Romance An Old Debt has to be salir
I murmured, while looking from the window. It was snowing outside, a beautiful view there, out of window, and just before my eyes, a naked beauty, the most wonderful woman in the world, my mind was calm and my heart warm….

* * * * *

Bad News ...

After some days Meena began to pack up for her journey to her family.
Despite our conversations at the last time and the security she gave me in recent days about her faith and love, I was a little bit nervous.
Finally, this was our first time to be separated over two days.
The Saturday in two weeks, after our last discussion about Mansour and the exciting role play game, was her departure day.

The weather was nothing but dry and sunny. on the way to the Airport, I asked: ‘Are you alone with your mother and your sister…?’

You know already my brother flies tomorrow from Los angles…’

Yes, I knew it…’

And Mansi come tomorrow too…?’

She added calmly while looking straight at the street.
I had a heart palpitation now.

What? Why did you not mention it before…?’ I said almost shocked.

She continued: ‘ He called me yesterday and said he has planned to come at the last moment, because he misses us, especially me and wishes to spend some days with us…’

But, is there any place for all in the house of your mother?’ I tried to hide my anger.

Not much, but we find a way, by the way, Mahan and Nouri travel to coast for three days, also no big problem…’

After hearing this I was devastated. Her brother and sister are leaving and there will be only Meena, her mother and Mansour in the house for some days. 
At that moment, I felt her gaze on my face. As I turned to look over at her face, she was staring at me with a grin in her face. 

Meena couldn't help but laugh loud and then she said: ‘I love it… I love this expression on your face…You should see yourself…’ she grinned, shaking her head.
She leaned over again to give a kiss on my cheek: ‘I love you Nadir…’
She whispered, and added: ‘I wanted just tease you, it is not true, I haven’t heard from him about a journey and it is not planned anything like this. We all are leaving in three days for holidays at the sea.’ And laughed.

After half an hour, as we kissed and separated for some days, my lovely wife told me: I love you Nadir, you know this and I am not going to do anything without your knowledge.’ 

Yes, I know.’

When I was riding home, I had some thoughts again: 
She didn’t say I don’t do anything this type but she said: „I am not going to do anything without your knowledge”, that can also mean, perhaps she does something and then after some time tells me about it, then when I know about it, it is with my knowledge, she didn’t emphasize without my permission…

Meena’s attitude certainly has changed since the beginning of this adventure.
We both were always very conservative in these issues… Now she was behaving and talking more and more playfully and high-spirited, even ongoing cocky and naughty.
But the main change was her trying to tease me onward and more and more.
She had noticed that I am very sensitive about her contacts and I am very jealous when I don’t know about them. 
Then she was going to have a good time provocative. That was enjoying herself, I suppose. She knew my fetish now: to enjoy and to suffer. 
The problem was at the time of that, I didn’t know if this is real what she says or she pretends just so and she is only teasing me. For example, while our Roleplay game, as she told Mansour that she loves him, she did not say this in combination with his name and then after my reaction, she told me that she meant me and not him at the time as her climax entered...

The next five days were silent and I must admit, I was at least three times watching my recordings of beginning of this adventure and had some very intense orgasms, as I watched the first scenes from Meena and Mansour’s sex sessions. 
We had phone contact every day and chatted about her daily activities and mine. There was nothing special. I missed Meena very much and she also admitted that she won’t leave home and me for so a so long time at the future.
Two days before Meena come back, she called late at the night and told me hat Mansour nevertheless had visited them and was there for some hours, in attendance of his son. They stayed just for dinner and then left. She told about his son who is very nice with good manners and she is very happy to see them…

Meena arrived on Tuesday and we both were very happy and excited to see each other.
We decided to visit the Italian restaurant for dinner. While meal I was silent and she spoke about the last days and how she missed me. 
We went back and before to go to sleep we had a very intensive sex…
At breakfast, we were silent. She was reading her post. I was very relaxed after our exciting sex last night. I looked at my beautiful wife, things are now perfect for us as a couple, I thought to myself. 
The happenings in the last time were as if some dreams, sometime really frightening and depressing and other times very exciting.
There was a paradoxical component in these happenings and our reactions to them.
But now everything is going great or so it seemed.
At this moment as I was deep in my thinking, there came a phone call.

