Non-erotic The Scarface I Hated by Trambak
But could he replace my father?

The post-mortem report came in the evening. The security officer surgeon had concluded that death was caused due to multiple bullet injuries in respect of the parents of the girl. The bullets were of two types indicating that there were different weapons involved.

Dr Indranath, my father was killed by a single bullet ostensibly fired from a 9mm Browning pistol that pierced his heart and caused death instantaneously.

The information was of no use to us.

Our question was; why?"

Imran was again distressed. I did not stop him. He wanted to be over with this agony. I needed to listen. It was an easier task. So be it.

For Imran, the worst was over and was better poised. He carried on, in a much matter of fact tone.

"My mother was escorted in the evening for the cremation. She did not take me along. She, like my father did not believe in 'last rituals and rites'. What did I feel? I did not know. Till date, I have tried to ascertain my own feelings. I don't think I felt much. In that respect, I wasn't different from that small girl except that she constantly searched for her parents that I didn't. I knew that he wasn't coming back.

Maa came back in the evening. She cooked food for us and there was a semblance of an order. Though this time, father did not return for dinner. At night, both I and the small girl slept with mother. She embraced both of us and so did we.

Next day, a lady came to our house. She was tall and gaunt. On closer look, I realised that she was the security officerwoman but out of her uniform. She was wearing a saree that made her look simple and different. She spoke to my mother. Apparently, she was moving out of the town, the same evening and had with her a court order to take along with her, the baby girl to hand over to her NOK (next of kin).

The girl surprisingly made a big fuss and clung to my mother so strongly that it was impossible for them to make her go. She did not leave her and finally slept off holding Maa. Once she was asleep, the security officerwoman gently took her in her lap and left without saying a word.

My mother for the second time in two days cried. She sat as if she was a criminal.

The security officerwoman and the small girl vanished from our life."

Imran stopped. The sky had become lighter and the brilliant sunrise was just a moment away. Imran got up and pulled me along and said, "Meher, this story has too many misfortunes, too many turns. I am sorry, I am telling you all this. But who will hear it, if not you? Is anyone else interested? Come, let's catch some sleep."

Without giving me a chance to respond, he guided me along to the bedroom and lay down. I too lay down with him. The night had taken its toll on him.

I looked at his tormented face and kissed him full on the lips while embracing him with all my might.

Maybe, like Kiana had done 20 years back!

Imran too, like a child, held on to me.

I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up but I did not find Imran in the bed. He was outside, on the terrace sitting on the chair that was witness to his singularly unique account that had sapped all his energy. He looked better composed. He was more like the man I was familiar with.
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The Scarface I Hated by Trambak - by Ramesh_Rocky - 16-03-2019, 03:27 PM
RE: The Scarface I Hated by Trambak - by Ramesh_Rocky - 21-03-2019, 12:33 PM

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