Fantasy So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter
"Master," she said, taking hold of his hand. "I know in my heart that Helena can take care of this fucker. Whyte caught her off guard with a sucker punch, but she takes down little turds like him on her days off from kicking ass. And we're in this, because Ohana means family and all that. But Troy, we just had a conversation in our back yard, where 'stealth suit,' 'secret underground auction' and 'war with the Triads' were all completely serious topics of discussion. What was looking to be a lazy week around the house this morning, now seems very not that."

"I know, Mistress." Troy said, taking her in his arms. He looked over at Susan, who was still sitting and thinking. "Susan, this is the second time Helen's talked to him. He's mentioned my name and Julie's, but not yours. Helen's right, he must have seen us at the hospital; it's the only place Julie and I both went without you in San Finzione. If Whyte doesn't know about you, Susan, you're still safe in all this. Avoiding Seattle this week is an even better idea than we'd planned, so you might not want to stay with Rachel. Fact, I'd be more comfortable myself if you and Rachel wanted to see about staying with Claire or Brenda for a few days until all of this is over. Helen would put all of you up in a secure penthouse..."

Troy was interrupted by the sound of Susan's chair squeaking on the wooden patio as she stood.

"Fuck that, Troilus!" Susan told her boyfriend. "I didn't spend a week in Europe last month, having my own Very Special Episode about The True Meaning of Ohana to hide at the first sign of trouble! Helen's penthouses are 'secure' now, in the way that when they say on TV, 'we've got the witness under 24-hour guard in a top-secret safehouse,' and you already know you're about to see a house explode! And if we're wrong; if he knows who I am, but he's saving it for some dramatic reveal, then I'd be endangering one of our other loved ones. I love being your princess, Troy, but I'm not going to be locked up in the tower while the menfolk fight and die for me any more than Princess Mesmera would sit for that shit!"

She walked up and put her hand on Julie's shoulder, who turned to face her. Susan looked at both of them.

"You three played together as kids. You think I'm going anywhere now that Helen's shown up with a shit load of Hot Wheels and G.I. Joes?"

Troy reached out his arm for Susan to join their hug. Julie nodded with a smile.

"Not this time, Equalses." Susan told them. "Once again, Troy, too focused on the big picture to see what's right in front of you." She walked up and turned their heads so that Troy & Julie were looking into each other's eyes. "Like the look on the face of that gorgeous vision with whom we can't play Poker because it's just too fucking sad to watch. The one she's been giving you for the past couple minutes, but we're not used to seeing it in the daytime and out of the bedroom. Stop trying to save the world for a moment and you'll recognize it."

Troy looked and saw that Susan was right. He had been too distracted by everything, but saw it now. He'd missed it because the only time he'd seen it during the day was once, at the age of six. After that, he'd only seen it again rarely, in the dark at three AM, when his best friend would shake him and sob his name. The look that said, "I need My Man to be holding me and whispering how much he loves me right now."

He looked at Susan. She nodded and gestured with her head toward their bedroom door with a smile and a "go ahead, I got this" look. Troy led Julie into the house and toward their bedroom for the second time that day. Susan closed the sliding glass patio door quietly behind them. Alone now, she returned to her chair, sat down, and closed her eyes.
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RE: So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 03-04-2019, 04:53 PM

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