Adultery Old Man and Indian Wife by shiprat
As soon as the music started, and it became obvious that Pavan couldn't hear us, Alan moved from polite small talk to the sort of blatantly bawdy lines that he had been throwing at me in the pool. he turned to face me completely and asked,

"So does pretty boy over there keep the sheets warm?"

"Excuse me?" I said more out of offense than for a need for clarification. But Alan was immune to offense.

"I mean does he keep that spicy cunt of yours full and happy?" Alan stepped up the lewdness even more.

I stared back at him expressionlessly. I looked at Pavan who wore a nonchalant expression on his face. He clearly hadn't heard Alan's questions. How was I supposed to respond to such an intensely personal question, that too phrased in such a crude manner? I was also surprised that Alan had asked this question. Could he tell from the chemistry between Pavan and me that all wasn't right in bed?

"That's a very personal question. And very vulgar. I am not answering it." I answered.

"Haha, you answered it." Alan cackled.

"No I didn't." I said haughtily.

"Yeah, I have a sixth sense for that sort of a thing. I know what women like you need."


"A real man who knows his way around a woman's cooch." Alan said and then slowly put his hand on my knee.

I was taken aback at his boldness in touching me like that in front of my husband. I looked at my husband and saw that he had noticed it too. He looked at me with a furious expression on his face and his eyebrows raised. I waited for the other shoe to drop. I was sure the dinner was going to end abruptly. Any moment, Pavan would spring up from his chair, slap the wrinkly old hand away, and punch the daylights out of Alan. But Pavan just continued looking at me with eyebrows raised.

So I'm supposed to fight him off, I wondered. I decided to push Pavan to his limit and see when he would finally step in. I just shrugged, as if to say - why don't you do something about it?

Alan noticed that I did not slap his hand away, and slowly began rubbing my knee.

"That's what you want. A real man." he repeated.

"And where would I find a real man?" I asked.

"He's sitting right next to you." Alan said and winked.

I tried hard to stop myself from laughing but couldn't. His delusional confidence was amusing. He seemed to actually think that he had a shot of seducing someone like me right in front of my husband? Did he not see that I was just using him as a pawn in my battle of wills with Pavan? That the moment Pavan lost his cool and stood up, Alan would be thrown out of our lives forever?

Obviously, Alan didn't. He ignored my laughter and continued oozing confidence, which had to be genuine because no one could put up an act for that long.

The waiter arrived with our drinks and Alan took his hand off my knee. Pavan and I had ordered beer, while Alan had ordered the most expensive scotch.

"Beer is such a pansy drink. Why don't you have a sip of my scotch?" Alan said.

I nodded, curious to see what such an expensive scotch (it was $35 per drink) tastes like. I wasn't really a scotch fan, but the price got me wondering. I was about to reach for the glass when Alan picked it up and brought it to my lips. I was taken aback by his latest move in flirtation. But it was so close to my lips that I just took a sip.

Wow, strong! the taste hit the back of my throat and I coughed right after I swallowed it. Alan started laughing and said,

"Come on. Don;t take a teeny sip like a schoolgirl. Take a good swig. It gets better."

And again i found the glass at my lips. I took a longer swing and he was right. This one didn't seem too bad. I actually liked the flavor.

"See, you need a real man like me to tell you what's right for her." Alan said and put his arms around me. I felt his fingers on my bare shoulder and looked up at Pavan. he shot me another one of his "what the fuck? stop him!" looks. I shot him another one of my, "you're the man, you stop it!" looks.

The waiter came to take our order for food. He took Pavan's order first. I was about to pick up the menu which I hadn't even looked at when Alan squeezed my shoulder and said.

"Don't bother."


"Don't bother. I am ordering for you." his tone changed from flirtatious to assertive, "I told you you need a real man to tell you what's right for you. And that goes for food as well."

I was offended and was about to say something insulting in return. But he squeezed my shoulder hard again, and the words got stuck in my throat. The waiter came over to our side.

"I'll have the lobster. And the lady will have a 16 ounce ribeye, medium rare. And two orders of the same scotch as before"

The waiter looked at me with a curious expression. When I didn't say anything, he nodded and walked off. I looked at Pavan who seemed to have noticed that Alan ordered for me. He knew how finicky I was about ordering food, and I am sure it bothered him. But he didn't say anything. Just sat there seething.

"Alright Shipra." Alan said in his assertive voice. "Let me tell you something."

I looked at him.

"You think you know what's happening and I don't." he said and then continued, carefully choosing his words. "The truth is, you have no clue what is happening. I know completely what is happening, and pretty boy there, he thinks he doesn't know, but he knows in his mind what is happening. Although he isn't ready to accept it yet."
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