Fantasy Night Brings the Hunter by TMaskedWriter
"Umiwama, this man," she pointed at Igazi. "And despite everything that you have heard, he IS only a man, is going to make you do things. Things with strange men that I'm pretty sure you've never done before. Are you a virgin?" The girl nodded. Helen sighed before continuing.

"If I find a way to bring you home, I will do it. But for now, for your family's safety and mine, I must tell you that you will enjoy the tasks he gives you to perform. They will be uncomfortable at first, but you will learn quickly, and you will perform these tasks as happily as you are able. You will look forward to the things that he and the men who pay tell you to do. You will not worry, you will not be afraid. This is your life now, and you will love it."

Umiwama's tears stopped and the look of fear on her face turned to a look of contentment as she nodded agreeably with Helen's words. Helen turned to the man with a look of contempt as she mentally added this moment to the ever-growing list of "Reasons to Kill David Igazi" in her head.

"She's yours now. Command her as you will."

"Undress," he told the girl. Umiwama rose to her feet and slid the simple dress she wore off her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. Igazi raised his finger and Umiwama started walking toward her. The guards showed some interest, but kept their guns pointed at Helen.

He pointed down, and the girl knelt gracefully. He pointed to the fly of his trousers, and the girl reached for the zipper when Helena spoke up.

"Stop," she told the girl. Umiwama froze. Igazi turned his head toward her as the two guards flipped off the safeties on their weapons. "Unless you want your friends with the guns to start making out, I think I've given you a sufficient demonstration. You can humiliate the girl on your own time. Let's get back to our business."

"As you wish, Contessa," he chuckled and motioned for the guards to take her away. This time, Umiwama went willingly out the door with the two men. "My men can take over her... training from here."

Helena got up and returned to her chair, producing another cigarette and taking a large drink of her beer as the Englishman returned. "You have someone else that you want me to do that to, I'm guessing."

"Not quite the same thing, but yes. The tent my men have been setting up is for an important meeting tomorrow. Warlords from six factions will be coming to my compound to settle a territorial dispute."

"Is Kony coming," Helena asked. Igazi nodded in the negative. She took another drag. "Won't be much of a party if Kony's not going to be there."

"Kony will be a thing of the past once you have used your witchcraft to compel the other warlords to pledge their loyalty to me and unite their forces under my banner. After you have done this, the girl will be released unharmed." Helena mentally accessed her knowledge of the region.

"Hmm... I suppose with the right six factions behind you, you'd have the strength to take on Kony directly. Or no... Kony's forces are too far north from here. He'd be a long-term goal for you. But the capital of Uongo is less than a day's drive. Kiburi's army would definitely be overmatched by your New Mongol Horde. The only military force that could lend him aid in time to stop you taking the city would be..."

Igazi grinned and continued the sentence. "The convoys of San Finzione's troops delivering your country's aid packages through our blockades around the refugee camps, yes; which will be easily overcome once the six factions' forces are united with my own."

"You know we have other troops, right? Not just the ones here. You're not a stupid man, you know you'd be starting a war with my country and we'd send everything we have to remove you from power. You should take a dip in one of Kiburi's swimming pools while you'll have the chance. I recommend the one in the East Wing; beautiful view at sunset."

Igazi chuckled under his breath again. "You need not concern yourself with that. Just do as I command at the meeting tomorrow and I will concern myself with your forces."

"All right, then. And thank you for not lying about any intention of letting me go after you've got what you want as well." Helena said. Igazi grinned as she put out her cigarette. "Set Maria free and I'll make you a king and give you your little war."
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RE: Night Brings the Hunter by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 03-04-2019, 04:49 PM

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