Construction People Try Their Luck – Part I (Copied)
Sush had a quiet afternoon nap after her exertions in the afternoon  at 4pm her son Akash came from school then she was into her regular activities spending time with him & preparing dinner, late at around 9pm her husband came home and peck to her cheek asked

How did you manage that deal?

Sush replied now you know why iam a valued banker winking at him then she added seeing that I from a bank these guys wanted us in the deal even sush could not believe how without any thought she was able to lie beautifully

Well sush that was a great job I have arranged 1lac and transferred to your account you can pay them tomorrow

Ajay why don’t we go tomorrow and finish the deal and paper work you can also see the flat
He said sorry sush I have to go early in the morning to Pune for a project inspection why don’t you do it any way the house will be in your name
Sush looked at him oh god Ajay –ok I will do it.

Early morning Ajay left waking her up wishing her luck as she waived a sleepy good morning then she got up made a quick breakfast and packed Akash lunch & walked her highly animated son to the school bus stop .

She got home and cleaned her house called her boss in the bank told him about the house deal he was happy and readily agreed for her leave if required she thanked him, at around 9’o clock she called Badshah his phone was in voice mail & asked her to leave a message as he was in a family emergency - what sush did not know was that it was clever ploy by both of them to make her call chunni  lal .

After almost half an hour she got a message from Badhsah  asking her to call chunniji  as he had to leave town for a urgent personal work , Sush was in a fix after the tall promise of handling everything now she had to handle the perverted chunniji and did not know what to expect from him as she sat thinking then she received a call from a new number it was chunnilal.
Good morning sushmaji , how are you?

She braced herself and answered good morning Chunniji I have spoken to my husband and advance is ready how should I pay

Chunniji replied great madam you have taken a wise decision and it is my privilege to sell that flat to you and added today is a very  Auspicious day iam sending my driver please come with the cheque for 1 lac , then very politely asked her Madam bhaiya will join you we will need some documents to be signed .

Sush replied no my husband is not in town I will come with the cheque and also that house will be in my name so I can sign all documents

Chunniji was overjoyed madam the car will pick up at 11am if it’s ok with you.

Sush replied its ok with me baffled by this polite and decent talk from chunni
Now Sush wanted to see his reaction in real so she dressed very fashionably and provocatively in semi transparent  white shirt and trouser s today all her inners matching  red & surprise surprise she took her 2 piece swim suit she had purchased during last trip to Goa in her handbag as she looked at the mirror she was dressed to kill looking too damn sexy in her costume

Car picked her up and she was at Chunni lal’s office and quickly ushered into his office Chunni was taken aback with her stylish dressing more than that she was sexual teasing him after all his comments meant only one thing that iron was hot & ready for strike, sush was getting strong sexual vibe from chunni as he looked her with hungry eyes but he words and behavior seemed polite to the point as they completed all the formalities .

Chunni asked madam you want a second look of the flat Sush said yes he took the keys and showed the house second time Chunni called someone in the phone stood aside as she had a clear look at rooms and wardrobes she knew for the full time Chunni’s eyes were feasting on her breast and shapely back as she provocatively postured seeing all things in detail her shirt raiding up & down giving glimses of her white skin and buxom figure .

Chunniji iam finished but before I go I want to have a swim in your pool I have brought the costume too

Chunni was left speechless he said yes sushmaji and took her to the pool side and then he closed the pollside entrance from inside saying I do not want workers or my staff disturbing he opened the changing room allowing Sush to go for a change , then he went to the other room to change as well as to see this voluptuous angel fully naked before he started his conquest now he thought he had clear signal from Sush .

Sush calmly removed her shirt, pant  all her inner clothes totally naked she neatly arranged the removed garments chunni could see her pointed breast and surprisingly well trimmed bald pussy only hair in the top portion , her pinkish lips looked moist and ready chunni had seen enough madam had a prepared puny too for today as  he quickly changed into his undergarments taking a towel he went to the pool  .

He went to the pool side looked around and ensured there are only 2 pool side seats removing nearby seats to a distance and placing both the seats near to each other near the pool shade then quickly removed his underwear kept it purposely over his towel  in the stool wanting sushma to see that he is nude inside the pool then he jumped into the pool his flaming hard dick standing straight  he knew he had a big fat one many times showing his proud black member he had many ladies under his spell and he wanted his big black one inside sushma’s bald pussy today .

Now Sushma arrived at the pool  today she was more confident that towel she carried folded in the hand walking confidently with a smile on her 2 piece bikini it just about covering her modesty he could see madam was primed for action as her breast pointing thrusting into black color top her wonderfull wide hips and big bouncy butts amply amplified in her bikini bottom it just covered the love triangle with both her butts almost rounded and outside her bikini  she came to the stool kept her towel then she saw the other stool ho my god she thought as she trembled with little panic ,Then she turned quickly dived into the pool .

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RE: Construction People Try Their Luck – Part I (Copied) - by mouthinvader - 10-12-2020, 05:12 PM

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