Fantasy A Little Night Music by TMaskedWriter
"I know that was excessive, but they brought the gear with them and I really wanted to see them do it up close like this, so they indulged me. Anyway, gentlemen, welcome to San Finzione. I am your hostess, Contessa Helena de San Finzione. I'm afraid my schedule only permits me a couple of minutes for photos, but I'll try to see as many of you as I can in turn." She paused and thought for a moment. "I'm sorry, ignore that last part. It's late and I've got a 'surprise drop-in' on the castle tour this afternoon; I've been practicing for it." She took a long drag of her cigarette and continued.

"I admit to some curiosity, though. This looks for all the world like a Triad operation. But you see that can't be right; because I've explained to the Triads that slavery and human trafficking DO NOT HAPPEN in San Finzione!" The captive thugs were surprised that she didn't pull a gun and shoot one of them right then from her tone. Helena paused and seemed to collect herself before speaking further.

"And I know the Elders didn't order this operation, because I would then have to pay a formal visit to Hong Kong, and nobody wants that. OOH!" Her eyes lit on a nice leather jacket in the pile of clothing and she walked over and put it on, giving the thugs a look that said that whoever it belonged to before, the jacket was hers now. Helena returned to her chair with her new jacket and continued.

"So this wasn't sanctioned from on high; this is the work of some upstart who thinks he's ready for the big time. You'll tell me in a bit. You're going to tell me everything I want to know, and then you're going to deliver a message for me. The nature of that message and how strongly it will be worded depend upon the condition in which I find your captives. I'll be right back. Until then, you'll do everything my people tell you to or..." She stood up and crushed out the cigarette, then looked back up at the prisoners with a sweet smile.

"Or they'll tattle on you."

* * *

Two of the Ultimados were covering a door in the hallway. Contessa Helena de San Finzione approached them, bathed in the light from the flashlights on their helmets and pulling something long and wrapped in plastic from her coveralls.

"The cell is in here, Contessa," one of them said through his gas mask. "The room hasn't been swept for traps yet."

"It's clean," she replied, tearing open the plastic and producing four green glow sticks from it. "And turn those fucking lights off!" As they complied, she snapped and shook the glow sticks, then handed one each to the men. "I know movies always show the rescuers shining big flashlights in their faces. These women have been locked in darkness for who-knows-how-many days. You'll blind them."

Helena entered the room and gently tossed one of the green glow sticks between the bars of the cell door. It rolled about three feet and illuminated the women cowering into the back corners from the light. It was hard for her to make out numbers in the darkness. Most were white women in their late teens and 20s with assorted other skin tones mixed in; their mouths and wrists bound with duct tape. Looking over the ripped clothing and tangled, greasy hair on the women's heads, she pointed to one of them and motioned her over to the door. When the woman approached, Helen carefully removed the tape from over her mouth and leaned forward and spoke softly to her.

"Can you understand me? What language do you speak," Helena asked in English. She began asking the question in French, but the woman nodded and mouthed "English." She nodded her understanding and motioned for the woman to step back as she opened the door and stepped in, holding the other glow stick in front of her.

"You are safe now," she told them. "My men and I are here to rescue you. You are within the borders of the Sovereign County and Nation-State of San Finzione and I am Contessa Helena de San Finzione. The soldiers you will be seeing are with me. They are the men and women of my Squadra de Ultimados, and they are here to help you. We'll be taking you to receive food, clothing, and medical attention, and then we can work on returning you home. I must know something first."

She took a seat on the single bed that was the only furnishing in the room. Helena motioned for the woman she'd spoken to before to come sit next to her. She removed the duct tape from her wrists, took the woman's hand, and looked her in the eyes.

"Just be calm. I need to know how they've been treating you. Don't be afraid to tell me anything."

The woman looked into Helena's eyes and a peaceful calm washed over her as she began to speak.

* * *

Contessa Helena de San Finzione returned to the warehouse floor, where the prisoners were still waiting on their knees. She held a roll of duct tape in her hand.

"None of you look at them," she shouted in Cantonese. The thugs instantly turned their heads away as the women shielded their eyes and entered the room. The Ultimados stood between the women and their captors as they were led out of the building to where paramedics and buses were waiting. When Lisa, the one Helena had spoken to, walked past, she pointed out the man who'd been so enthusiastic about the cattle prod. Helena motioned for the women not to leave just yet.
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RE: A Little Night Music by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 28-03-2019, 02:50 PM

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