Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
replied no. I quietly put the eggs away, as Kavita busied herself preparing dinner. Prem came out from his room. He was dressed in shorts and a sleeveless vest again exposing his muscular arms. This didn't make me feel any better, as I was intimidated enough of his physique, without him having to "rub it in".
I still tried to make conversation, handed him the film, and asked him why he needed specialized film. It was then that I learn that he was a photographer. Prem explained how it started off as a hobby, and he loved it so much that he decided to make that his profession.
Dinner was a comparatively quiet and uneventful affair. Kavita told Prem about our marriage, our honeymoon in Hawaii, and our coming back to Bangalore eventually. I also learned from the conversation that "Prem" had been a year "Junior" to her in college, and that explained why he wasn't in her yearbook. It didn't explain how Kavita and Prem became "good enough friends" for her to want him to stay with us for a few months.
The feeling of dread returned, and the rest of the evening was a blur, till we got to bed. Again, I wanted to make love to Kavita. I watched as she changed out of her chiffon sari into a more comfortable "home" sari. I hoped her choice of going to the beauty parlour, then wearing the same sleeveless blouse she was wearing earlier even to bed, perhaps indicated that she would be ready for sex. I tried to fondle her, she didn't stop me at first, but stopped me when I started playing around with her nipple.
"Hush, we can't do it tonight, Prem's just arrived and in the other room, he might hear us." I generally give up trying when she didn't seem to be cooperative, and didn't pursue it again that night. The travel, the effect of the small taunts from Prem in the railway station, and then the sight of Kavita running her fingers over Prem's chest hair, and down Prem's naked back and shoulders were too disturbing mentally, and it took a while before I drifted off to sleep. It was a fitful night's sleep, I got images of Kavita stroking Prem's chest and back with him only in an underwear. Eventually, I took some syrup to help me sleep.
When I woke up in the morning, the bed beside me was empty. Kavita was already up. My heart started racing as I feared the worst at once. Then I chided myself for thinking such thoughts about my wife. I heard some dull metallic sounds, and got up to see where Kavita was. Our bathroom was empty, and the kitchen and living room were also empty. The door to Prem's room was half open, half closed. I peered through the opening, and saw Kavita and Prem were on the balcony. What I saw made my heart rate pump just a little higher.
Kavita was sitting on the ledge, she was still in her sari from last night. Our apartment had a concrete bench in our balcony, and Prem was lying on the bench, on his back. He was in a vest and shorts, and was lifting weights. He was dripping with sweat, and this made his muscular frame look more fearsome to me.
I looked at Kavita to see if she felt the same fear that I felt. My heart fell to see her expression was nothing like fear. Was it nonchalance, or indifference, or concealed lust? I couldn't tell. Prem caught sight of me through the corner of his eye and said "Hello, you've woken up. Come on over". I walked
over to the balcony. "I do my exercises wherever I go. It's what keeps me fit, and is my other passion other than my work, photography."
I said, "That's nice, did you bring your equipment in your trunk?"
Prem said "Yeah, that's why it was heavy for you yesterday" and grinned. I tried to return the grin, but it was difficult.
My mind went back to the scene at the railway station. Perhaps he sensed it too, so I tried to grin back. Shortly afterwards, Prem was done with his exercises. Kavita got up off the balcony ledge, and walked past me into the bedroom, and wished me good morning. I returned her greeting, trying to not show my fear and worry. Prem then took a couple of steps forward, and stepped into the bedroom too.
Then, without warning, he started saying..."Exercising every day is a good idea, whatever your preferred kind of exercise is. Me, I prefer to get a good mix of weights and cardio exercises so if needed, I can do this..." And saying so, he quickly put one arm around Kavita's waist, and another around her thighs near her knees, and lifted Kavita off her feet. This was a very intimidating sight. Prem had just exercised, and his body was dripping with sweat. His arms were covered with sweat, and this meant Kavita's waist was quickly glistening with his sweat as well. Kavita's left shoulder was leaning against his shoulder, and her sari and blouse in that area were quickly getting wet with his sweat as well.
Like Prem, I too was dressed in shorts and a vest, but this only made me feel very weak standing next to Prem who was holding Kavita in his arms. I didn't know how to react. I sheepishly said "Wow". Prem carried her into the living room. I was going to follow, but Prem remarked to Kavita that she had put on a little bit of weight, to which Kavita poked him in the chest and laughed. It made my stomach drop. Does that mean he had "lifted" her like that before? When, and why? I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answers, it only made me more fearful.
As I reflected on these, Prem appeared back from the hall, and Kavita was still in his arms. She had picked up her handbag from the hall. Prem and Kavita came close by, and then Prem said, "If you don't do that kind of exercises regularly, then maybe this is easier. And Kavita then extended her arm as though giving me her handbag. My face fell. They both laughed and Prem said, "Don't worry, it was just a joke."
I tried to grin, and somehow managed to. Kavita however had her right arm extended as though she meant for me to take her handbag. I did as my face went red with embarrassment. Prem then let Kavita down. By then, her entire waist area was glistening with Prem's sweat, and her shoulders and part of her back were drenched in his sweat as well. Kavita told him to have a bath, and that she would have our breakfasts ready by then.
As Prem gathered his clothes, Kavita stood there transfixed, as though thinking about something. When Prem had got his clothes together, as he walked past me towards the bathroom, Kavita said to him "Wait". She quickly went to the living room, looked in the cabinets and came back with a tape measure. She asked me to flex my arm. Dreading what was coming, I did. Kavita put her tape measure around mybiceps and announced 10".
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RE: The Unwanted Houseguest -(CHAPTER 1-26) - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-12-2018, 08:54 PM

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