Adultery Indian Wife & Construction Guys by shiprat
Indian Wife & Construction Guys Ch. 05.3

Trigger warning: I seem to be attracting a lot of frustrated idiotic incels and MRA types who don't seem to understand that fiction/fantasy are different from actual reality. So just a heads up for them. This story explores the details and consequences of willful infidelity in India. If that triggers you snowflakes, don't read it. If you still choose to read it and leave hateful or racist comments, that's on you.


I stood guiltily just staring at the two women in response to the question. Until now, I had gotten just hostility from them. Hostility that I found somewhat justifiable, given the situation that I was their husband's sex toy. But hostility that I also found somewhat unjustifiable, given that these were two of three wives he had. And as Zahra herself said, Sajid does that. He seduces and fucks women. I got seduced and fucked by him. So why were they treating me like this?

"I asked you a question." Zahra said calmly.

"She's here because she is a characterless slut who just wants to get fucked." Shabnam said and spat at me.

I turned my back on them and checked my phone for any new messages or emails. But there was no network coverage and I had received nothing new since the middle of the night. Tarun must be worried, I realized. I had seen a phone booth in the village. Maybe I could call him from there.

"Where are you going?" Zahra asked as I started walking.

"Phone booth in the village."

"You reek of sex. At least have the decency to wash up. Unless you want men and dog following you around sniffing your ass."

"Maybe she does." Shabnam added tartly. She was really starting to piss me off.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"Bathroom?" Shabnam snorted. "Rich city bitch thinks she is in a five star hotel. There is a wash pond five minutes on that side. That's where we bathe and clean up. Now that you are acting like one of us, that's what you will have to do."

"I'll come with you. I have to fill up some drinking water anyway. You drink water like a fish and if he's going to be banging you day and night, you will need it." Zahra said.

She picked up two metal pots and handed me one of them. I meekly took it and followed her. What kind of a world had I voluntarily entered, I thought horrified. No bathrooms and an open pond as the place to wash myself and bathe and also drink water from? I could have been back home with running water and a clean private bathtub. Instead here I was, getting insulted and having to do all these weird thing.

Zahra kept a stony silence for a minute or so. then she spoke up again.

"Why him?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why my husband? Why did you choose him instead of all the thousands of younger men from your own social status?"

"I...I didn't exactly choose him. It just happened."

"That's not what Shabnam says. She says you would be out and about in skimpy dresses tempting the construction laborers and ogling their bodies. Even among them, you would have found younger fitter men."

It was a valid question. And it least this time she wasn't being hostile but genuinely confused and curious.

"I was initially attracted to your nephew Rasul. I hadn't planned on an affair as such. But my eyes were initially on him."


I gave her a short summary of how this chapter of my life had started. How they came over to use the phone. And then how Sajid aggressively pursued me and eventually seduced me. I didn't give too many gory details, but enough for her to give her the basic picture.

"Hmmmm...I understand." she sounded a little sympathetic for the first time.

"You do?"

"Like I told you before, I was his first conquest. He pursued me very aggressively too. My family didn't approve of him. Said he was an arrogant prick of a man who would never care for me or be faithful to me. But I was young and naive you, could not resist him physically. So I became his lover and soon his wife. He was cheating on me within a month of our marriage. First of many such instances."

"Aapa if I had..."

"Don't call me Aapa." she snapped.

"If I had known it would cause so many problems, I would never have gone through with it."

"Are you lying to me or to yourself? You know fully well that once you were in his thrall, you had no chance to escape what came next."

We had reached the pond by then. I was somewhat relieved to see that the washing pond was different from a hand-pump which was used for drinking water. I was still not sure about how hygienic it was to wash myself in that pond. But at stage, I did not have much of a choice. She was right that I reeked of sex. From the activities in the bus to the recent romp, I had not had a chance to clean myself in any way.
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RE: Indian Wife & Construction Guys by shiprat - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-03-2019, 03:42 PM

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