Fantasy A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter
"No, Troy. You didn't do the thing I've been half-wondering if I might have been out of it and horny enough to do to you at some point in the night, too. You're not the type, I would have caught on; and if you don't remember the conversation we'd been having before, I said that if you'd ever decided you wanted to do something like that before, I'd have been cool with it, because 'I trust my best friend with all that I am' means everything. And because there isn't another man in the world who COULD do that to me, so it seems now like the only way either of us might've gotten that fantasy fulfilled."

That gave Troy a smile.

"Ok, good. I would never want to do something you didn't want."

Julie sighed.

"Some of these 'ethics lessons' of yours have sunk in, you know. 'Persuading someone who didn't want to have sex that they do is simply Seduction; how the human race continues to exist. We have an edge over everyone else, why shouldn't we use it? Forcing someone would be wrong but talking someone into an idea is just a thing that people do.' I don't think I was doing anything, Troy; and you told me you weren't, so if I'd had any doubts, I believe you now. I think we just might have to accept that everyone else we know has been right and we've both always wanted this."

Troy took hold of her hand again.

"It was amazing, Mistress. You were amazing. I'm feeling... all kinds of stuff right now, Julie. And all of it's good. What are you feeling?"

Julie laid back down onto the bed, so she was alongside him, looking up into his face.

"I'm feeling great. Feeling like I've needed that for years. And yes, kind of feeling like I need to know where we are now, too; because that wasn't 'a fuck.' We absolutely made love last night, so if we're not together now, then we need to sit down and iron out that fuckbuddy arrangement everyone's always accused us of having, because I am absolutely going to want more of that!"

Troy laid down to face her.

"I've always planned to love you forever, Julie; the only thing that's changed this morning is the way I'd like to go about it." He showed her the phone that he was still holding. "I've been trying to figure out what to say when I came back in here. Not knowing what I'm going to say to you is an unusual feeling for me, Julie, and I was searching for the words until I saw this."

He pressed the button and his phone's screen came to life. The wallpaper on his phone was a familiar one to Julie, because she'd seen it yesterday.

It was a picture of the two of them at the age of four, sleeping in the bed that used to be across the hall in what was Troy's childhood bedroom and, although she likely wasn't coming back, was now "Helen's room." The bottom of the bed was dirty, but Julie's mud-covered feet solved that mystery. She was curled up to Troy, who had his arms wrapped around her; the way they'd slept together every time from before the night the picture was taken until they fell asleep last night.

On that night, Julie had a bad dream. Rather than crawling into bed with her parents, she left her house, walked across the yard to Troy's house, and got into bed with him. It was a scene that repeated over the years until Julie's parents stopped frantically calling Troy's in the middle of the night, because everyone knew where Julie would go and that she would be safe.

"I woke up some of those nights." Troy explained. "Not that night, and never completely. Enough to register 'Oh, Julie's here. She must've had a bad dream. Ok, get in here, Best Friend, I will protect you' and go back to sleep. Even if I didn't, I never questioned waking up holding you. I just woke up happy to see you."

"And I always woke up in the morning with everything better." She replied. "It just always... made sense to come to you."

"And it made sense that you were here, Julie." He wrapped his arms around her, the way they had in the picture, the way they always eventually fell asleep. "This, right here; holding you like always, makes sense. So much other shit in the world doesn't, but this feels right."

"Luckily, you have the power to control minds and a Propappou who taught you right from wrong; you're someone who can do something about all of that, Troy. I mean, you found a way to get rich AND help people with it at the same time!"

"The second one's always mattered more. The whole 'take what we want' aspect of it has never really appealed to me the way it has..." Troy was hesitant to bring up Helen because that might spawn a whole other discussion. "To some."
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RE: A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 30-03-2019, 06:51 PM

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