Fantasy So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter
"Or A Holiday to Forget." Julie replied with the overly-loud laugh of someone clearly high. They separated when they reached the door. Julie went for the girl, and Helena went for the doorman.

"She's with us," Helena commanded the doorman in French. "And every time you try to make a woman debase herself for you to get into this shithole, you're going to have a very embarrassing premature ejaculation on the spot; and let her in, apologizing. Forget that I made you do this. Work out the association on your own. Now let us in, we're obviously VIPs."

"Of course, Mademoiselle." he said, holding the door open as Julie let their new friend past the velvet rope. "Welcome."

"Hi," Julie said with the sweetest of smiles. "I'm your new friend, Julie. That's your other new friend, Helena. What's our new friend's name?"

"Me... Melanie." She stammered. The look on her face turned from stunned surprise to happy recognition as her smile began to match that of her new friend, Julie. "Oh, Hi, Julie. Hey, Helena."

Julie took Melanie by the hand and led her in as the doorman held the door for the three of them. She took Helena's hand in her other while they walked.

"Helena's going to go do her own thing once we get inside, Melanie." Julie began raising her voice as they approached the inner door and the music got louder. "Why don't we find your friends, and then you can introduce them to their new friend, too?"

Melanie nodded happily. She couldn't wait to introduce Julie to the other girls.

The three of them entered the darkened dance club. Julie Andrews and Helena Parker kissed deeply before parting to find each other's targets. Helena headed for the dance floor, and Julie took Melanie's hand and led her toward the bar.

"Let's stop here, Melanie!" Julie shouted over the music. She led her to a pair of stools that freed up on Julie's request. She and Melanie sat down and flagged the bartender over. Julie saw someone drinking something blue and pointed at them.

"Two of whatever that is!" Julie said in French. He went to mix them and she turned back to Melanie.

"So, Melanie, my new friend." Julie said with the same smile, a bit further away from the speakers here, so she didn't have to shout. "Are you with anybody? Besides your friends, I mean. Like a guy. Or a girl? We're the kind of friends that you feel like you've known us forever. The kind that you know you can share anything with."

Melanie beamed at how well she was clicking with her new friends. Julie cared so much, and wanted to know about her. Of course they should know everything.

"No, and, er, he'd be a he. I mean, there's a guy back at uni, but I don't think he's interested."

"Well, he's a dumbass. You're beautiful, Melanie. And so damn lucky, because your new friends are... well, we like to play..." She looked Melanie up and down, appraisingly. Melanie noticed how expressive her new friend's face was, and found the look of approval on Julie's pleasing. "Ok, you don't need a fairy godmother, so let's call us 'genies.' And we want to help you, Melanie, have the best night ever! Helena and I know about a better party than this one, and I just KNOW you and all your friends will want to go when I tell you all about it. How many are you?"

"Five including me." Melanie replied, pointing to the table.

Julie signaled to the bartender that they'd want four more for the table. The look on her face conveyed the message "when you can get around to it." She then looked at the table and saw Melanie's friends who were able to get past the creep at the door without their aid. They looked like they could be persuaded to be a fun bunch.

"Whichever guy you're most attracted to tonight, he's yours. Don't care who he is, it's happening. So, you be really choosy here. But you, lady, are getting laid by the man... or men if you want, of your pick. Helena and I will be happy to help there."

"Wow!" Melanie said, amazed by how great Julie's offer was.

Julie pulled closer to her, bending down to accent her cleavage, and spoke in her ear at as close to a whisper as the techno would allow.

"You see, Melanie, Helena and I are THAT kind of friends. That sounds like something you'd want to try too, doesn't it? I mean, nothing counts on holiday, right?"

Melanie's smile took on a lustful tone, as she realized that yes, the thought of Julie and Helena being such good friends, and wanting so nicely to be hers too, sounded really hot. She was right. Nothing counted on holiday. And she could have any guy, too?

"That sounds amazing!" Melanie breathed back into Julie's ear, trembling now.

"I'm glad you think so." Julie said as the bartender brought the tray. She set 200 euros on the bar and grabbed the tray, having a little difficulty with it, until Melanie helped. "Now let's go make your friends think so, too."

* * *
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RE: So Night Follows Day by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-03-2019, 03:17 PM

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