Fantasy Long Day's Journey into Susan by TMaskedWriter
Long Day's Journey into Susan Pt. 01

*"I ain't afraid of lovin' you, baby. I been lonely too long to get hurt.

I don't care what it is that you did when you lived in Ft. Worth."*

-Cornell Hurd Band, "I Don't Care What It Is That You Did When You Lived In Ft. Worth.

My name is Sue. Susan. Still getting used to that. It's only been a couple of days since everything in my life changed.

Sue's life (Despite the short time, I honestly think of myself back then as an entirely different person, so I may talk like that a bit. Other names that Chad called me felt like people I don't even want to remember.), in a word, sucked. She thought having a boyfriend was the most important thing in the world, so she got one. She thought he had to be a hot guy with lots of muscles and who cared what kind of person he was like, so that's who she ended up with. And when that guy started getting drunk and beating her and making her do things in front of his friends, she thought that was the way it was supposed to be. He was supposed to take her waitressing tips for beer money, and when the utilities got shut off and it was somehow her fault, that's what was supposed to happen too. And if her possessions magically teleported to the pawn shop so his rice rocket could have new rims, that was just normal.

So it was completely normal when the money Sue had set aside to pay her phone bill was more urgently needed for Chad's beer and she got her phone shut off. Sue had learned to adapt to this by then. Stop at the college library to tell the internet she'd be without a phone for a while, then over to the diner to beg for double-shifts for the weekend to pay it off.

All of that stopped being normal the moment a nice guy let me into the computer lab even though it was closed. He seemed to really care and I just found myself opening up to him. Troy told me a lot of things I'd heard a million times before, how I can do better, how I don't have to take Chad's shit; but somehow this time, I really believed it. He talked about love and romance and all the things I'd been missing and he made me feel like I deserved them. He...awakened something in me. I felt free. I felt like it was ok to be Susan. That Susan was someone strong and beautiful and confident and a great person to be. And DAMN, did I feel like thanking him! I'd never just GONE for a man like that, the whole library heard us. Well, heard me, anyway.

Sue would have died of embarrassment, staring at the people who'd just heard her cum screaming. (But then, Sue never came like that.) Susan, on the other hand, feared nothing. I gave them a smile that I hoped conveyed "Yeah, that's right. I needed a good hard fuck, so I got one. Wanna make something of it?" and gave them my best Shirley Temple curtsy. That busted up the librarian and soon everybody was laughing their asses off. God, if any of them had thought to take out their cell phones, we'd be all over YouTube by now. You know something, though? Except for the fact that it might've gotten that hot librarian in trouble, I wouldn't have cared if someone HAD been recording. It would have been hot to see Susan getting fucked into existence from the outside.

Thinking the librarian was hot was a new thing too. One of those...other girls I don't like talking about was with a girl once. Because it was Chad's birthday and there was a stripper he wanted to see her with, and he just assumed she'd like it, and it was obvious that she'd "embarrass him in front of his friends" if she didn't.

She didn't like it. It was such a relief when he took the stripper home that she didn't mind that he wasn't back until the next afternoon.

But Troy had opened my eyes to the possibility that sharing love with another woman could be beautiful, and when he told me about the one whose love he wanted to share with me, the drive back to his place was so exciting... well, I DIDN'T touch myself on the way there, however, I felt sure enough of myself that if I HAD felt the need to show myself love there in the car, I totally could have. And Troy was just so cool...REAL cool, not the kind Chad and his friends wished they were; he probably would have kept on driving. Just all business, eyes on the road, getting hard listening to me moan and writhe in the passenger seat, keeping cool til we got back to his place and got inside. He was such a damn gentleman. He was going to be fun. Everything was going to be fun now!

Troy's house was much bigger than I expected two college students to be living in. Apparently, the economics degree wasn't just for show. He told me he'd gotten a great deal on it. All that and good with money too. It was hard to wait til we got inside to show my love for him. Yes, I loved him already. People can make that kind of connection over an afternoon, can't they? Especially if they've never seen real love in their lives.

We fooled around on the couch for a while until Julie and her friend came in with Chinese food. Troy had shown me a picture of her and it didn't do her justice. Some of the letters in those "magazines" Chad reads would use the phrase "tits that begged to be sucked." I never really got what that meant until I saw Julie. Her hair looked like she'd gone blonde a couple months ago and now long brown roots were showing, but it turned out it just naturally looks like that. It was a stunning effect on an already stunning lady. When he introduced us, Julie walked over and gave me a kiss. The kind that started as a polite smooch, then another, then moved on to tongues and just sent the message all through me "You are going to fuck this woman." I welcomed it and tried to convey the same with my kiss.

Troy went to help her with the bags (Another thing in the book of "Nice Stuff Chad Never Did."), and while they set up dinner together, (Another one for the book.) I got to know their other new friend, Claire. It seems that while Troy was opening my eyes to new things, Julie was doing the same with her after they met hiking. Claire was learning to explore new things at the same time I had been learning how sharing love can be wonderful. We'd just been starting to explore each other when Julie told us that dinner was ready and there'd be time for that afterwards. She had that same easy-going manner that Troy had and it just made sense to go have dinner before moving on to the main course of the evening.
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RE: Long Day's Journey into Susan by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-03-2019, 03:10 PM

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