Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest by Indiansubmale - a tribute


We had observed sexual pattern of Prem. From  22nd day to 31st day Manu was dropped outside house to fetch flower while Prem engaged with Kavita in sexual union.
Biologically, a woman requires more foreplay to get excited and lubricated. By pattern, we observed no time was spent on foreplay. On 33rd day also we observed no foreplay before Prem engaged Kavita in intercourse.  If a woman is forced in intercourse without lubrication, she would remain sore with wounds making her absolutely out of activity for days. In rappe related incidents, same thing happens.
Kavita’s sexual union pattern from  22nd day to 31st day suggests she was lubricated. There was no foreplay to excite her producing lubrication. So source of lubrication could be either external or self lubrication out of drug effect.
We looked back to the incidents of 18th day Friday.
Manu called Kavita in the afternoon. She picked up the phone at once, like she had been waiting for his call.
She said, "Yes Manu?"
"Kavi, I think I'll come home early today. Just thought I'll call you so you haven't gone out or something."
She said in a husky voice,
"Nooo, am not going anywhere today. Do come home soon, Manu. I've missed you."
Her words voice sent me racing. Surely she was sounding interested in sex.

Manu could assess the sexual feeling from Kavita’s voice.  Kavita was immersed in sexual thoughts not only physically but mentally also. This could be possible source of her lubrication. She could be drugged. One possibility could have been presence of Prem with Kavita at that particular time engaged with sex. The possibility was ruled out as Kavita lifted the phone without delay and asked Manu to join her, without thinking.  So Prem was not present at that instant when Manu called Kavita.
We paced a few more days further backwards.
On 9th day Wednesday,  Manu returned early to find Kavita giving oil massage to Prem in skirt-blouse. Subsequently, we find Kavita being fondled by Prem late evening after dinner. She soaked her panty completely.  Subsequently, she wetted her skirt also. So much natural secretion calls for abnormality as Bartholin's glands responsible for vagina lubrication normally produce around 5 ml fluid per day.  5 ml can't wet a panty and then a skirt. The incidents suggested for drugs. Possibly she was being drugged.

Before arrival of Prem,  Kavita had withdrawn sex with Manu.  On the day of Prem’s arrival, Manu initiated sex with Kavita at night. She stopped him saying, "Hush, we can't do it tonight, Prem's just arrived and in the other room, he might hear us." Clearly, she was avoiding sex with Manu for some reason.
Within week, on 7th, 8th and 10th we find Kavita initiates sex with Manu. Her resolve of not having sex with Manu had vanished. All of a sudden, sge was looking for sex. She was in captivated with physical desire. 

The overall scenario strongly supports for drugs.


AC Repair
Let’s analyze AC repair from Kavita point of view.
AC repair date was fixed on 33rd day, Saturday well before Manu decided to remove his cast premature.  On 27th Sunday Kavita ask Manu to call AC repair crew whereas Manu expressed his mind of cast removal on 29th Tuesday. So AC repair and Kavita’s shifting was not related to Manu’s cast removal.
Prem had hidden agenda to call known AC crew as already explained. Why Kavita accepted repair of AC by known crew recommended by Prem? The AC’s were installed just one year back and must be covered by warranty. It’s natural to call the agency for repair who installed the AC’s. Prem planned to call his friends by Manu. Prem wanted to demonstrate his domination in presence of his friends. So, Kavita was forced and she could be forced only if she was coerced.
On 28th day, 31st day and 32nd day Kavita ensured about appointment of AC repair with that particular crew. Her last moment change of dress on 33rd day clearly indicates, she had pretty idea of incidents may happen on 33rd day. So, she was part of the planning and actively participated. She could be manipulated by force against her wish also.

Manu removed his cast on 32nd day. He did not inform her time of appointment. She found out time and escorted him to hospital. If she had no care and love for Manu, why she took so much pain? She confirmed appointment, drove the car, ignored Manu’s refusals of accepting her phone calls. So, she cared. Immediately on coming back, she insisted him to resort to sissy dressing again.  She had knowledge of Manu’s constant refusal of sissy dressing. On his refusal, she manipulated again with Vipul’s story and requested him to be proactive. "I'm advising you in YOUR interest, Manu. I'd rather not see what happened to Vipul happen to you. And it could get worse, if you really want to get into physical fights with someone you KNOW is..." In the night she was happy seeing Manu in sissy dressing. She snuggled up to him and said, "Am glad you did the sensible thing, Manu. Besides, these clothes do suit you well."She did not care for Manu. Contradiction! Only possible, if and only if she was coerced, she was forced to force Manu.
Let’s see the morning incidents of 33rd day.
Kavita advanced breakfast. When Manu told her that AC repair crew on their way, she screeched,
"Oh my God, why didn't you tell me? I haven't even had my bath yet!"She hurriedly moved to change her dress on getting information about the AC repair crew on way. She dressed in provocative sari wrapped in seductive manner with backless blouse and without bra. It’s quite unnatural behaviour on behalf of host for guests like simple AC crew. She got herself introduced and forcefully served tea to them. Next, she allowed Prem to fondle her in presence of Crew member. It looked like a well written script being played. Then finally she allowed Prem to bed her in presence of her husband for first time. Not only that, she allowed to keep the door open.

