Fantasy The Continuing Education of Susan by TMaskedWriter
"I think I get it. So, you do one-on-one sessions? I think I'd be interested in that kind of thing. Getting in touch with my instructor better; as well as myself." She had a big smile now; it was really cute. "So, you don't teach any of those sessions? I think I'd really like to work with you."

Ok, was she coming on to me? I couldn't tell, and there was no point surveying the other women in my head because I already knew their answers. (Which are, in their usual order; "Of course she is, you're gorgeous, woman. Go get some of that!" "How could she possibly? We're nobody." And "Oh fuck, yes! Get that tongue in us now!") I've been with a number of women now, but mostly, they were friends who'd come by the house, and nobody had delusions about where things would eventually lead when they stopped by. This "social interaction in public" thing was still too new to me.

"I'd honestly be happy to instruct you, Rachel. I can see us working very closely together, getting to know the inner you." I left a mental note with Sue to ask Claire about "borrowing a room" and anything else she could tell me about instructing.

"Do you teach that Hot Yoga stuff," Rachel asked taking a drink of her coffee and setting it back down on the table close to mine. She held onto the cup, her fingers lingering against mine. "I think I'd like to try that. I hear it improves flexibility." Ok, even I can't mistake that one.

"Oh yes," I responded, completely lying. "It can get pretty sweaty in there, but it can honestly be quite rewarding." Something was different here. By now, she should have been doing the "repeat back the salient points that are going around in her head" thing that Claire and I apparently did the first time.

"You know, I'm done with work for the day, Susan. And I am feeling a bit tense. If you're not busy, maybe you could..." Rachel picked up her coffee with both hands and held it up to her mouth, looking directly into my eyes. "Take me through some positions?" She took a long sip, never breaking eye contact. I couldn't tell how much of it was my efforts at fascination and how much of it was her.

"Honestly, Rachel, as luck would have it, this was my last stop for the day." I finished my coffee and returned her gaze back at her with more intensity. Not a lot more, though. My goal was to stay on the "Wanna come back to my place" side of the line without crossing into "Hey, check out this cool thing in the back of my van; and does this wadded-up old t-shirt smell like chloroform to you" territory. "I'm only about 20 minutes away if you wanted to go through some basic..." There was nothing left in my cup, but I mirrored the thing she did anyway. "Positions."

Rachel closed her laptop and began packing it away; a bit hurriedly, but I could tell she was trying to play cool. She decided to follow me in her car and we traded phone numbers in case we got separated on the freeway. I put a little extra wiggle in my walk as we left and made sure she saw as I walked to my car, which was parked closer than hers. As I got in and she walked to her own, I saw she was giving me the same show. On the drive home, my mind raced with thoughts of what positions to teach her.
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RE: The Continuing Education of Susan by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 29-03-2019, 05:57 PM

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