Fantasy A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter
"I figured you were in the Medinas' upstairs bathroom from that extra reverb that Propappou's choice of bathroom tile gave everyone over the phone when they called from in there with the door closed. Maybe you two were just loud enough to hear across the yard." Helena replied with a little smile.

"Hmm... maybe." Julie mused. "I remember getting a couple of good shows from you when he left the blinds in his room open."

"It was me who opened those blinds every time, Julie. Because I knew you'd be watching."

"Yeah, Helena, but I was watching you, not Troy!"

Helen laughed even harder at that.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Mistress. No, Julie. Last night was neither a drunken mistake, nor a mind control mistake. Last night was the fucking destiny that's been beating you two over the heads since before either of your parents even fucked. Why do you think that long after I gave up trying to tell you that it was About Fucking Time you two did it; I'd still drop the odd 'Hey, you know that Troy guy? Betcha I could talk him into a threesome.' Yes, I said it to Troy when I could convince him to take the rare 'But it's my Name Day, Troilus; and I want you to be high with me today' hit or nip of something. So, when he gave a "Wait, WHAT?' answer, I could always claim to be 'just high, Master, now come take a hit.'"

"Mmm..." Julie responded dreamily, but with a tone of understanding. "Coulda been any day of the week in Europe, then. I see. You'd usually jump me right after the question."

Helen took a drag of her cigarette before replying.

"It was to preserve the look on your face, Julie. That half-second of 'Hmm,' where you actually thought about it, before giving me yet another fucking 'Eww.' I was cutting you off with my tongue before you got to that look, because I always hated that look, but I loved the one that'd come right before it, where you'd almost consider it."

Julie winced a bit at that. "Eww" HAD been her typical response whenever Helena, or anyone else, brought up the subject of her and Troy getting together. It was also Troy's as well, not because either of them found the other unattractive, but because they'd had that best pals mentality all their lives; despite reminders from Helen, her parents, Propappou, and others that they weren't truly related.

"If you want my blessing, Julie, you've had it since long before I stormed out of the suite shouting it to you. You always have. In fact, if things had worked out the way I wanted..."

Helen trailed off. Mentioning Madrid had been the turning point of the conversation. Another thing that the power of mind control had brought with it was a talent for observation. It aided in knowing the sort of things to say and how to say them. As a result, they knew each other well enough that whenever their disagreements turned violent, a lot of things around them and anyone who tried to get in the way tended to get hurt, but the damage to them tended to be minor cuts from hurled dishes or glasses. The suite they'd been staying in had to be entirely rebuilt, and if Helen hadn't just begun a relationship with the resort's owner, even with Troy's assistance, they'd still be paying it off.

"Well, they worked out pretty well for you, Helena. You've got the castle and the servants, what else could you need?" Julie said, her hand reaching for a phantom cigarette before remembering that she'd quit five years ago. Nowadays, when speaking with Helena, Julie preferred to have a "wall of vice" in front of her; a drink or something. Anything left in the bottles was still in the living room, though.

She heard the sound of the downstairs bathroom shower turn on. Julie wondered why Troy wouldn't have asked her to join him but figured he might find it awkward just yet. She turned herself back to the conversation.

"I have a feeling that I should end the call before I say something else." Julie told her first girlfriend.

"That sounds like a good idea." Helena agreed. "I heard the downstairs shower come on, and I do have a little thing to take care of. I'll be here later, Sunflower. Ciao."

Julie hung up. That "ciao" since she'd become Contessa annoyed her more than anything. Just because she now ruled a nation of Italian-speakers, she didn't need to use it with HER, on the PHONE!

"Fuckin' cunt." Julie muttered after the call ended, knowing that on the other side of the world, Helena was probably muttering "Skanky cow" into hers; but unaware of her tearful smile.

A shower didn't sound like a bad idea, and Julie had spent enough time in this house to know the water heater was big enough, so she set down her phone, turned on the water, stepped in, and began to think about what she was going to say to Troy when she got out.

* * *
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RE: A Morning After Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 29-03-2019, 05:38 PM

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