Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 05 Pt.1

I woke up the next morning to the sound of running water. I took a look at the clock, and realized I had overslept. It was Sunday, so I didn't have to go to work. I looked at the bathroom door, and realized Kavita was having her bath. My stomach twisted into a knot, as I recalled the photo albums I had seen yesterday. Was she the 'K.J' in those labels 'tagging' the empty slots in the albums? Was she like those other 3 girls, seemingly defiant and proud to be one of Amir Ali/Prem's girlfriends, and letting him touch, feel her as he pleased?
I had to be careful about this. If I was wrong, given how irritable Kavita had been lately, I feared she could even go to the extent of leaving me out of irritation, anger at my insecurity. The only way for me to investigate who 'K.J' was, would be to find out a way to engineer situations where I could look through Prem's trunk again, when they were not at home. Maybe if she asked to go out for a movie again, I could opt out saying I was not feeling well, and continue my investigations.
I felt a flush of embarrassment cross my face. Here I was, plotting to let my lovely wife Kavita go out with this imposing hulk again, just so I could dig more into her past. I hadn't decided on actually doing it, or letting it be and just accepting the status quo, where I had these partially confirmed suspicions but no complete confirmation either way.
My thoughts were interrupted by Kavita coming out of the bathroom. She was dressed in just a towel covering the essentials, but exposing her thighs and bare shoulders. God, she looked beautiful! She stepped across, closed the door, and stepped across to the bed. Kavita ruffled my hair, asked if I slept OK. I answered yes, and she told me to get up and get ready for breakfast. I asked her if she slept OK, and she said, "Yeah but I've been up for 1 1/2 hours. Prem has even finished his exercises and had his bath."
My stomach twisted again. So this morning, I had missed the 'ritual' of Kavita wiping off the sweat off Prem's body, after his exercise routine. I felt happy in a way at first. Then I felt ashamed of myself, for the thought that it was 'better' for Kavita to towel him off, when I didn't see it. I brushed my teeth, and had my bath. Kavita had in the meantime dressed in a churidar dress, the first time I saw her in churidar in a couple of weeks, and the first time since Prem's arrival as well. Even though the churidar was 'conservative' in the sense it wasn't low cut, or sleeveless, it still made her look very attractive, as her curves stood out in the tight dress. She looked gorgeous as the day I met her!
Breakfast was a bit moody affair again, thanks largely to Prem. Prem again seemed distant, and I was wondering if he had sensed how insecure I was feeling because of him, his presence, behavior and mannerisms. After breakfast, Kavita took a couple of bags and told me she was going out nearby to do some vegetables and groceries shopping, and was going to take the car. I offered to go with her; this was a great chance to do something together as a couple, and perhaps that would help me deal with the fears and suspicions I was getting.
Kavita declined, saying that Prem wanted to talk to me. This briefly caused me have a flutter of unknown fear, but I quickly reassured myself. Maybe I can discuss with Prem about the gym membership, I told myself. Maybe he would suggest that, or maybe he would want to move out seeing how insecure I was being over his presence. Maybe Kavita had a word with him in private about the gym membership idea that I had discussed with her, and maybe they came to the conclusion that it would be for the overall good if we did go ahead with that idea. In any case, perhaps I could bring up the topic myself.
Kavita started to leave, and she told Prem that she would be back in about 45 minutes, if that would be OK. He said, "Yeah, 45 minutes should be fine." I waved Kavita bye, and she left.
Did I sense worry on her face when she left? I sat on the sofa and waited for Prem to come. He came in a couple of minutes, walked over to the main door and put the internal bolt on. Then, he came towards the sofa and stood across me. I asked him if he was doing alright, that he seemed a bit dull. He didn't answer, but merely glared at me. I then prodded him, "Kavita said you wanted to talk to me."
"What about?"
There was a pause of about 1 minute, where Prem glared at me again. I started feeling weak, it was a bullying sort of glare from Prem, who surely suspected or knew by then that I was feeling insecure about him and his presence. Then Prem said, in a cold, authoritative voice, "You're a pervert, aren't you?"
My mouth went dry, and my face went pale. I tried to think fast, to figure out this 'out of the blue' assertion from him. He must have found out that I had looked through his trunk! Weakly, I tried to save face. I couldn't even bring myself to answer back with confidence, and asked him weakly, "What do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean."
I again tried to be confident, but I don't think I sounded confident, “I don't understand, what are you talking about, Prem? Are you upset about something?"
"Yeah, I'm upset that some perverts look into my private stuff when I'm not here." So this was about my looking into his trunk. He had found out. I should perhaps have expected this. I had just put the last album I had used to masturbate with, back into the trunk and closed it, before they came in the previous day. I should have known he'd find out that someone had been looking, and it was probably me. Prem continued, "It takes a gutless pervert to shamelessly look into another man's private photographs rather than ask him directly like a MAN."
I flushed with embarrassment. I started to mutter sorry, but Prem interjected, "Save your sorries, you pervert boy. I bet you got aroused seeing my pictures with my girlfriends." I hung my head in shame. It was true, I couldn't even try to deny it. Prem continued, "I bet you were in there because you were looking for pictures of your pretty wife Kavita." I grew even more red with embarrassment. I didn't want to let him know this, even if this was true. I denied it. Prem continued, "Liar. I know pussy boys like you. You're not MAN enough to satisfy your wife, and then you go around wondering if she's sleeping around on you. I bet you were looking for photographs of Kavita."

I again denied it, in the strongest voice I could bring up. It was not a strong voice, and even I knew it.
"Stop lying, pussy boy. Stop pretending to be something you aren't." After a brief pause, Prem continued, "Who do you think K.J is, pussy boy?" I stammered and muttered that I didn't know what he was talking about. "You don't want to know who 'K.J' is, pussy boy?"
I hung my head down. Truth is, I wanted to confirm it badly one way or the other. By the way this conversation had gone on until then, though, I knew, deep down, that it was likely to be my Kavita, after all. I was also starting to feel uneasy over the effect of this muscular intimidating guy standing so close by, and talking to me in this angry manner. In an effort to put some distance between us, I stood up from the sofa, and walked behind it so I could be standing facing him, with something between us.
Prem continued to rub it in, "Would it arouse you to find whom 'K.J' refers to? If it was who you think it was, would you masturbate on that, pervert boy?" At this, I flushed the deepest. That is exactly what I had done yesterday! I didn't know where this conversation was headed, but if I could keep him from finding out THAT detail about yesterday, maybe I could come out of this without too much harm, just some loss of face. Prem's next word made me feel unbelievably weak in the knees.
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 11-12-2018, 11:44 AM

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