Adultery Who Watches The Watchmen? by aurelius1982
Later that night, almost everything was set up in my hotel room. I had a multi-screen feed of everything happening in my apartment. Menaka and returned with Ayan from the birthday party and with him awake and babbling, whatever I saw was mundane day-to-day stuff. I did get to see Menaka in her undies when she changed her clothes, but considering what else I had seen before, it seemed tame.

The cameras on the roof were also set up and the night vision software worked perfectly. For now the roof was empty.

The only feeds not working were the ones reserved for the cameras in the watchmen's shack. Francis had assured me they would be installed later that night.

I moved to the bed and started watching TV while having my dinner. Occasionally I checked out the screens to see what Menaka was doing but there was nothing remarkable happening. I knew that patience was the name of the game.

A couple of hours later, something finally happened. There was movement on the roof feed. It was the maid Vimla walking in. I had seen her around a couple of times, but this time, knowing that she was my wife's sexual rival, I looked at her carefully.

She was petite, barely five feet, and had a dusky complexion. She didn't seem to have big boobs from what I could see based on her chest. She had a cute innocent looking face that was wearing an annoyed expression as she paced around, presumably waiting for Dara.

Finally ten minutes later, the guy showed up. he bolted the roof door behind him and walked to their spot behind the water tank. He hugged her but she shook him off.

"Where have you been?" she asked in an irritated voice.

"I am here now." he started lifting her kurta up, but she slapped his hand away.

"Wait. I need to talk first."

"We can fuck and talk. I don't have much time."

"NO!" she said forcefully.

A look of anger flashed across Dara's face but he controlled himself.

"Fine, what?"

"What's with you these days? It seems like you are avoiding me. And you keep snapping at me."

"Is that what you want to talk about?" he sounded annoyed.

"No...I...I lost both the jobs in the building today."

"What? How?"

"I don't know. Both memsaabs told me one after the other that they were going to look for other maids. They said I come late, take too many days off, etc. But I think the real reason is different."

"What real reason?"

"I think that Menaka memsaab who caught us that other night has been telling people about us."

"No way!"

"Don't you remember how angry she was. And the way she looks at us when she walks by. I am sure that nosy bitch is going around telling people."

"I told you I had spoken to her and she promised she'd keep it to herself."

"Then explain to me how I suddenly lost two jobs on the same day. One I could still understand."

"Hmmm..." Dara rubbed his chin in thought.

I could sort of see the sense in what Vimla was saying. I had seen first hand how jealous Menaka was of her. And how possessive she was about Dara, despite cheating on him as well. It was quite possible that she did have a role to play in getting Vimla fired from the only two jobs she had in the building.

"I now need to look for other households. And if they are in buildings far away, I might not be able to meet you as often." Vimla pouted.

"You leave it to me. I will sort this situation out." Dara said.

"Hahh!" Vimla scoffed. "What are you going to do? She did catch us in the act. If she did tell those other ladies, they won't hire me back. And everyone else in the building also probably knows. In fact your job could be in trouble. I don't think the society will want a watchman who has sex with women on the roof."

"I told you, leave it to me." Dara said. "Now, on to more important things..."

He pushed Vimla towards the water tank and made her bend over as he unzipped his pants. The old gurkha whipped out his rapidly hardening dick as Vimla pulled up her kurta and untied the knot of her salwar. I saw that she wasn't wearing an underwear as her petite almost flat naked brown ass came into view.

"Oh I have missed this!" Vimla sighed as Dara entered her with ease grabbing her naked waist tight.

"Me too!" he said and started humping her in deep hard strokes.

I watched them have sex for a few minutes but my attention wandered. Vimla was not bad looking but compared to my wife, she was nothing.

I stared at my wife instead who was cleaning the kitchen after putting our son to bed. She looked so beautiful even doing the most mundane things. I could not believe she was the same demure shy woman I had been married to for almost a decade. She had turned into a nympho of sorts, two timing two men and possibly orchestrating the removal of a sexual rival.