Now, even the whores are reluctant to get disrobed in presence of third unknown members. They also close the door for privacy.  What made Kavita behave worse than whores? How was she being benefitted out of these?
Two possibilities are there. She was doing all these willingly or she was forced to comply.
Let’s check, she was doing willingly.

To create a reason to shift to Prem:  Prem was bedding her at his will and the same was known to all three. She did not require to disgrace her further for such simple cause.
She enjoyed sadistic pleasure: Definitely possible provided she did not love and care Manu. Contradiction! She cared for Manu before shifting and continued caring even after shifting. So, she did not enjoy sadistic pleasure. Even if we accept her sadistic pleasure, let’s see the cons.

She was being disgraced in presence of unknown persons.
She was allowing Prem to demonstrate his dominance over her.
She was creating irreparable damage to her relationship.
She carried the risk to get exposed to the society.
She carried the risk of forced sex by others.
She carried the risk of defaming her husband paving the way for him lose job and livelihood.
She was making it difficult for respectful living in the area.
She was carrying a greater risk of losing her husband by way of his mental disorder or still worse.
She was taking a risk of getting implemented in law.
The risk she was taking much higher than the sadistic pleasure she could get.
So she did not participate willingly. She was forced. She was blackmailed and coerced to behave.

Kavita was consistently following up about the AC repair appointment. Her follow-up pattern indicated that world would cease to exist if the AC repair crew miss the appointment. Was she expecting a disaster in her life in the event of non-visit by AC repair crew? What type of disaster and source of disaster? 
The source was obviously Prem. We have observed the type of disaster with the visit of AC crew member. Something deadlier than that. Probably she was threatened to be shared with others.

On 43rd day, early morning Manu finds Kavita giving blowjob to Prem.
On 44th day Manu reaffirms getting up early morning. Later Kavita phones Manu. Their conversations were like these:
Manu asked, " long are you going to be staying with Prem?"
Kavita replied, "Until you give me an answer to my question that I can reconcile with, Manu."
"Come on, Kavi. You're not staying with Prem BECAUSE I hid something from you, is it?"
"I never said that, Manu. Don't put words in my mouth, OK?"

So, Kavita unknowingly, accepted that, she was staying with Prem for purpose other than something appeared hid by Manu. Kavita’s sleeping with Prem was not consequences of Manu’s hiding of facts of incidents on 5th day though she always manipulated Manu psychologically on same incident. Even the logic she provided on 33rd day before shifting to Prem was wrong.
We examined further waving above information’s.
Kavita withheld advance information of Prem’s visit to Manu. She dressed seductively on the day to receive Prem. She resumed her pills. From day one she showed her intimacy with Prem. As per Manu’s observation, in the very initial period, she had been found to control her sexual urge, while Prem was relentlessly trying to seduce her.
On 5th day Kavita found Manu coming out of Prem’s room and hiding something. From 7th onward Manu was forced in sissy dressing. At the same time, Kavita changed into seductive body revealing dress.
Her resumption of pills was direct indication of her inclination to avoid pregnancy. Also, she avoided sex with Prem. If Prem had blackmailed her, he no longer required to seduce her. If Kavita was willing partner, why she had to control her emotions? She could very well find opportunity to sleep with Prem without Manu’s knowledge.
So, Kavita was not coerced in the beginning.
Only one thing was clear. Kavita was making a display of her intimacy with Prem. She wanted Manu to be aware of her relationship with Prem. She wanted to send a message to Manu. To Kavita, it was not important to sleep with Prem. It was important to inform Manu about her relationship with Prem.
Subsequently, Kavita was coerced. She was afraid of Prem.

When Kavita was blackmailed?

At later stage we find, Kavita was confident of sending Prem out.

Kavita clearly specified 3 weeks period of Prem’s vacation.

