Adultery Indian Social Worker and the Bully by shiprat
I went to the bathroom, started the shower and just stood under it crying, letting the water wash all over me, willing it to clean me of the dirtiness of the previous night.

The most cruel irony here was that the rational and professional side of me, the one who counseled women about the right thing to do, was very clear on what should happen next. I call Inspector Dubey, make a formal complaint that I was bangd by Lallan. That pushes him from just an abusive husband on the run to a full on rapist. The security officer machine kicks into high gear to hunt him down. Given my personal warm relationship with cops, they would take the case very personally and hunt him down before the end of the day. I get therapy myself, come to terms with the trauma of what happened, move on.

Sounded very logical and straightforward. But then, for the first time, I found myself in the shoes of the very women I counseled. And I realized, it's not always that easy.

Lallan had these dozens of pictures and videos of me. Even if he was arrested, or rather, especially if he was arrested, they would be forwarded far and wide. Everyone would see them. I didn't know if I could live down the shame. And more importantly, I didn't know if I would ever get taken seriously in the social work field ever again. Even if it wasn't my fault.

I was in the shower for almost an hour. Finally I dried myself, went back to the bedroom, which was a mess. I could see a bunch of stains on the sheets. I put on a clean pair of panties and a bra. It almost felt strange to have fabric against my skin after being naked for so many hours at a stretch.

Just as I was pulling on some trousers and thinking about what to do next, my phone rang. The screen said "Inspector Dubey".


"Hi Shikha, how are you doing?"

"Hi Anil." I sounded as tired as I was. And the canny cop that he was, he heard it right away.

"Shikha.....are you okay?" he sounded concerned.

The words got stuck in my throat. No, Anil, I am not okay. I have just been bangd all night by the very sadistic psychotic monster we talked about. Please catch him. But then those pictures and videos flashed in front of my eyes.

"Yeah....just a little tired and hungover. Had a late night celebrating the Stanford admit with some friends." I said.

"Ah okay. Anyway....I am calling with some news about that Parvati-Lallan situation." he said.


"I am afraid I have some bad news. I had a few cop friends in other states track down Lallan's truck after our last conversation. Turns out he's not on it. Looks like someone told him what happened and he is on the run."

"Oh....that's too bad." I said, trying to sound genuinely surprised.

"We will keep an eye out for him of course. But you be careful, okay? You know how these guys can end up blaming social workers for what happened. Just watch your back, and if you see or feel anything suspicious, call me."

Again, the rational part of me was crying out, tell him, TELL HIM!

"Thanks, Anil. Will do."

"Anyway, at least we got the wife and girls out in time. So even if this guy is in the run, at least they are safe. You did great convincing her, Shikha."

"Oh yeah, that's the good thing." I said. "Where did Parvati end up by the way?"

There was silence on the line for a couple of seconds.

"Shikha, you know I can't tell you that." he said in a solemn.

"Oh yes, of course. I understand. I was just thinking, if it isn't too far, I might visit her before going to the US."

"We can arrange for a video conference call if you like."

"That would be great. But there is something much more warm about meeting in person, isn't there?"
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RE: Indian Social Worker and the Bully by shiprat - by Ramesh_Rocky - 21-03-2019, 12:45 PM

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