Misc. Erotica The Exploitation of Innocent Sonal - by hornynri
"Alright, friends. Let's get the final round started!!" Raul said and the crowd applauded and hollered at the prospect of seeing the three remaining beauties exhibit themselves again.
The blond went on first so thunderous applause.
"Your two minutes start now!" Raul said, wielding a big pitcher of beer as he walked towards her.
The blond, who was now getting very comfortable in her nakedness, started dancing and swaying seductively, running her hands over her boobs and butt. As Raul came close to her with the pitcher of beer, she got on the stage on her back and spread her legs in the air, giving the audience a detailed look at her private parts. She then pointed to her cunt, signaling at Raul and winking at him.
"Well, I was going to pour it down her lips, but these other lips work too!" Raul cracked wise and the crowd went wild as the pitcher of beer was poured. The steady stream hit the woman right on her clitoris and cunt and she started squirming in response.
Once the beer was poured, she got on all fours and pointed her ass at the audience and wiggled it. A few excited guys close to the stage reached over and spanked her naked ass a couple of times, which made her crawl forward. She turned her head around and smiled, and then her right hand went to her clit. The crowd suddenly went silent as the beautiful blonde started fingering herself. And then started moaning. After a few minutes of shocked silence, the crowd started cheering for her again. And she spent the remaining two minutes of her time masturbating in front of almost a thousand people.
Her chest heaved and she made grunting and moaning sounds, as she had either a real or a very well simulated orgasm in front of everyone. Raul kept egging the audience on to cheer her and they did. The hot blonde's boobs swayed hard as she shuddered through her climax and the audience loved it. Annie and Sonal watched in shock as the bar had suddenly been raised.
"Okay, your two minutes are up." Raul said and the blond got up with one last wiggle of her naked ass. The crowd groaned in disappointment that the unbelievable show was over.
The blond walked back to her place proudly sticking out her breasts and giving her two competitors a defiant look.
"We can't let that bitch win." Annie muttered under her breath. She reached for the booze table and took a couple of big swigs from the first bottle she picked up.
"And now, our natural redhead Annie!" Raul said loudly and she walked to the stage.
Sonal watched, her head spinning slightly, as her new friend confidently stood by the edge of the stage. Raul came over and poured a jar of beer over her naked body and the crowd clapped.
Annie started by dancing naked and exhibiting her naked boobs and her pussy, and then her ass. She then got down on all fours and crawled around like a tigress. her brain was working overtime to figure out what she could do to upstage the blond's performance. And then it hit her. She surveyed the crowd of young men pushing up against the stage. Her eyes fell on one skinny nerdy looking guy wearing a Gators t-shirt. She crawled to him and grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him onto the stage.
"Wow! Looks like Annie wants to play with our young friend here." Raul said, amazed.
The crowd went crazy and a few more guys tried to climb onto the stage. But the security guys embedded in the crowd pushed them back down.
"Now now, guys." Raul said. "She picked the guy she wants to get on stage with her. The rest of you will just have to watch."
Annie had been terrified to see so many guys trying to get on stage. She had pulled the young man up on a whim, and that too because he seemed puny and easy to control. She did not want to be at the mercy of a dozen drunk frat boys and was relieved when the security guards pushed them down. The guy meanwhile seemed more terrified than pleased.
Annie turned to face him, and then remembering the moves she had seen in strip clubs, started shimmying naked and rubbing her body all over his. He was jst standing there like a statue until Raul said,
"Come on, dude, she's throwing herself at you. Cop a feel at least."
The guy tentatively put a hand on her boobs and squeezed them.
"Are they real?" Raul asked between the crowd's hollers. He nodded.
Sonal watched as Annie hugged the guy, kissed him, rubbed against his pants crotch which had an obvious erection. Then Annie pushed the guy down to the stage until he was on his back and straddled him. His pants tent poked against her naked pussy as she started dry humping him between the crowd's cheers. The blond, realizing that she had been comprehensively upstaged, got a surly look on her face.
Annie put on a show that would have made a professional lap dancer proud. Her naked add jiggled and flexed as she simulated sex with the young man. She rubbed her naked boobs in his face and asked him to open his mouth. He did and then got to suck on her nipples.
"PUT IT IN! PUT IT IN!" the crowd started chanting.
Annie looked at them and smiled, and put her hand on his erection. Sonal wondered if Annie would really get fucked on stage just to win the contest. But it turned out to be just teasing. Anie rubbed his crotch and then continued her naked dry humping. The guy was now feeling comfortable and was jerking his hips upwards while pawing her ass and fingering her.
"What a slut." the blond said to Sonal, without any trace of irony.
"Okay.....I hate to say this, but Annie, your two minutes are up."
The crowd groaned in disappointment as Annie gave the guy a final kiss and his crotch a final grab before getting up and skipping back to her place.
"That was quite a show! Can our Indian beauty top that?" Raul asked.
And suddenly Sonal realized that it was her turn.
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RE: The Exploitation of Innocent Sonal - by hornynri - by ray.rowdy - 07-03-2021, 03:21 AM

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