Suddenly the blank feeds on the leftmost screen came to life. Francis had managed to install cameras in the shack as well. It was a tiny and messy place and looking at it, my mind was filled with memories of how Menaka had described being bent over and subjugated there. This was a shack in which she had been first fucked by a watchman. I wondered if I would get to see it happen in this setting again. Or if she'd play it safe and stick to our apartment.

The rest of the night was uneventful. Menaka went to bed soon. Dara and Vimla got done fucking and left the roof. And then Dara went and slept in his shack, presumably leaving Banke on night duty. I also went to bed with the impending sense that something major would happen the next day.

I woke up to the sound of Ayan throwing his usual morning tantrums coming from the speakers of my surveillance desk. Getting him ready for college was always a major ordeal. I watched, a little amused, as Menaka ran around after him following the daily routine. The watchman's shack was empty so I assumed Dara was up and about as well. Finally Menaka got Ayan ready, made him drink milk, handed him his lunch box and walked out of the apartment to take him to the bus stop.

She returned about 15 minutes later, wearing a big grin on her face. She looked almost excited at being alone in the home. I guessed Dara or Banke would be coming over shortly.

And my guess seemed to be right because my wife then went to the bedroom and started unwrapping her sari in a big hurry. The blouse and petticoat came off too and she was soon standing in front of the mirror in black panties and a blue bra. She stared at herself and then slowly took the bra off, letting her big tits hang loose. I suppose she was getting naked so as soon as her lover walked in, they could get to it and make up for lost time.

So I was surprised when instead of getting on the bed, she walked out of the room clad only in her panties and walked into the kitchen. Maybe to get a drink of water I thought. But instead she reached for a blue apron hanging in the corner. I had never seen that apron before. It looked new.

She put the neck loop of the apron over her head and with the front of the apron partially covering her tits and the rest of her front all the way down to halfway to the thighs, She walked back to the bedroom, tying the strings of the apron behind her back. The apron obviously left her back and her panty covered ass fully exposed. The loose ends of the apron strings hung over her ass swaying sideways as she walked. In the bedroom, she stood in front of the mirror again and admired what she saw. I had to admire her too.

Something about my wife almost naked wearing just an apron looked so kinky. The front of the apron was loose and displayed her cleavage while hiding her boobs. But with ever movement, art of the boobs would spill out of the edge. She kept trying to push them back in and tried to make the apron tighter in the front but in vain. She turned this way and that, admiring how her ass stuck out and how the blue apron and the black panties formed a contrast against her milky skin.

And then she went back to the kitchen. She put a pot of water on the stove presumably to make chai and then scooped out wheat flour in a wide tray. And started making dough. This all seemed very strange.

Very soon the front door opened and in walked Dara holding his stack of keys. He closed the door behind and looking around said,


"In the kitchen!" Menaka nonchalantly replied.

So now Dara had free rein of the house. He could use his keys to walk in anytime. And Menaka seemed to be treating it as normal.

"Oh wow!" Dara stopped in his tracks upon entering the kitchen as his eyes took in the kinky sight of my imaginatively dressed wife.

She looked at him and flashed him a sh smile, almost like a wife trying to impress her husband.

"What are you doing?" the old gurkha asked slowly stepping behind her.

"Making breakfast. You like parathas?" again she asked in a very wifely tone.

Dara stepped right behind her and put his hands on her waist. He rubbed her ass over her panties and then slipped one hand to the front under the apron. Menaka kept kneading the dough and smiled happily.

"I have seen women wear these but never this way." Dara chuckled and leaned forward to kiss Menaka on the neck. His hands moved all over her front as he nibbled on her neck.

"What are you doing? Don't you want me to focus on cooking?" Menaka asked in a playful tone. Clearly mock reluctance.

"Let me help you."

Dara took his hands out from under the apron and put them around Menaka and in the dough with her hands. His body was now clinging to hers and he kept biting and nibbling at her neck. In that intimate embrace both of their hands played with the dough for a while.
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RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:36 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:40 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:41 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:41 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:44 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:45 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:45 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:46 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:47 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:49 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:49 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:50 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:50 PM
RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 02:51 PM
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RE: Who Watches The Watchmen? by aurelius1982 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-12-2018, 02:11 PM
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