Adultery My Wife Swetha
Part 31

Now with Swetha agreeing to have sex with Rajesh I was excited that My Swetha will have someone to look after her sexual needs as Rajesh was already ready to have sex with her. When I told Rajesh that Swetha is ready I could hear some excitement in his voice. Anyone getting to have sex with such a beautiful lady who is his friend’s wife and also is invited to by her husband to engage in sex and satisfy her would be excited. He asked me promptly what would be the best way to break the ice between them and I told him to take her to a horror movie and asked him to take charge there in the darkness and he will get a lot of opportunities there. I asked him to not to waste any time more and hit it when the rod is hot.

The next day morning by the time I got up I got a message from Swetha ‘Rajesh wants to take me to a movie today’

I called Swetha immediately and asked her “what did you say”

“I told him that I will think and tell”


“I wanted to ask you before saying anything”

“Tell me …. You want to go?”


“Then you should have said yes”

“I wanted to but……. I wanted to ask you”

“I already told you what I want……...”

“But what if something happens?”

“What can happen more than you both having sex?”

“Raghu are you ok with it?”

“With what?”

“Me having sex with Rajesh?”

“Yes of course… don’t worry….. I love you and I will always keep loving you…..”

“Ok….. I’ll go”

“Good girl………..” and I smiled to myself. It was much easier to convince her than what I thought.

“What will people think when they see me with him?”

“People will think that you are husband and wife just like the old couple on the beach……ha ha ha”

“Shut up………”

“It’s ok……let them think…..”

“What do you think? it ok for me to go out with him?”

“Yes….. I am ok with it……. You can be as free with him as you are with me….”

“In what sense?”

“In every sense?..... I know you like him….. I have seen how you respond when I take his name………”


“When we used to have sex…..…”


“Ha ha ha……..that is the reason I used to take his name when we were having sex. You get very excited. The days when Rajesh used to come home you used to be very horny……….. I noticed it and I used to call him more often. That is the reason I ask you to have sex with Rajesh. I am sure you will enjoy”

“…………..Raghu….. I love you…….”

“For asking you to have sex with Rajesh?” I teased her

“Shut up………… am going now……” and she cut the call.

Half an hour later I got a message from Rajesh ‘We are going for the night show’

When it was 6PM in Indian time I called Swetha again “So what is the plan?”

“We are going for the second show, he is going to come and pick me up around seven and we will be having dinner and then the movie”

“What will you wear?”

“I am planning to wear a churidar like the beach”

“Wear a saree…. You look good in saree”

“You know I’ll feel cold in a saree”

“Then it would be much better …….he would be there to warm you up”

“I know your intentions…….you want things to start”

“If I would have been there by this time you both would have already started enjoying….”

“Shameless……Is this the way a husband talks to a wife?”

“I don’t know about other husbands but I talk this way to my Swetha and My Swetha doesn’t have any issues with it”

“You are pimping your wife”

“No, I want you to enjoy and be happy….. I love you”

“Sorry…….. I love you ……… I love you more than anything in the world…….. I don’t want anything else in my life…….. I am very lucky to get a husband like you…….” I could sense lot of emotions there in her tone.

“I love you darling…….. I love you a lot……. Ok ok……get ready…..Rajesh would be coming ……....wear a good saree…… look good in the saree ……ok…ok ….bye” and I cut the call. I did not want her to get emotional and then back out in the last moment.

After cutting the call I started thinking about what I am doing but my kinky fantasy took over, my fantasy and happiness of my Swetha. I started imagining again about Rajesh and Swetha having Sex whole evening. The next day morning I got up and by the time I could call it was already morning in India I dialed Rajesh’s number but he did not pick up my call. I called Swetha and after few rings she picked up and she said

“Hi Raghu” I felt her tone was little low and hushed.

“Are you fine? Your tone seems to be little different”

“Nothing…. I am fine ….. I just got up” I remembered that they went for the late-night movie.

“So, how was the movie?”

“……….Did not see………..”

“What? You did not go?” I started remembering our last conversation and felt bad that I had actually spoiled her mood rather than improving her mood yesterday

“We went……………….but did not watch”

“Why?” I asked but there was no response for some time and then I heard a message ping…. I did not understand. I opened Swetha’s messages and I saw that she had sent a picture. I clicked it to open. I did not understand immediately and suddenly it strike me……it a hickey……….on her left breast.


