Adultery Slave to My Indian Maid by spankedboy
"Pee." She ordered.

I began to urinate. Like the trained dog that I was, I complied with her order. It had been some time since I had woken up, and my bladder had been near bursting. The urine hit the inner walls of the commode with a vengeance.

I cannot tell you how good it felt to relieve myself in front of Rashida. Gone were any notions of decency or shame I once had. It is an enormous sense of liberation, yes, liberation, that you can pee in front of another person, a woman to whom you have willingly surrendered yourself to. Other than a T-shirt, I was naked, urinating, completely vulnerable; yet I felt a sense of comfort, a security that can only be felt when you submit yourself completely to your beloved. Rashida had me at her mercy and yet I trusted her. I would do anything for her. When she told me to take a piss, I didn't even hesitate. Out came the golden shower, and out went my masculinity. I was her bitch.

At that moment, the only thing I could feel was how completely I was under her power, and how I loved it. I loved the fact that she was making all decisions for me, and I didn't have to think. It was, as I said, liberating. I love Rashida, and in my heart I had already given her my taan (body), maan (spirit), and dhaan (wealth).

When I was done, I cleaned myself with some water and tissue. Rashida had by this time stepped away from the sink and was drying her hands on a towel. I then realized my own toothbrush was in my washroom.

"Bua," I told her deferentially. "My toothbrush is in my own washroom. Should I use one of yours?"

Note that I didn't ask for permission to use one of theirs. I asked if the idea of me brushing my teeth with their toothbrushes was actually acceptable. You see, I was a mere slave, and these were my goddesses, so maybe I shouldn't even be thinking of using their toothbrushes.

"Yes, go ahead." Rashida lovingly replied. "You will be using our toothbrushes from now."

I looked at the toothbrushes on the sink. They were kind of old, with the bristles now no longer firm. One was red, the other was blue.

"Bua," I again turned to Rashida. "Which one is yours? May I be permitted to use yours?"

I saw Rashida smile. She then leaned into the sink, opened the faucet and cupped her hands. Taking a handful of water, she swished it around inside her mouth. Bending a finger, she beckoned me to come closer and stand in front of her.

Then she spit out the water into my face. I stood there, basking in ecstasy as the water, mixed with her saliva, hit my face. She repeated the action thrice, drenching me.

"Take off your t-shirt." She ordered. I complied. I was now fully naked. Rashida threw the T-shirt into one corner of the washroom, along with other dirty clothes.

Then she snapped her fingers.

For the second time that morning I was on my knees, prostrate with my bare naked bum in the air. My hands were on the wet slimy floor of the maids' washroom, my face was at my maid's feet, and I was kissing Rashida's toes and ankles. I remained in that abject posture, planting wet and slimy kisses on her feet, until Rashida told me to raise my head, but remain kneeling.
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RE: Slave to My Indian Maid by spankedboy - by Ramesh_Rocky - 20-03-2019, 12:57 PM

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