Romance Friend’s sexy wife – ultimate seduction
We reached the hotel at around 7:00 PM and she looked at me with surprised eyes as I parked the car.

“Are we going into this?” she asked overwhelmed.
“Of course princess. We are going to have a blast.” I replied
She looked apprehensive.
“But Aryan, remember I am not wearing any thing underneath. I can’t possibly go inside like this.” She said
“Why not?” I said soothingly. “Look darling, no body here knows that you are not wearing anything underneath except me, and that should not bother you.”
“B….but ….what if anybody comes to know…..I m..mean what if …….?” She was almost pleading. “Please darling let me take the things inside. I can change in the rest room.” her big eyes now filled with desperation.
“You don’t need to worry about a thing princess, when you are with me.” I whispered. “I will not let anything embarrass you. I promise to let you wear your ……panties before the dinner tonight.”
To make her comfortable, I unwrapped the package bought from Marks and Spencer’s and took out the soft cotton panties from it. She put her hand out to take it from me, but I shook my head instead and quietly folded it neatly and put it in my pocket.
“Hey! I thought, that belongs to me.” She said
“Of course it does, honey; but I have borrowed it for the time being. It will be given to you in due course; I promise.” I said in most charming voice. “Now lets go”
Her face showed a bit of apprehension, but she decided to trust me. I got out of the car and went to the passenger side door, and opened the door and offered my hand for her to get out. She carefully smoothened her dress, took my hand and slid out of the seat elegantly. I locked the car and moved towards the entrance.
She was walking by my side and I had her hand in mine. We reached the entrance and I guided her to the Discotheque. There were quite a few people lined up to get an entry as it was a Saturday. Pooja was looking a bit nervous as some of the people around were looking in our direction discreetly and admiring her beauty. We must have made a handsome couple as some of the girls were also giving us envying glances.
“Where are we going?” she asked apprehensively. She must have guessed it by now but she asked anyway, hoping against hope….
“To test your dancing skills.” I said smiling.
“B….but Aryan I cannot dance in this particular outfit. You know ….very well…..”She whispered.

“You have to begin trusting me dear. I always keep my promise.” I said.
She nodded slightly and relaxed a little.
I paid for the entry and we entered the disco. There came a blast of blaring music as we entered and we saw that the dance floor was full of young couples, dancing and enjoying themselves. We let our eyes to get accustomed to darkness inside. It was sufficiently dark with dim lightening lit at strategic places to create the scene of strange romanticism and eroticism. Few steps led to the loft, where there was a small bar in one corner with seating arrangement.
As the dance floor was sufficiently crowded, I took Pooja to the loft above and led her towards the bar.
“What will you have darling?” I asked.
She looked at me with those smiling big eyes and shook her head
“What does a blind man need….two eyes,……Darling how do you manage to find what you desire?” She said laughing. “You have brought me here so, you decide what I should have and……be a gentleman.”
“I ordered two glasses of chilled beer for us and took her to a nearby table. There were high stools there and I helped Pooja get on to one of them. I sat besides, facing her and had a sip. The beer was excellent and felt just right in that humid climate. She took a sip and let her tongue lick her wet lips. She seemed to like the taste and we finished our glasses soon.
“Another round?” I asked
“No! not for me. You have if you want.” She replied.
“C’mon princess, a beer never did harm anybody” I said “just one more, it’s quite hot.”
“Ok!” she said at last “but no more”
With that I ordered another couple of glasses and we finished those as well.. Now slowly we had cooled off and Pooja was also feeling lot more relaxed.
“Come let’s dance” I said and took her hand. She slid off the stool and I again got a glimpse of her lovely thighs.
We went downstairs to the dance floor and started dancing to a racy number. She was really a very good dancer and danced very well to both the desi and the foreign music. Initially she was slight inhibited, probably still thinking about her dress but later when she saw that most of the couples were busy amongst themselves and the den was considerably dark, she opened up and started dancing freely. Once or twice when we were in the corner she even twirled, letting her dress fly dangerously and almost exposing her pretty ass to me. She was now enjoying herself completely. Probably the beer was taking an effect and also seeing the couples dancing freely, gave her the confidence that everybody was pretty much engaged and had no time for the others….

The DJ then put on a soft song and the mood changed inside .The couples as if on the cue started coming close and started dancing taking there partners in their arms. I also pulled Pooja towards me and she came gliding in to my arms. She threw her arms around my neck and I put my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her closer. The ambience was such that everybody danced as if spellbound. We swayed slowly ,….. her cheek near mine and I could smell her exotic fragrance. My hands started tracing little patterns on her back as if stimulating her tender nerves and she in turn was ruffling my hair and caressing my neck with her fingers. As the song progressed, the magic deepened and I brought my lips on her cheeks and started kissing her. She turned her mouth towards me. It was open slightly and I could sense the passion in her eyes. I brought my lips closer, till our lips were barely touching ……….she closed her eyes………..I brought my tongue out and licked her juicy lips.

“Mmmmmm…..mmmm” she moaned and tightened her grip on me and we sealed our lips in a deep kiss.
I also brought her closer, so that our bodies were now glued together and I could feel the heat radiating from her body. She swayed as if in trace and I let my hands roam on her exquisite back. I kissed her more deeply now……..letting my tongue meet hers and sucking her thoroughly.
My hands now grew bolder and I slowly slid them down and cupped her asscheeks through the thin fabric of her dress. She was beyond care now and did not resist my advances. I could feel the crack of her ass over her dress and moved my finger on it tracing it up and down.
I then cupped her ass and brought her closer to my crotch so that she could feel my monster (“her friend”) through my trousers. “Aaaaaaah.” a sigh escaped her lips at its touch and she started kissing me more passionately now. I guided her slowly to one darkened end of the dance floor so that her back was towards a wall ….., slowly lifted her dress from behind and put my hand underneath it to cup her asscheeks , …….and let the dress fall on it. I was now caressing her bare asscheeks on the dance floor while dancing to the soft music.
She was moving her hips slowly to the tune of music which was now in its last stages and I was getting harder by the second. I wanted to lift her on to my cock and make love to her there, but I knew that was a wishful thinking. I explored every nook and cranny of her wonderful ass………caressing the asscheeks……….the crack………….the butthole and ultimately my fingers touched her dripping wet pussy from the back. As soon as my fingers touched her lovely cunny she started coming.
She shuddered into another wonderful orgasm as her clit moved against my cock and my fingers explored the most delicate folds of her body. She kept on coming for some time, till at last she stopped quivering and hid her face on my chest………..heaving. I could feel her boobs on my chest and slowly I removed my hand form under the her dress and put it back on her waist.
“Oh!...... Aryan that was…….. most wonderful… so…. heavenly……darling…… I love ….you” she said dreamily.
The music came to an end and there was clapping all around. We too separated and clapped. The music shifted to another fast one but I think she had had enough for the time being and for the first time she said “ I need a drink darling……will you join me?”…

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RE: Friend’s sexy wife – ultimate seduction - by vijay321 - 28-12-2020, 11:27 AM

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