“………………” I heard a giggle on the other side

“Looks like you enjoyed…….” Again there was no response and then another picture came and immediately clicked it and there was another picture of a hickey……. This was on the inside of her thigh……slightly red…….. my dick immediately stood up and started saluting……….. I was very happy seeing the hickeys……….and I took some time to look at both of them alternately and started admiring them and I took out my dick and started fondling.

“Are you angry?”

“Angry?…………. look at this…….” And I clicked a pic of my hard dick and sent it.

“………………” I again heard her giggle and few seconds later I got a pic again, this time when I opened it I did not understand it, it was the pic of a wall with some pictures on it, TV mounted on the wall and an open door. Initially I did not get it, I started looking at it keenly to understand why she sent it. I zoomed it and checked the TV the door , pics on the wall and it took a while for me to understand and when I understood there was no bounds for my happiness.

“You are in Rajesh’s house!!!!!!!”

“…………..” I heard a lot of giggling from the other side

“Where is Rajesh?” and this time she took some time and I understood that she is clicking a pic and I waited patiently for her pic. After a lot of time (though it was a minute or so … but I felt like she took ages to click a picture) a pic came and I opened it and it was the pic which blew my mind, I was very happy seeing the pic. Swetha was lying on her back with Rajesh lying on the side with his right leg bent and his right knee resting on her right knee. His thick long flaccid dick was on her hips. Though it was soft I could see it was long. His dick was resting on her hips. It started from her hips and the tip was almost near her pussy lips though it was flaccid. Her pussy was bald and soft and looked like hair was removed yesterday. Her pussy lips were moist. I understood what happened from just the pictures she sent to me. I kept looking at all the picture, especially the last one, I got very excited and I started squeezing my dick. It was very clear to me what about happened last night.

“Are you upset?” She asked me when I did not talk for some time looking at the pics

“Upset!!!!!!........……. I am thrilled”

“…………..” I heard giggling

“What is Rajesh doing?” I asked her

“Sleeping” she promptly answered in low voice. I understood the reason why all the hushed tone and the pictures.

“Still Sleeping?”

“Yeah… he just slept”


“Yeah………three times……..” and she giggled


“Yeah…………....very much”

“You are not tired?”

“I am tired…….. I got up with your call”

“Did I disturb you?”

“No………. I wanted to tell you from the time it happened. I did not want send you a message. I wanted to tell you myself”

“So how did that happen?”

“Raghu, I am tired… can I tell you later…. I’ll send you a message when I am back in our house, Rajesh is also sleeping, he might get disturbed………...”

“Oh oo… already showing concern for your lover?.....” I laughed

She giggled “……….. no….its that he is tired and slept just now……...”

“Yeah yeah….. I understand………so how was he?.......”

“Raghu….. can we talk later?........ I am also very tired….. he did not allow me to sleep……. Every few hours he is getting up and wakes me up also”

“I am sure you are happy to be woken up……..”

I heard some giggling “Raghu……..”

“ok ok……will call you later……just one last question……how was he?”

She started giggling “ he is VERY GOOD………ok then bye”

“Ok bye……enjoy……I love you……”

“I love you too Raghu……” and she cut the call.

After the call, I continued to look at the pictures with excitement while playing with myself till I released. I continued with my work and kept waiting for the message from my Swetha to hear from her what happened.
I kept waiting for Swetha’s message whole day but it did not come. I knew she would ping me when she is free and ready to talk. My whole thoughts were of - what might be happening there between them. I kept waiting and when I was about to sleep I got a message from her ‘Don’t worry, I am fine, am still here with Rajesh. I will be back home after he leaves for office tomorrow’ and I immediately sent a message ‘Ok, ping me when free, will be waiting for your message’. My excitement grew again as I was now sure that my Swetha is happy and enjoying, which I always wanted. I again masturbated and released thinking of them and slept.

Next day I got a message ‘Am back home’. That is what I was waiting for and I immediately called her, Swetha picked up the call and said “Good Morning Raghu………. I love you” and hearing her sweet voice was my dick got hard. My Swetha was calm and there was a kind of happiness in her voice.

“Hi Darling……..muah …muah…muah….muah……….” I kissed her over the phone “I love you………. So how was everything? I can sense it all went well”


“So…….. how was Rajesh?”


“Liked it ?”


“Swetha……….. talk to me……. tell me…….. “ I told her unable to control my anxiety hearing her monosyllable response.

“Ok ok……. I enjoyed ……. a lot …….had a good time”

“Nice, so how did it happen? ….. tell me in detail…….”

“Detail?..........will you be ok?”

