Adultery Indian Social Worker and the Bully by shiprat
"I see."

"Does your husband make you wail during orgasms the way I do?"

I usually just ignored his questions about my husband. And he usually didn't push me too much. But this time, I surprised myself by answering,

"No, he doesn't."

"I knew it! No one can satisfy you like I can!"

I cringed and felt like crying. It was true. I was not his victim. I was his mistress.

"I wish I wasn't here in Baroda tonight. I really want you tonight. I can't wait to be back. I will be back in 4 days. And then bang you like the bitch you are, memsaab. How is Delhi?"

This is when I made that impulsive and stupid mistake. I say it was a mistake. And I can justify it saying I was drunk and angry at my husband. But I knew there was something deeper at play. Even after having sex with Anup every night since Lallan left, and liking that sex as it happened, I said what I said next. A complete lie.

"I am...not in Delhi." I said.

And then I rushed to my computer in the bedroom and opened up a travel booking site.

"Where are you then?"

I typed a couple of things. It took a few seconds to get the results.

"Hey cunt, I asked you something!"

"Sorry...I am in Ahmedabad." I said. "For a work conference."

There was silence on the line for a few seconds.

"Ahmedabad?" he asked pointedly.

"Yes." I said.

"Is your husband with you?"

"No." I said, hating myself for this elaborate and needy stunt.

He was silent for a while and I could hear some muffled conversations in the background. Finally he spoke,

"Listen, cunt. I am just a couple of hours away. We were going to drive to Indore next, but if you're in Ahmedabad, I need to come there." he said.

"But Lallan...I am not sure if..." I had become such an accomplished liar that I knew that I needed to put up at least a pretense of reluctance.

"Shut up!" he yelled. "Don't forget who you're talking to."


"Where is this conference thing in Ahmedabad?"

"Oh...umm...the Hyatt." I had no idea if there even was a Hyatt in Ahmedabad. But it seemed like a safe enough bet.

"Okay. One second."

There were a few muffled conversations again. And then he was back on the line.

"'s what is going to happen. I will be coming to Ahmedabad. I will take you to a lodge or something and we will spend the night together. And make up for these past two weeks. Be outside the Hyatt at 1130."

"Lallan please...what you are asking is so..."

"Cunt, don't you know by now what I can do to you? Just because I have been nice to you recently, you think you can raise your voice to me?"

"Okay...okay...sorry." I said.

"1130. Outside the Hyatt. Got it?"


He hung up.

As the conversation had been happening, I had been booking an air ticket online simultaneously. Done with that, I tok a deep breath, felt another bout of guilt and self-loathing, and walked out.

Anup was sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked at me.

"Sorry Anup...I have to fly to Ahmedabad immediately."

"What? Why?" he was surprised.

"It's about one of the cases I was counseling last year. It has a crucial court hearing early tomorrow in Ahmedabad." I said, hoping I sounded believable.

"What's wrong? Why do you have to go?" he got up, sounding worried.

"Honey, you know I can't discuss my cases with you. Confidentiality clauses." I said, walking back into the bedroom and pulling out a travel bag.

He followed me, saying,
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RE: Indian Social Worker and the Bully by shiprat - by Ramesh_Rocky - 22-03-2019, 01:37 PM

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