Pretty complicated scenario.
We analyzed the incidents to search for probable date of Kavita’s blackmailing.
Whenever a predator blackmails a victim, generally he punches on the victim repeatedly to break his / her mental resolve.  Predator dominates the victim in such a way that the victim should be afraid of raising any counter attack opposing the predator.
On 11th Kavita had sex with Prem first time in second innings with direct knowledge of Manu. Then it happened on 16th and 17th without direct knowledge of Manu. On both the days Prem had gone for Gowri and sex with Kavita happened in night after Prem’s return.
On 18th we observe a lot.
Manu proposed to came early over telephone and Kavita accepts immediately. Circumstances indicate non availability of Prem with Kavita at the time of phone call. Manu get SMS of Prem asking for getting food from Mughlai restaurant, a clear indication of Prem having knowledge of Manu’s return. Possible only if Kavita informs Prem or Prem visits house and get knowledge. Kavita informing Prem suggests her sadistic behaviour which Kavita didn’t have. So, Prem visited house and got information about Manu’s early return.
Rest of the incidents followed matches with sadistic mentality of Prem. Sexual union was delayed till return of Manu so that he witnesses. Kavita submitted to Prem’s planning meekly. Possibility of extortion is not ruled out. Manu was forced to behave like a servant. Unlike previous occasions, Kavita had food before Manu.
19th morning Prem bedded Kavita sending Manu out for getting eggs. Prem forced Kavita for outing engaging Manu in laundry. In the night, Manu was bullied in very presence of Kavita at night. She was engaged in sex at night.
20th Morning Kavita forced Manu to apologize to Prem without citing authentic reasons. She was forced to dress obscenely. Evening Manu appolized.
21st Prem injured Manu. On the way to hospital, Prem suggested for vacating. Kavita did not accept Prem’s proposal and on return she advised Manu to adopt proactive approaches while dealing Prem. She gave example of Prem’s cruelty narrating story of Racna & Vipul.
As sadistic behaviour of Kavita was ruled out, only argument could justify the above incidents was Kavita was blackmailed and most probably it happened on 18th Friday, before Manu returned home early. All incidents followed aftermath showed Kavita’s in captivation in terror.

