s Giant Roommate - Copied - by hirarandi - 08-04-2021, 04:40 PM

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