Adultery Foggy Night in India by shiprat
Of course, there had been opportunities and temptations to stray. Although not quite the Perfect Ten I used to be in college, I was still attractive enough to turn some heads. There were flirtations and come-ons of varying levels of intensity at work, in hotels, in parties, at holiday resorts, parent-teacher meetings, and of course in the gym.

I had always resisted the temptations. Had never let it go beyond really blatant flirting and maybe a cop and feel when drunk during a dance. And then imagining my pursuer in my masturbatory fantasies or while having sex.

I'd like to think it was all based on morality. But honestly, a large part of it was the hassle of complications that could arise and the possible shaming in the still conservative Indian upper middle class. I knew some women (and men) who had strayed, had been found out, and their family lives and careers were irreparably damaged.

So more than moral, my concerns were practical. Although not ideal, I had a pretty good life. Why throw it all away? I had too much to lose.

Except here. He didn't even know my name. Or where I lived. Had no real motivation or resources to hunt me down and demand more. Expose me if I refused. And even if he did, so what? A dalliance with a colleague, neighbor, friend, or acquaintance, if exposed, could be proven or at least seem plausible. Who would believe this guy?

"Well?" he broke my reverie.

"Okay." I shrugged and immediately shuddered at what I had just said.

"What?" The smile disappeared from his face.

"Okay." Saying it a second time made it even scarier.


For the first time that night he suddenly seemed unsure and nervous. Like a poker player who had gone all in on a pair of sixes expecting everyone to fold, but had instead been called on his bluff.

"Yeah, really! I have to get to Meerut at all costs."

Which wasn't strictly true. Yes, getting to Meerut in time was crucial to closing on a multi-million dollar contract. And missing the meeting would lead to a lot of groveling, explanations, discounts, and fending off more attacks from the competition. Still, if I didn't get there in time, it wouldn't end my career or anything. Once they saw my totaled car, I would be off the hook.

But now, the idea had taken root. The temptation had been succumbed to in all but deed.

I got up and stood right in front of him with my hands in my jacket pockets. He gave me a nervous smile and turned around.

"Okay...come with me..." he picked up my suitcase and started heading towards the dhaba " no....wait here....or maybe.....yes wait here. I'll put your bag away."

I stood there as he picked up my suitcase and started walking towards the dhaba. A few steps later, he walked back.

"The purse?"

"I'll hang on to it." I patted the purse dangling from my elbow.

"Okay.." he turned around and then stopped after a couple of steps. "Actually, come with me."

I followed him to the dhaba. He opened the door to a room and walked inside it with my suitcase. Then I heard a woman's voice. She talked with him in what sounded like an annoyed voice. They had a bit of an argument. I wasn't sure who it was. His wife? Mother? Sister?

As the argument continued, I gave a bit of a start as a few feet away from me, something moved. Or rather someone moved. I hadn't noticed that an old man was sleeping on a mattress by the wall, covered with a blanket. He sat up, reached for his glasses, and put them on. They were thick glasses, as if made of coke bottle bottoms. He looked at me, confused. I looked back at his magnified eyeballs with a blank expression, unsure of what to say.
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Foggy Night in India by shiprat - by Ramesh_Rocky - 22-03-2019, 02:50 PM
RE: Foggy Night in India by shiprat - by Ramesh_Rocky - 22-03-2019, 02:51 PM
RE: Foggy Night in India by shiprat - by Diktl1 - 09-02-2020, 06:39 AM

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