She stood up and took the receiver: ‘Hello… what? …no, no, no…’

As she was standing there, I saw she is beginning to faint and falling. I stood up in a hurry and took her at last moment and just before she Just gets her head hurt on the table. 

The telephone was on the floor and I could hear the receiver as someone was calling: ‘Hallo? Hallo?’

I let Meena to sit on a chair as she murmured: He is dead, my uncle, Mansi is dead.’ 
Then she screamed loudly.

Then I took the receiver and was informed that Mansour had an accident the last late night as he was on his way to the capital city. He was on his own car. There was anfrontal crash with a truck, he had a brain injury and was immediately dead….

The Funeral ...

It really hadn't been a good time for us until the funeral.
Meena was very upset and depressed. She was weeping all time.
I saw her so strongly down only one time, when her father died.
I was trying to calm her all time.
There was a funeral ceremony in Mansour's home town and we had to go.
We settled down in a hotel near to his house, Meena didn’t want to stay in his house.
All Salimi family was present. Mansour’s family members and the family of his wife were also there. Saleh, his best friend was who organized everything. Other present persons were some of Mansour’s friends and some remotely relatives.
The funeral was a very big affair. We were very surprised to see that so many people
were there to pay their respect to Mansour.

I moved closer to my wife and whispered: ‘Obviously, he was not so bad to others as we thought!’

She looked with somehow angry looks at me and whispered her reply: “It's not nice from you Nadir, he is dead…”

I replied still whispering: ‘But the memories do not fade, for some beautiful and for some other combined with hate…’

Meena did not respond immediately to my cynical remark but after a short pause said: I am just thinking about his son, Ali. I feel sorry for the lad. It is a real sad thing that he now has lost his father too…. I hope he could stand it.’ 

I Feel sorry for him too.’ I added.

Meena nodded and then she left my side and approached Ali.
The young lad Was very sad, he seemed alone and was lost in his thoughts. Everybody could see and feel that.
Most time Meena spoke with him and tried to calm him, some time he could not control himself and was almost crying.
While funeral Saleh came to me and told me if he can come next time to s and get Mansour’s small properties such as clothes and so on, which were in our house yet.
I answered sure but it is better if he talks about it with Meena.
She accepted and they made an appointment for next days.
The day after funeral Meena told me she likes to spend a short time, some hours with Ali, Mansour’s son, to support him psychotically and encourage him. We planned to ride back that afternoon, then they had some hours together.
Getting back home, we both took two free days to relax.
The second day about noon we got a call. It was Saleh who informed Meena that Mansour has appointed Meena as main heir in his testament.
Meena was in a very emotional state, while weeping she told me that while calling, Saleh was very disappointed and somewhat angry and added that he comes at weekend to discuss this.
Then she came to me and hugged me. Since some days, we had no body contact. But now, after the last incident and Mansours’s death, I had the feeling that everything isnormal as earlier. 
I felt ashamed about it, but the feeling was there deep in my mind.
Meena mentioned that she never thought Mansour would do such a testament. She was like a daughter for him but she never thought about such a thing. She added, she thinks Saleh is right when he is angry. I asked what had Mansour as property. She told me she doesn’t know either. Perhaps another house...

In the next days, we got a call from lawyer and after she called back, it was clear that Mansour gave her his Seaside house. His city house with garden and all his Money was his legacy for his son. That was a good sum of money which he got from selling a third house and there was his company which half of it belonged to his companion, Saleh.
But for next six years, up to Ali’s eighteenth Birthday, Mansour had appointed Meena as the administrator of his property, and the person who is responsible for his son. 
Actually Saleh was not mentioned in his testament and he was going to get nothing from Mansours heritage. Saleh was living partly in Mansour’s city house since their releasing from jail…

The next few days everything run normally, Meena was a bit more relaxed but she was often thinking and dreamingly. We planned to drive to Mansour’s home town to regulate and register the official matters about the houses and money in next two weeks.
We talked often about Ali and his staying and living with us and in our home.
I persuade her to take him to us in summer, when the college year is over.
We were agreed that otherwise he would have difficulties in the college and with his learning. In the meantime we talked with the relatives of his mother and with him to stay in their home for next months. Meena agreed to pay for their help and efforts. 
Meena was very excited. Now she was going to be the mother of a twelve years old boy. She was going to feel herself like a mother, what she couldn’to be naturally given.

