Adultery Colleague
Update 2 

Pass two days Anu and Rahul not gone to the office,  meanwhile, Anu was prepared herself and advise Rahul to attend the counselling and treatment on the same side. After a month Rahul was becoming anger himself while Anu was happier with the teammates... 

Rahul stop up don't shout at me like this I hate it from you, nowadays I care about you a lot but instead, your showing anger towards me, on another side your mother hurt my feels... It's don't take a second to tell them that your only facing an issue to impregnate me... Rahul broke into tears says hugs Anu says sorry bae I don't hurt you anymore I was a bit Jealous that you may leave me for that... Idiot if I had the problem then you leave me and goes with another girl... No bae I love you... Love you too...

Pradeep and Ajay

Bro, there was some problem going on between right?
Ajay- Maybe Pradeep may have family issues
Bro, what like family issues
Ajay- How I know that dude, I'm too single so don't know what happens in between them!!

Bro, you never get any feels on Preeti?
Ajay- haha no way dude she was a bra**in bitch...
Bro, but every day I fap for her in my room.
Ajay- Haha dude she is every cleaver that why she makes a Rakesh as her bf...
Bro, where Rakesh fuck her?
Ajay- No way dude that bitch will only fuck him.
Bro, hahaha rakesh will be her slave?
Ajay- who knew it!!!

The next day at the lobby 

Ajay- what's happening, Rahul?
Rahul- Nothing
Ajay- Any family issues between you and Anu?
Rahul- No Ajay, we're fine
Ajay- But you guys don't look normal that why I asked nothing else!!!
Harini and Varun join with us
Harini- whether we both disturbed you guys.
Rahul- Not like that were just talking
Varun- Bros you need anything else.
Ajay- nothing dude
Varun- okay then I go and get her a meal 

While Rahul and Harini were talking my eyes were fixed on her cleavage low neck cut design end bit deeper showing her cleavage lines, my eyes were just analysis her tits size before and now. Definitely, Varun was playing with her tits it's not her size before, suddenly Varun comes back with a plate of two meals for her and him. We four finishes lunch gone back to work bay...

Anu and Rahul

Today, Ajay asked whether we're facing any issues?
Anu- what you say to him!!
Rahul- I just say we are normal nothing else...
Anu- That's fine, but Rahul you need to be normal like as usual like before just for an office try to forget this thing.
Rahul- yeah darling I try to be normal from tomorrow onwards...
Anu- Don't forget to take me to the temple tomorrow before office...
Rahul- yeah darling

Anu was looking so stunning hot in Kerala saree, watching my wife will be an awesome feeling with creating a bond of mood for pleasure but my counsellor tells me to don't have any sex or fap in between treatment course of the week. 

Anu- Rahul what happened why you looking at me like this naughty boy
Rahul- your damn hot and sexy bar
Anu- Don't forget the doctor words 
Rahul- yes I know it, can we go

While at the temple Anu was busy doing prayer with every God, I just finished the main God darshan sat on a wall, while straight opposite to me an old man in the temple called me, he asked me to sit in front of him.

Son, I know your suffering going in you, which you cannot share with anyone, I just reacted says no not like that anything, he suddenly laughed says son, I know the pain you going on son... Nothing like that I'm fine to try to get up, he says son I know your seeds can't be blessed. Hearing the old man just stocked how can he knew that I can't impregnate Anu. How you know that shouted at him, he smiled at me says, my son, I will tell your future too. Your wife will bear with three children just before he finished I says thanks to him, but he broke my happiness into small pieces now.

Ohh, son your wife may get three children, but none from you, she will soon meet her child provider and she finds the man for her love and happiness. But he will be your master and even your wife will be whore to him, but you cannot stop the master and whore in your life, but he breeds your wife. I got in anger shouted at him bastard I know about my wife leave the temple.

At the office, we all present in the manager room, he revised the member for the AVS project at the Delhi office, as Harini and Varun selected but due to their marriage we are forced to change the members for the AVS one I revised based on our current project requirements I put Rahul and Pradeep for their replacement. Pradeep accepted as his first mini project but Rahul try to explain to the manager but he says don't worry Rahul you're going to lead the project so that no excuse for it. You guys can leave my cabin and continue your works...

Pradeep - Dude, I missed you and our colleague's dude
Ajay - Haha don't make fun dude, you enjoy a lot of hot chicks like preethi in the Delhi office too.
Pradeep- Bro really?
Ajay- yeah even some girls are open and asked you a mating with them.
Pradeep- if they asked with me then I bang them hard...
Ajay - haha

Rakesh- I thought I will be selected for the AVS project 
Preethi- even I thought it too
Rakesh- but we both are here so that we can enjoy ourselves without missing each other
Preethi- yes Rakesh, this week book resorts we can
Rakesh- yeah babe
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