“I have asked you to have sex with Rajesh and I already know that you have been with Rajesh in his house for more than 24hrs and had sex with him at least three times …… do I seem to be angry or not ok?” I asked her

“It’s not that……… I am just worried about what will happen if I tell you in detail……”

“oh……….. so it looks like lot of things happened……..then you definitely need to tell me everything in detail………. ” and I laughed. I could hear her giggling from the other side

“Ok ….. I’ll tell …….”

Let me be begin from after the call from Raghu and him asking me to wear a saree for the movie.

After the call from Raghu I stared at the churidar which I took out and kept it on the bed before. I saw it for some time thinking about Raghu asking me to wear a saree. I understood his intentions and I picked up the dress and placed it back in the cupboard. I scanned my wardrobe and I took out a semi-transparent beige color saree with matching dark blouse which has deep neck. Blouse was deep neck both in the front and back and It has pads to avoid wearing any bra. This was one of the sarees which Raghu liked. After taking bath, I wore my panty and petticoat on top. I tied my saree around and I wore a single paloo on my shoulder. I thought for some time and I deliberately avoided putting a saree pin to hold it in position. I looked at myself in the mirror after getting ready and I could see that I was looking very elegant and hot. I shifted the other end of the paloo around me and held it in my palm and I looked again and I was pleased with myself. As the saree was semi-transparent I could see that my deep neck was visible slightly in the dark color blouse. I did slight make-up and applied perfume and turned around in front of the mirror and smiled to myself. I could feel that I was ‘Dressed to Kill’

As soon as I finished getting ready I heard door bell and I went and opened it. Rajesh was standing at the door with flowers in his hands. As soon as he saw me I could see a glow in his eyes. While he was unable to take his eyes of me he gave me the flowers and asked me if I am ready and I smiled to him. He asked me if he can get a perfume and I took out one of Raghu’s perfume and gave it to him and my fingers touched his and I felt an excitement which was hiding from him. He went into the guest room and freshened up came out. After he got ready we came down locking the door and Rajesh started his bike and I sat on the back seat on the side. Initially I sat a little far and slowly I moved forward and rested my chest on his back and I placed my arm around his abdomen and held him. As soon as my chest touched his back I could feel the shiver in Rajesh’s body. I continued to sit like that all the way till we reached a posh restaurant. I could feel that there was heightened sexual feeling in both our bodies and there was hardly any talk between us till we reached the restaurant.

Rajesh had already booked a table for us and we were shown the reserved table which was in a corner. We both sat in front of each other and I started looking around. The restaurant was beautifully decorated and the ambience was very good with very nice smell. Rajesh ordered the food as I was scanning the restaurant. We started talking generally and I noticed that his eyes were frequently looking at something. When I traced it, he was looking at my chest region and I smiled looking at him and Rajesh turned his face smiling.

I wanted to tease him and I lifted the single paloo and placed a second layer over covering my chest. When Rajesh turned back he was surprised and he looked at me and I gave him a naughty smile. He made a face and without saying anything he requested with his expression to leave the single paloo. I said no moving my head. He made a face again and pleaded with his eyes and I smiled and lowered the second layer of the paloo and I bent down slightly giving him a proper view. Promptly Rajesh’s eyes went and rested there. I could feel eyes were poking my chest and I started feeling hot. I could feel sweat drops forming on my chest and I felt a drop travelling slowly down and went into my cleavage. I looked at Rajesh and I was sure he noticed the drop enter my cleavage and he just shifted in his seat and a smile went through my lips. With all this looking and pleading and excitement we finished our dinner and we got up to leave. As we left the place Rajesh came beside me and he placed his hand around me on my hips while we walked out of the restaurant. With his touch some pleasant tingling started down below between my legs.

I sat again on his bike and this time I immediately pushed myself forward and crushed my breasts on his back while holding his hips with one hand. I moved my palm on his chest over his shirt for some time and slowly opened one of the buttons and pushed my hand in. He was not wearing any vest inside and my palm touched his skin. As soon as I touched his skin the tingling increased in my cunt and I pressed my legs together. In the mean time we came to the theater and I got down and looked at it. It was a regular old-style theater. I saw that an old movie which was celebrating its Silver jubilee year was being played and very few people were there. Rajesh parked his bike and we both entered the theater. Rajesh had already bought tickets and we went inside. Rajesh took my hand in his and pulled me to the other side of the theater and we climbed the stairs and we entered a VIP BOX. At the entrance the ticket collector collected our two tickets and we went in.