Later Saleh called. He said that he wants to come and talk with her about the testament issue. 
Meena told him he can come on Friday and looked at me if that is okay. 
I said,yes. sure. 
Then I added, I must not be present while they discuss, because this is a subject for them two. Perhaps he is more relaxed if I am not there.
She nodded and they appointed for next Friday...

On Friday afternoon Saleh appeared.
We were back from shopping, as the doorbell rang. Meena looked at me, I said I am going upstairs and disappeared. In my study where I turned on the display for cameras.
Meena hurried and tidied away the shoppings items before she entered the living room and opened the door to house for him and told him to come in.
There was that small figure who was grinning as he entered in the house and then immediately went to sofa. It seemed that he doesn’t want to stand near Meena with his little frame. Saleh was almost the same age like Mansour, but very thin and small, so small that reminded me of a Midget, those days!
Saleh was a friend of Mansour and was introduced and supported by Mansour to get a job in the Insurance company where he and Meena’s father worked. Saleh had a lower position and at that time, I heard that has not a clean and clear past.
Meena walked to sit on the opposite chair and then she stared at that small figure.
Saleh looked up. I could feel that there is a certain tension in the atmosphere. He was sitting in front of her. I saw he is looking at her as if couldn't keep his eyes off her.
I looked at Meena. She was in her jeans as always at home.
Meena was no woman to show much skin specially in such a occasion, still I could see her shapely strong legs and could imagine her almost perfect figure under her clothings. The short-sleeved blouse was white with a blue collar and fitting gut to her bosom. She wore middle high sandals. The whole outfit was sexy elegant and typical for Meena at home.
Her beautiful outstanding, superb tits were there definitely the stars to watch.
She wore a bra but the upper part of her breasts could be seen.
I looked at them, then at her lovely face and her red nice shaped lips, and at once I felt a twitch in my rod. I couldn't keep my eyes off her.
I thought to myself, Saleh is in the same state, for sure.
I could hear them clearly if they spoke. 

It took some silent Moments, then Meena looked at him and asked: ‘What can I do for you, Saleh?’

There was a palpable concern in Meena's voice, if not outright fear.

I could feel that she tries to hide under cover of annoyance. I had the feeling that something was very wrong here. I was not sure if Meena had the same feeling.
Saleh looked up, still grinning and stared insolently at my wife.
I could interpret his stare as a challenge, as an assertion of his position.

He started: “I am very angry. I hate these two men who I looked at them as my friends. They ruined my life, I mean your father and Mansour. You know about not legal things which we three did in the insurance company. Your father was the main brain of our fraudulent activity. Mansour told me you are the only one who knows about how it was, except us. Your father managed all that. But we two went to jail and he took all money. I lost my family, my whore wife took all my property and went with another man and I don't know even where she lives now.”

Meena was clearly upset. She said pleadingly: “I didn't know about your family Saleh. It is very upsetting for me to hear this. I am so sorry. But you must learn to forgive and forget. You have yet a long life before you and you have your own life and your company.” 

He laughed bitterly: “Which company? I need too much money still to initiate it. I know nobody and I have nobody to help me. Mansour had his contacts, and I? I can't manage it. That is the end of our illusion. He is dead and I must search my own way.”

Meena looked at him with compassion.

Saleh added: “Okay, you want to know what I want from you.”

Yes, how can I help you? I suggested uncle Mansi to sell my house and pay our debt. But he didn't want to destroy our life. Not mine and not that of my family.”

He laughed: “I am no child my dear. I don't want some compensation for my years in jail or my money which your father had stolen. I know that this is not practical. If I try to get my right, you and your family lose everything and I get nothing too. But what I want is my other right, everything Mansour gave you and his son, all his property belongs to me. I renounce all your father's debt. And you give me every property of your uncle Mansour. Do you agree?”

Meena seemed very serious at that moment. “I didn't want to get anything from him. I could not imagine that he is going to do something like that. I was completely surprised to hear that he has appointed me as an inheritance or administrator.... But I personally have no such a money, I can give you monthly a part of my salary but not more, I can leave up the seaside house to you and that’s it, I cannot more than that. The money and other house belongs to Ali actually, and I cannot give way his property, you understand this for sure. I am not going to do such a thing.” 

