24-03-2021, 11:40 PM
(22-03-2021, 10:43 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:KOOL update bhai..
1. Rana update was great and you introduced Anasuya as a Aunt.. Wow.. This MILF is turning young dicks on. Thanks for using her as aunt.
Now, we understood why Rana hated Rao Bahadur so much and it also shows how much Rana Bahadur cares about women in his family. Anasuya was a distant relative, still he beat the shit out of Rana for molesting her.
#### knows the consequences of laying hands on Rao bahadur's Grand DIL. That means he is more powerful than Rao Bahadur or he is Rao Bahadur. There is another possibility of someone close to Rao Bahudur being the ####, like *aasteen ka saamp*
One thing I observed in this update is that Rana projected himself as a lover of Sam and Sam subconsciously accepted it easily. I think when Rana was questioning Sam about her college life and kissing someone, but she instantly replied with "No". There is something deep inside Sam's mind (like old college lover / Sam's first love) which Rana triggered and she instantly accepted Rana as her lover.
2. Present update is also awesome. Hybrid nature of Sam is glowing in this update . She is dominating her husband and watchmen, but getting submissive for ####. We are finally going to find who actually #### is.
This question troubled me more than "Kattapa ne Bahubali ko kyu maara?". Finally, you are going to give answer of the question. Robin is really a "mad dog" who doesn't give a fuck to Chai's presence. LOL. I liked the "leaks and screw driver" part, it was impressive.
Getting her ass licked by Chai is also amazing and thinking of getting her ass licked by Solomon himself is also erotic.
Looking forward to your new update where she will give her first blowjob. Rana is a lucky bastard..
Your reviews are so valuable, as always, Silver Bro!
1. Glad you liked Anasuya in Rana's past (she was in my radar but got stimulated from your awesome post on her too)
2. On #### try thinking from the completely other side of relations too
3. plot reveal: Sam's behavior on her "first night" with Rana will completely be due to the influence of the drug KOOL.
4. Appreciate you realizing how much Sam's hybrid personality is contributing to her dual role as both submissive & dominant
Many thanks!