Fantasy A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter
"I know we've got a couple months before it happens, but I've got a thought on that." Julie stood up and looked out the blinds, at the yard between their two houses. She was too far back from the street to see the For-Sale signs in front of the two houses, but she knew they were there. "Mom and Dad settled in Anchorage for me. The Colonel called in every favor he had left from The Days We Don't Ask Daddy About to get his assignment made permanent; because Mom was an Army Brat who became an Army Wife and came to love Alaska. She wanted her daughter to have roots and a home."

Julie turned back to him and sat back down on the bed with Troy before continuing.

"And now, for the first real time in my life, I'm going to call a different place 'home.' Oh sure, college and the apartment that summer; but I knew I'd be coming back here after both of those. Everything's changing except the most important thing, that Troy Medina will still be right there with me. Well, that's changed now, too, but in the best possible way."

Troy nodded his agreement. She kissed him for a moment, then resumed.

"What I'm getting at here is that I like the idea of a big house. It doesn't look like we're going to get our tunnel dug before we move, but I still like the idea of living in the same big ol' house with you, Troy. The main difference now is that I want to have the same bed instead of bunk ones. I'd like to get one soon, is what I'm saying. Oh, I definitely want it your way, not Helena's. You know, everything fair and legal and ours and all." Troy agreed. "I'm sure I can afford it if you don't want to go buying a house right away. You know better than me what I've got in the bank, and I can always go to my jewelry boxes and pick out some stuff I don't like anymore..."

It was Troy's turn to cut her off.

"Partner-In-Everything means just that, Mistress. And the idea of having a great big fort with you sounds totally cool!"

Julie smiled.

"So, that's not rushing things? All the changes in our life right now seem to be big ones."

Troy's response was to hold her tightly and slide a hand down to cup her ass.

"We've always been intimate, Julie. Last night was just the first time it happened physically, and we've got a lot of catching up to do there. It doesn't feel like rushing anything; more like What We SHOULD Do."

She kissed him.

"So, what should we do next, Master?"

Troy kissed her back, and then began tracing kisses down her body, taking some extra time with the boobs he was looking forward to getting to know a lot better.

"What we should do next?" Troy continued between kisses. "Is that I should repay you for that lovely wakeup call. We should see where that takes us. After that, we take that shower together that we should have earlier. Then we go next door, face your parents, and endure what I'm certain will be the first of many 'I Told You So Dances' that we're going to get from everyone we run into this summer."

They both smiled. Then Julie smiled more.

* * *

"And now, it's time to wake up, dear." Julie Equals told Susan Bailey. "We just landed."

Susan opened her eyes. She was back on the couch, where Julie had led her and buckled her in for landing. Julie continued filling her in on what she'd missed.

"We had to go around a storm, it delayed us about two hours. She's already done it."

Susan smiled and noticed that they were no longer moving. Julie stood up and offered Susan her hand. She took it.

"So, everyone's ok?" Susan asked.

"Yeah, she's about to make the announcement. Scappa's downstairs, we can watch in the limo."

They grabbed their bags and ran out of the suite and down the stairs, into the noonday sun of San Finzione. La Contessa's limousine and an escort from La Policia were waiting to rush them to the castle. A flight attendant held the door for them. Scappa drove off as soon as it was closed, lights flashing and sirens blaring outside the vehicle.

Julie found the remote and turned on the TV in the back of the limo. She flipped it to the English State Television channel, where the camera was focused on the monitor on the castle's Speech Balcony. It was now on and showing the interior of La Contessa's Royal Bedchamber. The camera was zoomed in on Contessa Helena de San Finzione, sitting up in bed and looking like she'd just run a marathon. Jeanne stood to one side of her, and Maria stood to the other. The fact that Helen was wearing any makeup at all was only perceptible to those who knew her well. An arm by Maria's side came into the camera's view before quickly backing away. Julie pointed Troy's arm out to Susan, who recognized it.

"Good afternoon, People of San Finzione." La Contessa told the camera in English. "I hope your morning has been... an easier one than mine. I'd like to take a moment and introduce you to the newest member of La Familia Royale de San Finzione. Lady Maria?"
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RE: A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-03-2019, 06:52 PM

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