Saleh remained calm for a few seconds. He seemed a bit upset, perhaps even aggressive but at the same time I had the feeling that he had calculated with such a response from Meena.

After a short pause, he looked direct in her face and said: “I see. First you should show me your salary terms and conditions. Then we make an appointment to go to lawyer for the seaside house stuff, but that is not enough, I get something more for the money and house…”

What do you want more? I give you what I can…”

Look. I told you I am not a child. At the time as we were in jail, Mansour told me, he promised me to collect our money from your family and give me my part of it. After our releasing, everything changed. He was not the same person as he was in prison. I knew that he didn’t get money or anything material from you at the beginning, I thought he cannot overcome his conscience to harm the family of his best friend who he is dead, I speak about your father. But then accidentally I heard your telephone conversations. At that moment, I knew and could imagine why he received no money from you or your Family. I was so naive, he got something special in favor, he has renounced with our right because you. You were his girl, he got you for that…”

Meena was one moment silent with open mouth. I was also shocked. (...)

Saleh grinned: “I heard every details as you were talking and you know...”

Meena was completely pale in the face. (...)

He continued: “You were his sweetheart lover. This is the truth and therefore he talked and appointed you as his heritage. Now what I want: I want to have the right to come here and…”

Meena interrupted him: “Saleh stop… One moment… please. As I said, it is okay with my part, I mean the seaside house. I don't need it. We can arrange it…”

Saleh stood up angrily and shouted: “Now be quiet, and don't interrupt me, do you understand? You women all are the same.”

Meena was upset over his talk and voice tone but she looked only at the floor. 
I thought she is going to be blackmailed again but this time in another way.

"It is not complicated to understand. On the contrary it is very simple what I want!
Either, as I said, you give me all his property, which are actually and essentially, mine. Or, if you don’t want or you can’t do it, I have right to get something else, which belonged to him… Can you follow me?..."

Meena was completely pale in her face.

It took long till she looked in his direction and as if she is recovered enough from a shock, said demanding: “No… I mean I don’t understand what you mean, what do you want…” 
She said weakly while looking in his direction. Meena’s voice was near to weepingly, I could see and hear this and I was not sure what to do.

Saleh knew at this moment that he has the winnings card: “I want and I am going to have his girl… You belong to his property too. You were his bitch. Now you are going to be mine when I wish. Otherwise your husband and all your family are going to know everything. They are going to be informed about every detail regarding your father, you and Mansour. Do you understand?”

Saleh added: “You can decide now.”

S-So? how do you dare to come in my house and ask such things? What this means at all? What are you going on about? We can speak about money and it is all… Otherwise please leave my house at once…“ Meena screamed loud with flushed cheeks.

I could fell that she tries to hide it but she was scared now and he noticed this as me for sure.
The older, small man had a gleam in his eyes. I was dying to know what is to come out finally from the delicate and difficult situation.

Saleh smiled as he heard the tremor in her voice: “That will be a mistake from you to ask me to leave Meena… You know I have nothing to lose and I am not your uncle or somebody else who have mercy with the people like you. If I leave now, you and your family are going to be hurt and lose everything…”

Meena was now crying, with her face in her Hand on the table: ‘Have mercy Saleh, I was forced to do it all, please let us talk...’ 
She said pleadingly.

I thought to me: That was it, she is broken.
Meena‘s reaction was exactly what Saleh had desired, she was not looking to flee or to fight, rather she wanted to stay and argue with him.

Saleh sat down again, leaned forward and yelled: ‘He had you as his bitch here in this house and you are begging me and asking for mercy?’

Please Saleh… Nadir is upstairs.’

I couldn’t wait anymore. There were we again.
My wife, my Meena was going to be blackmailed again.
I had a bad experience the last time. I must interfere this time I thought to me and stood up and got downstairs. When I was downstairs, he was saying goodbye and was on the way to leave at the door. I heard his last words to her.

In next days I call and we make an appointment for lawyer and other things…’

Meena turned away immediately as he left. She didn’t wait for me and went into the dining room.
I think she wanted me not to see her face and eyes….

* * * * *

- tbc -
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