Fantasy A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter
"Yeah, she's honest about that much, though." Julie replied, also wanting to avoid talking about her. "Like she says, 'Sometimes, we ALL need something that PRESENTLY belongs to someone else. Doesn't mean I have to be a liar about it.'"

"And that's something I was thinking about downstairs, too, Julie. Not that thing; About how we can have anything we want, any ONE we want, any time we want..."

Julie interrupted him.

"I think I know where you're going with this, Master. Because I've been having this thought, too. Do you mind if I complete it?"

Troy nodded no, in the way that Greeks do, before shaking his head, indicating that Julie should continue. She understood what he meant and did so. He mouthed the second part along with her, because it had been his exact thought.

"We've always been able to have anything we want. But the only thing I've ever NEEDED is you."

Troy's response was to lean in and kiss her. The way he'd only kissed her for the first time last night. Julie kissed back in agreement.

"So," she said after the kiss ended. "It's safe to use the word 'boyfriend' now?"

"As safe as it is to use 'girlfriend.'"

Julie's response was to reach down and take hold of his cock.

"That answer that?" She asked. Troy nodded yes, this time.

"It's all yours, Mistress. I love my best friend with all that I am, too."

Julie thought about that for a moment. Troy began stroking her breast while she thought. It caused her to drag the thought out longer as she enjoyed it and he appreciated just being able to reach out and do it.

"I'll have to think about that, Troy. I mean, I DO love other women. There's one we've both been avoiding talking about since last night who; despite everything the fucking cunt has done, I can't stop loving her. She was my first girlfriend long before she was yours. And long after. We didn't think of it as cheating on you because... well, thinking back on everything now; Helena pitched the idea of asking you to join us a few times, and it's not like either of us wasn't down for sharing..."

Troy interrupted the spiral he was tracing around her nipple to raise a finger at that. Julie stopped and let him step in.

"But not me. I get that. It's the same reason I always said no if you were the one she suggested. Whatever else you think of Helen, Julie, she taught me that love can be big enough to share. How could I be upset that my best friend and my ... well, all the stuff that I can't deny Helen is; experienced that as well?"

"She was right all this time. I told myself I was thinking about her, but it WAS always hotter when you were the last guy she was with." She nuzzled his neck and inhaled. "When she'd come to bed with Troy Scent still on her." She leaned back and partially sat up. "And you never questioned why you'd sometimes wake up to find her in my bed? Or that we were both naked?"

"I've woken up to find myself holding you since I was four, Sunflower. And I knew that girls were freer with the nudity than two guys might be."

"And I suppose the fact that we were the only two girls you really knew had something to do with that." Julie sat upright. "We should tell her. We both owe her that."

Troy nodded yes. He sat up and put his left hand around Julie's waist.

"We do." He agreed. "However, we should probably make sure it's a good time." His right arm joined his left and he pulled her close again. "Helen's busy, she gots the Queening to do. We can all do a Skype call some time later before we tell too many others. We owe her the courtesy of eye contact, too."

Julie nodded her agreement. She stood up and bent down to the pile of clothes she'd left on the floor.

"Speaking of things that are owed, Master. I know that this is a long-standing tradition of yours."

Troy saw her rummaging through the pile and knew what she was reaching for.

"I stopped doing that a while back, Mistress. In fact, the only pair I've kept is Helen's, and that's because she insisted I hang onto them because they're probably worth something by now. She signed a certificate of authenticity, in fact. I didn't even have to ask, she just did it."

"Well, you absolutely earned them, Math Boy; and I know that's one of your rules. For another, I really want to." She produced the pink lace panties she'd been wearing the night before, knelt at the side of the bed, and presented them to Troy. "Thou hath slain these panties most mightily. Please accept your trophy, Good Sir Knight."

He took them, smiled, and held them close to his heart.

"When we get to Seattle, these are going someplace special."

Julie's eyes lit up.

"So, we're still on with that plan, Master? Nothing's changed for Seattle?"

"Only the kind of place we should look for, Mistress." Troy said with a smile. "And that I imagine bed shopping is only going to take half the time I expected."
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RE: A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-03-2019, 06:51 PM

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