Fantasy Night Brings the Hunter by TMaskedWriter
The stewardess straightened up. "I thought it was really sexy. I was getting a bit turned on this last chapter. The rugged young hero was just ripping the peasant girl's clothes off for the second time when I looked up."

Helena slowly circled her, checking her up and down as she did. "You do that a lot on long flights? Pick up a trashy romance and get yourself all hot and horny while serving the passengers? Be honest."

"Aye. Sometimes, if it's a really good one, I'll touch meself a little in the lavatory or where nobody else can see. Dunno why I'm telling you that."

"We're just girl-talking here, Colleen. And I have to admit, I do something similar on slow days around the castle. So, while we're both being so honest with each other, are the rumors about stewardesses true? Are you in the Mile High Club? Not counting Barbara Cartland and your fingers, of course."

"Oh, no, ma'am. Er, Countess. Not worth me job."

"But you're not AT your job right now, are you?" Helena asked, running a hand down the girl's back and making her shiver. "I've commandeered this plane and I'm aboard, that makes this San Finzione One now; MY plane." Her hand reached Colleen's firm ass, and she gave it a little squeeze. She jumped a little, but remained in her spot. Helena whispered in her right ear.

"In fact, that makes this entire plane MY territory. My 'lands,' if you will. You know, I'm a Countess; a noblewoman, right? Some might even say an EVIL noblewoman. A good number of people have, actually."

Helena's hot breath on her ear was making Colleen shudder. As the Countess circled her, Colleen found herself unable to move, feeling as if she were presenting herself for inspection. Every time Helena passed in front of her and Colleen saw the Countess' predatory eyes, the feeling became a certainty. The best response she could muster was to stammer out an "Oh, aye?"

"Aye," Helena breathed. "Your family doesn't have lands and titles, do they, Colleen," she asked with no mockery. The stewardess shook her head no. "That's ok, I didn't always, either, and we live in a civilized age. But one, two hundred years ago? Someone of my station would have called you a commoner; maybe even a peasant girl.

Helena circled in front of Colleen again, staring into her eyes as she walked around. "Do I make you feel like a peasant girl, Colleen?"

"Ah...a bit, yeah."

"I know I don't look like the man on the cover, Colleen, but do you read the ones where girls do things with each other? Tell me the truth now."

Colleen nodded before breathing out the words sharply. "Sometimes, aye."

"Mmm... me too. Those ones are my favorites, Colleen. I like the usual ones with the men, but the ones that are all girls? Oh, those send ME to the lavatory! Don't they do that for you too, Colleen?"

"Oh, jaysus fook, yes," she hissed. The way the noble Countess kept saying her name again and again made her feel so wonderfully... she'd never felt it before... "OWNED" felt like the right word.

"So, tell me, Colleen, what happens in the GOOD ones when the evil noblewoman meets the peasant girl?"

"She steps down from her horse. She... she chastises the girl; for trespassing on her lands. The g-girl t-trembles with fear. She knows this powerful, b-beautiful woman can and will deliver on the punishments she th-threatens the girl with. Sh-she is completely at her m-m-mercy!"

Helena stopped circling. Now she stood behind Colleen, putting her hands on the girl's shoulders and whispering to her again.

"That's right. And the evil noblewoman appraises her beauty and drinks in the scent of the girl's fear, and another scent that the girl wasn't even aware of before now, the scent of arousal. Naughty, forbidden, but undeniable arousal. When the noblewoman lays her hands on the girl..." Helena started rubbing Colleen's shoulders. "The trembles of fear quickly turn to trembles of excitement as a wave of passion, barely recognizable through the fear, but soon unmistakeable, washes over the girl. And the noblewoman says..."
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RE: Night Brings the Hunter by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 29-03-2019, 05:50 PM

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