Fantasy The Continuing Education of Susan by TMaskedWriter
"We won't disturb you, will we," Rachel asked.

"Oh, no, not at all," Julie said, standing up. "We were just finishing up anyway."

"Ok, We'll be up in my room, then." I led Rachel up the stairs. As I held the bedroom door open for her, Julie called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, Susan, got a moment?"

"Sure," I called back, and then turned to Rachel. "Be right there; there's a couple of mats under the bed if you want to get them out." I closed the door and met Julie halfway down the hall. I wasn't concerned about Rachel overhearing us. Troy and Julie had done a lot of remodeling on the house, and one of their first projects had been soundproofing the bedrooms. Julie moved in close and whispered to me anyway.

"You get that she's not here for yoga, right?"

"Yeah," I admitted, bowing my head. "This is starting to look like I might've screwed up. Brenda's great and all, and we've been practicing a lot, but..." Julie finished my sentence.

"But being controlled is what gets Brenda wet anyway, so you can never be sure what's your doing and what's her just really wanting it, right?." I nodded.

"That's it exactly! I wanted to do what you and Troy did to me and Claire and just pick someone up and bring her home. It seems to be different this time, though. She's not acting the way that either of us did."

Julie put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

"Claire had never been with another girl when we met, I had to work to seduce her. And from what I recall of the story, Troy had to do some convincing before you slammed him up against a wall." I smiled at the memory of that crazy day my entire life changed and Julie shook my shoulders a little to bring me back.

"Susan, hon, I know you're not used to thinking of yourself this way, but has it occurred to you that you're totally hot and she's already hot for you , so half the work is done already?"

I smiled. It really hadn't. Even with all they'd done for me, I still had years of Chad's telling me I wasn't pretty enough floating around in my head. I loved Troy and Julie and Claire and Brenda and always seemed to have just fallen into this life with them. The idea that I was attractive enough to pick up another woman just by being me was a completely alien one. Julie must've seen that on my face because she gave me a tiny shake.

"Well, it should, because you are! You've told me so many times that you're more interested in the confidence that comes from being able to Do What We Do than what you can do with it. I get that, it's a great thing. It's what lets me sleep soundly alone down in that big bed when Troy spends the night up here with you; because I know that he's coming back because he's my Troy and you're my Susan and you deserve the kind of love that I've always gotten from him. Hell, sometimes knowing he's making you that happy just upstairs makes me reach for Troy 2. It's what made him ok with all our friends back home watching his fiancée and her two best girlfriends get it on onstage at his bachelor party. I still don't know everything that happened to Helena in the jungle a couple months back, but I know that got her through it even more than being able to do our thing. So I see why you want it too.

"Well, there it is, sitting in your room, waiting for you to pretend to teach it one or two yoga positions and then put the moves on it. You've got this, Susan. And we'll be right downstairs if you think you don't. Well, Troy will. I have to run Denise home, but THEN I'll be right down there too."

Julie pulled me close and pressed her lips to mine. She held the back of my head, and as the kiss broke, moved her hand to the side of my head and gave a little playful tap.

"And hey, alla you in there better be on the same page, here. Don't make me come in there!" I smiled at that. So did all but the obvious one.

I gave Julie a nod and a smile, then put my fists up like a boxer. She spun me around, said "ding ding," and gave me a little push back toward my bedroom door before heading back down the stairs. Julie was right, I could do this. I thought I'd been messing it up badly, but Rachel WAS there in my room and had SOME kind of expectation; it was just going to be a little bit different than what she had in mind. We'd be going to the same place, we'd just be taking my route.

I held out my hand for the doorknob when Suzy-Q decided to speak up in my head.

"You don't think Julie just did the thing to us to make us this confident, do you?"

"Who cares if she did," Sue replied. "It's working, that's what matters."

"Mm-hmm," Suzy-Ho agreed. "Whatever happens next, it looks like I'm going to win, so let's get on with it." I opened the door.

Rachel was sitting on one of the mats facing me. The other was right next to her. She was also in her underwear and smiling at me.

"I just remembered," she said with a sexy smile. "I didn't bring any workout clothes and don't want to get my dress dirty. I hope this is ok."

"It's perfect," I smiled back. "Let's get started," I said as I closed the door.
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RE: The Continuing Education of Susan by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-03-2019, 07:14 PM

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