Inside the VIP box it was looking like it was re-furbished recently to cater to the VIPs. There were three two seater sofas and we sat on the middle sofa with me sitting on his left. As soon as we sat Rajesh placed his left hand on the top of the sofa and slowly moved it down and rested it on my shoulder. Feeling his hand on my shoulder with lights still on and movie still not started and with people expected to come in I was surprised on his boldness. I looked at him and Rajesh smiled and took out something from his pocket and gave it to me. Those were four more tickets for the VIP box and a smile broke out between us. He pulled me closer and I rested my shoulder on his. In the meantime, the lights dimmed and the movie started. We were both excited from inside and I could feel his elevated breath on my hair.

With the lights dimming his left hand slowly moved down and rested on my breast and gave a small squeeze. My eyes instantly closed and that was the end of the movie I saw. I was too excited to stop him and with no resistance from my side he gave a squeeze again and a moan came out of my mouth. Rajesh understood that I am excited and he confidently pushed me down so that my arm was resting on his thigh while he continued to maul my breast over my saree and blouse. I was in no mood to stop him and was enjoying his actions. Only regret was that my saree and my blouse were there in between his hand and my breasts. It looked like Rajesh read my mind and I felt his hand pull down my paloo and my chest heaved up in anticipation.

Rajesh moved his right hand and placed it on the hooks of my blouse which are on the front and I promptly placed my palms on his and stopped his advances. Rajesh waited for some time and when he noticed that I did not let go his hands he slowly bend down and said “Please……..” and I shuddered hearing his voice and my juices started releasing from my vertical lips down below. My hands automatically gave way to his hands and he slowly started releasing the hooks. As he released the hooks I could feel his palm slowly coming in contact more and more with the top of the breast with each hook released. I was in a bliss and I felt like looking at Rajesh and I turned my head and opened my eyes. Rajesh was looking at me and a smile broke out on his face. I continued to look at him while he continued to open my hooks one by one. With the last hook releasing, he pushed both his palms and he grasped both my naked breasts instantly and my mouth opened to release a moan. It looked like an opportunity which he was looking and he bend down and promptly placed his lips on mine and started kissing and I released my juices due to excitement, the first of the many to come in the night.

He continued to kiss me like that with his palms mauling my breasts and his tongue exploring my mouth. I could feel his saliva in my mouth and I was enjoying drinking it. I don’t know how much time we stayed like that but I was enjoying his assault on my body. He stopped after some time and released my mouth and I started missing it immediately. He lifted his head and turned me and made me rest my head on the hand rest of the sofa and my back on his thigh where I could feel his thick long dick pocking me. I instinctively pushed my back to feel his hard dick on my back looking at him. Rajesh smiled and brought both his palms up and he separated the sides of the blouse and started looking at them. I could see the naughtiness in his eyes and I tried to bend and cover them but he stopped me and he bent down and placed his mouth on my right breast and took my nipple in his mouth and started sucking it. He took the other breast in his hand and held my nipple between his fingers and started to squeeze while he continued to suckle me on my other breast.

It was a dream for me with me lying topless in an unknown place and in the arms of a guy who is not my husband and I was enjoying to the hilt with him sucking and squeezing my breasts. Which each change of sucking to squeezing and then to sucking I was coming closer and closer to my second release and then suddenly the lights came bringing me to the reality. Rajesh promptly got up and pulled my paloo up and covered me. I got up from his thigh and sat straight and covered myself with the paloo. I tried to hook my blouse up and promptly Rajesh stopped me with a naughty smile. I bend my face down and I could see that my breasts were clearly visible through the paloo in the light. I looked at him and pleaded with my eyes but he did not release my hands, instead he pulled me up and brought my face to his face and hugged me and crushed my breasts on his chest and kissed me on my lips and with that I released the second time in the night. With my second release my energy was low and I continued to stay crushed in his hands till he released me and I slumped down on the sofa.

Rajesh was literally playing with my body bringing me to a high and a low and again. I sat tired with my head resting on his chest till the time the lights dimmed again. I now started worrying about what Rajesh would do next. But like a gentle man he just lifted my face up and kissed me on my lips. I felt it was my turn and I moved my palm on his thigh and then to his dick and gave a squeeze. He promptly increased his kissing on my lips while I held his dick over his pants. While we continued to kiss I opened the buttons and the zipper of his pant and I pushed my hand inside and started feeling his dick over his underwear. I was enjoying the girth and the hardness of his dick when he stopped kissing and lifted his hips and pushed down his pants and his underwear. I immediately held his naked dick in my palm as soon as he sat back on the sofa and started squeezing it just like how he mauled my breasts. It looked like it was having a great effect on him as his dick which was already hard grew much bigger in my palm.

