Adultery An Indian Marriage by rulerandcane
An Indian Marriage Ch. 06

The next day they woke up late. Meeta was sore from the last night's adventures. Dinesh woke up more satisfied. He had pushed her quite a bit last night and she seemed to handle it far.

"How was last night?"

"Fine," Meeta murmured.

"Sore bum?" He joked.

She smiled nervously.

"You need to behave better and obey. If not you will get some bum warming from time to time."

Meeta felt afraid of him at that moment. There was bit of mean streak about him and her bum reminded her of that. She did not respond to his comment.

"We should do something today. I only have one more day of holiday." Dinesh remarked. He got up and walked to the bathroom. He was still naked from last night. Meeta dragged herself out of the bed in her panties and t-shirt. She made herself coffer from the fancy coffee machine and pondered over the last few days. She was happy in many ways but the sexual activities and his dominance left it edgy. She decided to call her mother just to speak to someone else. Her Mom asked the usual questions and then started asking about Dinesh. Her topic meandered around sex, although, she never asked directly. Meeta comforted her Mom and told her as all was good and she was happy.

As she was speaking, Dinesh walked in and went to the coffee machine. Meeta finished talking and the got up and went to Dinesh who was standing by the window.

"Want to speak to my Mom?" She asked.

"Sure." He took the phone from her and wrapped his other arm around her waist.

He exchanged the usual pleasantries and then her mother asked how Meeta was taking care off.

"She is doing fine. She is occasionally naughty." He joked while rubbing his hand over her ass.

Meeta stiffened again. The conversation he was having and his hands made her tense. Her mother got concerned at Dinesh's statement and asked him to be considerate as she was naïve.

"Don't worry, I will take care of her." He remarked casually slipping his hand into her panties and squeezing her ass. The conversation end with Dinesh explaining what they were planning to do that day. Meeta's mother then asked him to give the phone to her and he did.

Her mother told her to be a good girl and listen to Dinesh.

"I think he is making me listen to him", thought Meeta.

"Don't worry amma, I will be good." She eventually hung up after the usual goodbyes.

"Did your mom tell you to be a good girl?" Dinesh asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"Good, so that is two of us who think you are not good." He laughed.

"I'm not bad." She replied defiantly.

"It depends what bad means." He pulled her closer and kissed her.

"I think you have been a very good girl in some aspects and just bratty on others. You did a great job last night of sucking my cock."

Meeta was embarrassed at the mention of that.

"OK, let's get going. The day looks good."

"What about breakfast?" Meeta asked.

"We will do it outside. Let's get showered."

As she got out of the shower, Dinesh was in shorts and standing by the wardrobe.

"Time to dress my doll." He stated and started rumbling.

First came the lacy panties, then the short skirt and finally a red top.

"This will do nicely." He exclaimed.

Meeta obediently took it and started dressing. Dinesh dropped into the bed and watched her. She looked beautiful as she dried her hair wearing just her panties. Her breasts still moist and her nipples erect.
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RE: An Indian Marriage by rulerandcane - by krish - 20-03-2019, 05:42 AM
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