Adultery Old Man and Indian Wife by shiprat
There was another glass of scotch at the table and I nervously sipped at it, hoping to calm myself down. I looked back at Pavan and saw that he was staring at the tent in Alan's pants. Pavan must have realized that this old codger had spent the last few minutes rubbing his erection against his beautiful wife. Surely he would say something now. But instead he wore a look of alarm. And I realized that Alan was in complete control of the proceedings. And of my actions. Even sitting at the table, my pussy remained moist.

A few seconds later, I felt the familiar touch of Alan;s wrinkled hands on my thigh. But this time, he didn't stop. the hand kept going and going. All the way inside. before I could open my mouth and yell "STOP!" his finger stroked me. Right there on the clit. He clearly knew where to aim and what to do. My resolve to stop him weakened as his fingers started rubbing my clit over my panties. I could not help but give myself in to the moment, and I closed my eyes and just enjoyed whatever he was doing to me.

Minutes seemed like hours as my arousal grew exponentially with every stroke of his. I marveled at Alan's skill to be able to play with me so deftly over my panties. I wondered what he would do if he got his finger inside. A few moments later, i got my answer. His other hand poked at my thighs meaningfully and I parted them. This allowed Alan to slip his finger into the side of my panties and touch my clit directly. I was in a daze as I started experiencing please that was tenfold of what he had been giving to me over the panties. I could feel my nipples harden and poke against my top.

I was at that moment more turned on than I had ever been in recent memory. And I could feel a mammoth orgasm approaching. Even in that state, I could not help but think of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. If this went on for a while more, I would be having what she had, or what she pretended to have. It was coming. It was bearing down. I could feel it. I knew it would create a scene, but I didn't care.

And then, Alan took his hand out. Just seconds away from climax. I could not help but moan in frustration. I had been so close. But at the same time, I was glad it hadn;t happened. I opened my eyes and looked into Pavan's. His face wore an odd expression. Angry, aghast, but also, turned on. maybe Alan was right. maybe my husband, unknowingly, was rooting for this to happen as well. That's why he didn't stop me when he should have. What a wimp! But it was in my hands too, wasn't it? I looked away from him in shame.

Alan got up. I was staring at the table when I heard him say,

"I am taking her to my suite back at the Venetian. You can come along too if you want."

It was clearly directed at Pavan. Alan held out his hand in my direction. From his perspective, all the hard work was done. The trap was laid. He just needed to swoop in and finish the job off. I was let him rub his dick against me, and then let him finger me into a state of frenzy in a public place. Of course I was, at that point of time, all but ready for the kill. I wanted it. I needed it. It was going to be the culmination of the chapter that had started in Goa all those years ago, but cut short by Nigel's wife. It was a more primal and intense need than I had ever felt with Pavan. I had to go.

But as far gone as I was, and as eager as I felt to take his hand and go with him, a part of me resisted. No, this is not right. I am a married woman. This man sitting across from me is the father of my child. How could he just sit back and let this happen? Surely it was his job to stop me.

"Pavan." I said in a voice I myself could barely recognize.

"Hmmm?" he said, looking stunned.

"What should I do?" I asked in a voice that was on the verge of breaking down. I fought back the instinct to cry.

Pavan just stared at me. Alan was still holding his hand out.

"What should I do, Pavan?" I said once more in a high pitched voice.

In my mind, I silently implored Pavan to say - don't go, or this is enough, or let's get out of here. Instead he stared at me for what seemed like an eternity.

And then he shrugged.

He shrugged!

He fucking shrugged!!!

This man, my husband couldn't even bring himself to say what he was feeling. If he wanted it to stop, he wasn't able to verbalize it. And if he actually wanted it to happen like Alan had been insisting all along, he didn't have the fortitude to admit it. After riding roughshod over a lot of other decisions in our lives, he was leaving this crucial one for me. So he could blame me later?

I exhaled loudly and threw Pavan a look of disgust. I took Alan's hand and got up. He put his arm around my waist and led me away, strutting like a peacock. ---
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RE: Old Man and Indian Wife by shiprat - by Ramesh_Rocky - 23-03-2019, 01:18 PM

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