As I started playing with his dick Rajesh continued to look at me for some time and moved his hands and pulled down my paloo while smiling at me. By this time, I had become shame less and continued to play with his dick while enjoying his stare on my face and my breasts. He continued to look at me while I was wanking is dick and I could see pure lust in his eyes and I was enjoying it to the fullest. While looking at me he took out his tongue and came near me. I promptly moved forward and opened my mouth and I took his tongue in my mouth and started sucking his tongue while I continue to play with his dick. Rajesh held my head with one hand and he held my nipple between his fingers and started pulling it with the other, while I was sucking on his tongue and playing with his dick. I was enjoying what was going on between us.

After some time he moved his head away and pulled my head down onto his lap. I knew what he wanted and I immediately opened my mouth without hesitation and taking his dick inside my mouth I closed my lips. I could feel his dick pulsing in my mouth as I started moving my tongue around it. Though I gave blow job to Raghu it was always an uneasy event for both of us but with Rajesh I was very willing and was enjoying his dick in my mouth. My head was in his lap, bobbing up and down and playing with his dick with my mouth and sucking it whole heartedly. Rajesh’s palms was on my breasts squeezing them and playing with them. My juices were oozing between my legs and I was sure it was flowing down making my saree wet and sofa beneath it. I could feel that Rajesh’s dick started jumping in my mouth as he started lifting his hips due to excitement.

Rajesh promptly stopped me and said “Swetha…. Let’s go………” and moved away from me. His dick came out of my mouth making a plopping sound. We both got up and adjusted our dresses. I just hooked on few of the hooks on my blouse and lifted my paloo and adjusted it to cover. Rajesh bend down and kissed me on my lips and we both rushed out of the theater. We went to the parking and took his bike and started back. Both of us knew exactly what is going to happen. Seeing that the roads were empty I promptly hugged him tight and crushed my breasts on his back. I moved my hand towards his dick and held his dick on top of his pant. I tried to open his zip and Rajesh stopped his bike and stood up and opened his zip and then sat again and started moving. I pushed my hand inside his pants and into his underwear and started squeezing holding his naked dick. I continued my assault on his dick and his back till we reached his house. As soon as he parked his bike in the shed I went and hugged him and slowly bend down and sat in front of him. Rajesh understood what I wanted and he immediately opened his pants and lowered them along with his under wear. His dick was hard and it hit me on my face as soon as it released from his under wear. I promptly held his dick in my hand and pulled it in my mouth and started sucking it. With so much of action from the evening and my pouncing and gobbling his dick…… he did not take much time and he released in my mouth.
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My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 13-08-2019, 08:01 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 13-08-2019, 09:21 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:38 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:40 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:40 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 13-08-2019, 04:42 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Givemeextra - 13-08-2019, 07:22 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 13-08-2019, 07:57 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by dilema - 14-08-2019, 08:24 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 15-08-2019, 01:29 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-08-2019, 05:09 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-08-2019, 05:21 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 17-08-2019, 02:55 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 13-11-2020, 02:35 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rakib321 - 13-11-2020, 10:49 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 14-11-2020, 09:58 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rakib321 - 15-11-2020, 10:38 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 16-11-2020, 11:33 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 16-11-2020, 12:24 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rakib321 - 17-11-2020, 10:12 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 20-11-2020, 07:02 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rakib321 - 22-11-2020, 09:42 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 24-11-2020, 09:27 AM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 05-12-2020, 06:24 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 06-12-2020, 11:49 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 05:08 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:12 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:15 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:18 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:20 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:23 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:25 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 12-12-2020, 06:29 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 30-12-2020, 08:53 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 30-12-2020, 12:17 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 02-01-2021, 10:47 AM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by rombyzomby - 03-01-2021, 05:15 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 03-01-2021, 09:08 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 10-01-2021, 05:47 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Seaman - 13-01-2021, 06:30 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 14-01-2021, 11:33 AM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 18-01-2021, 09:25 PM
RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 22-01-2021, 06:55 AM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 01-02-2021, 07:19 AM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 01-02-2021, 02:09 PM
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RE: My Wife Swetha - by Eswar P - 22-01-2023, 06:59 PM
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