Fantasy As Day Follows Night by TMaskedWriter
There was a knock at the door to the hotel room. Troy Equals got up and went to answer it as the three women in the room went about stashing various items out of sight. A fourth beautiful young woman with long, black hair was waiting at the door; an envelope in her hand.

"Signor Troy Equals," she asked.

"Yes. We met briefly a couple days ago, I think. Maria, right?"

"Si. I come with an invitation from La Contessa de San Finzione to her ball Friday night at Finzione Castle." She extended the envelope and Troy took it. He opened it, seeing exactly what he expected; an invitation engraved in gold. He sighed and put it back in the envelope.

"Thank you. You can give her our RSVP that we'll be there. Would you care to come in?"

"Si, Grazi." Maria stepped into the room. A large trunk sat at the foot of the bed, Julie rapidly closing it as Maria walked in. Two more women sat on the couch with a mostly-empty bottle of wine and a laptop on the coffee table in front of them. They closed the laptop when Julie looked their direction. All three were dressed only in bikini bottoms.

"Sorry," Troy explained as Julie reached for a bathrobe. "We've just come from the beach. Hey, let me ask you something: Is every place in this country called San Finzione something?"

"Most of la familia's holdings, si. Not all. Before we speak further, Signor Equals, La Contessa advise me to tell you that if I start to feel like say to you or Signora Equals or you friends private things about her or you try to make me forget things, I am... eh... grilleto to fall into deep sleep where only she can wake me."

"That bitch," Julie said, rising from the bed and walking over to the couch. "She's probably making you remember every tiny detail and word while you're here, too. Aren't you, you fucking cunt whore bitch slut?"

"Si. And I am to answer things like that from you with 'Right back atcha, ya skanky cow.'"

Julie sat down between the other two women, putting a hand on each of their knees. "Well, part of the jig is up anyway. Brenda, Claire, this is Maria, she's Helen's personal maid. When she gets back home, Helen will make her report everything she hears and sees; and Maria's seen the wedding video, so she'll recognize you two and tell her you're here with us. So, if you've got anything to say to Helen, now's the time."

"Yeah," Claire shouted drunkenly. "I want a fuckin' iPad!"

Brenda took off her glasses, rose to her feet and walked toward Maria. "I got a message for your Contessa: Hey, Helen, remember shutting off my brain and making me mindlessly fuck Troy until I was commanded to a screaming orgasm?" She wrapped her arms around Maria and kissed her deeply. The maid hesitated a moment, then accepted the kiss before responded with enthusiasm.

When the kiss ended, Brenda spoke again. "Good thing for you I think that shit's incredibly hot. That's why I hang out with these two. Gimme a call when you're in the states again." She walked back to the couch and reclaimed her seat next to Julie.

"Ok, see what she did there?" Julie asked. "Dammit, Susan should be here for this. Definitely a teachable moment: shock, then acceptance, then agreement; classic signs of control. I'm going to ask a personal question about YOU, Maria, NOT the Cuntessa: You weren't into girls before you met her, were you?" Maria shook her head no. Julie continued. "Before then, was there someone you liked; a boy your age that caught your eye? You're what? Nineteen? Twenty? There must have been someone."

"Twenty, Si. The butcher boy who bring deliveries to castle; we talk a few times, he handsome."

Troy chimed in. "So, you worked in the castle before Helen arrived?"

"No, I live there. My great-grandfather, he was the Count. Was happy day when he re-married."

Troy continued. "So, and again, personal question about YOU, not HER: If she hadn't married him, you would be Countess now instead of her maid, wouldn't you?" Maria nodded in the affirmative and Troy slammed his fist onto the trunk. "DAMMIT! Now I'm sure we're doing the right thing!"
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RE: As Day Follows Night by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 01-04-2019, 11:36 AM

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