We concentrated further
The day Prem reached, Kavita received him in station seductively dressed. She displayed all efforts showcase her intimacy. Prem was fondling her, groping her constantly with her apparent approval. One possible case could have been her extortion by Prem. But as it had been witnessed by Manu, she had tried valiantly not to be bedded by Prem. If Prem extorted her from the beginning, he would not have waited for so long to bed Kavita. So, definitely she was not subjected to extortion in the beginning. She was interested in publishing her intimacy with Prem but was not akin to sleep with him. Again, she resumed her pill before Prem reached. So, she was convinced that under certain situations, she could be sleeping with Prem but wanted to avoid pregnancy.
This also led to another interesting conclusion. Whatever be the reason, Kavita was sure of her virility. Manu’s virility was proved in lab. She was fond of children. Manu informed that Kavita was keen to get pregnant. She was not on any birth control measure. What was the obstacle for her not getting pregnant? Leaving aside nature’s uncertainty, there could be only two reasons. Either she was on birth control measure unknown to Manu or she had some medical issues unknown to her.
The first indicates her unwillingness to bear Manu’s children. This was possible, provided she disliked Manu at core of her heart. No human can pretend love suppressing hatred for long four years. Manu confirmed in four years of married life, Kavita always loved him. If she could hide her birth control technique from her husband for 4 years, what made her publish same with Prem’s arrivals? Also, if she was akin to bear someone else’s child, why she waited for one year after relocation in India? Not convincing.
Most probably Kavita had some medical issues unknown to her.
This again led to another probability. Kavita had medical issues unknown to her. So, she could not get pregnant by Manu but held him responsible. But she was mad for motherhood. From my professional experience I had seen the erratic behaviour and unpredictable reactions by women for attaining motherhood. One of the major causes for adultery among married women was childlessness. Possibly, she invited Prem for attaining motherhood. Definitely, Prem was best bet as she had already slept with him. In that case, reason for taking pills could be camouflaging her husband. Only medical test could confirm her virility.
Easily she could have kept her affairs secret. Only quenching physical needs call for secrecy. We doubted on Kavita’s love for her husband. It was expected not to cause pain to the loved ones. Her attitude was different. From the day one itself, she was keen to publish her adultery to her husband. She was determined to get her affair known and accepted by him. She manipulated him to wear women’s dress.  So, she had a predetermined purpose. She was getting uninhibited physical pleasure, even before her shifting to Prem. Still, she continued humiliation & manipulation. She was risking her life. Getting Physical satisfaction was not her ultimate motive. She had denied Arun. Her aim was to demoralize Manu. Her behaviour generally reflects to sadism.
The logic failed by her behaviour, after her shifting to Prem’s room. She stopped forcing her husband wearing sissy dressing. There was no purposeful deliberate humiliation except arranging bed lamp. That also she did only after being threatened by Manu about inviting his parents. She continued managing household activities single handed. Prem was bullying Manu and Kavita was aware of it. She was trying her best to protect him from his physical torture. A sadist would not spoil chances to derive sadistic pleasure by utilising all resources. Kavita’s sadism was ruled out. Kavita was not sadist.
There are instances, where Kavita was afraid of Prem. She took all care not to be heard by Prem while cautioning her husband. To avoid physical fight with Prem, she advised him to be proactive. She advised him not to be provoked by Prem’s words or actions. To make him aware of Prem’s cruelty, she told the story of Vipul & Rachna.  At the same time, she was not accepting his demand of vacating Prem. Shewas clueless on any time frame. Only hope she had that, Prem would not stay long and some day he would vacate. All above indicated only one thing, she was afraid, she was being coerced. This indicates, Kavita had been blackmailed subsequently after Prem’s arrival.
Kavita’s behaviour nosedived on second visit of Gowri. Mere comparison of Gowri’s 1st visit and 2nd visit clearly indicates of roll playing. Manu was fooled by circumstances and his quandary mental state. It was an attempt to project him as cuckold. Kavita dressed like a concubine. Manipulated her husband wear sissy dress after a long period and open the door to welcome Prem & Gowri. First time she forced him to serve coffee in bed. If sadism was only concerned, she could have done earlier also. Kavita made vulgar display of love bites on her body. Everything was pointing her valiant efforts proving her husband as cuckold. Gowri was playing a role with utter confusion. Just week back Kavita tried her best to hide her relationship with Prem from Gowri. She behaved like a normal housewife. What made her change her behaviour within a week? Yes, Manu had tried to make contact with Gowri. Kavita was afraid that he may try to contact Gowri again.  She was keen to hide her actual relationship with Prem. Manu contacting Gowri again was a problem.  But why?
 Immediate Monday, Pram’s motorcycle developed snag and asked lift from Manu. Bangalore being a big city, transport was not a problem and Prem did not have cordial relationship with Manu asking for lift. This indicated Prem’s intention of meeting Manu alone without Kavita’s interruption. Prem wanted to confirm the effectiveness of their cuckoldry role-play on Manu. Prem’s inquiry to Manu confirmed the same. So, there was a purpose on projecting Manu a cuckold in front of Gowri.  Manu meeting Gowri could spoil some game plan of Prem. But what made Kavita to accept role play? One possibility was her extortion by Prem.
"Fortunately, on immediate Sunday Kavita had discussion with Manu about Prem’s eviction. This time she was certain. She projected three-week time-frame. This indicated that she had control over situations. Just week back when Prem thrashed her husband in front of her eyes, she meekly surrendered. She had to bribe sex to pacify Prem. During motorcycle snag she confidently told Manu that he need not worry. Prem would not touch him. How could she be so confident? Something happened in between to gain her back control. Her control over situations also got confirmed when over telephone she asked Manu to hold patience as Prem had agreed to vacate on Sunday. She was no longer afraid of Prem. Manu did not hear loud moaning of Kavita since Gowri made her 1st visit. Extortion period was over. Then what made her continuing sharing bed with Prem for a limited period?  What was her motive?"


Three weeks. She projected three-week time-frame.
Conclusion drawn from above discussion

About Prem
Prem was sadist. His behaviour was absolutely in line with his character.
He was blackmailing Kavita.
His purpose was beyond sex.
He was playing behind Gowri, He was manipulating Gowri.
He had source of illegal income.
He preserved scanty clothed pictures for wrongful purpose.
He was lacking confidence.
About Kavita
She loved her husband. She had no intention to divorce him.
She invited Prem for some purpose devoid of sexual gratification.
She showcased her intimacy with Prem to demoralising her husband.
Initial days of Prem’s stay, she was not blackmailed.
Subsequently, she was blackmailed by Prem as evident from her fearsome behaviour.
She was able to thwart off blackmailing but continued physical relationship with Prem.
She decided three-week time frame for eviction of Prem since reversing of extortion by Prem.
She participated in humiliation of her husband, but she was not sadist.
She could reach spectacular orgasm by her husband.
Possibly she had painful intercourse with Prem.
Possibly she had medical issues against pregnancy.
Possibly, her hidden motive was connected with pregnancy.
As Manu’s treatment progressed, we observed his incessant love for his wife. We were fixed. We had to probe further. Immediately, we engaged a person to keep a vigil on Kavita’s activities. We came to know about her unfortunate sexual violation.
We required further inputs to logically fill the gaps as well as confirmation on our assumptions. We could not reach to Kavita directly for her motive. Contacting Gowri was eliminated initially for leak of information. Prem would not be of much help as chances of distorting information was quite high. In the event, Manu decide continuing married relationship with Kavita, personal secrecy of Kavita had to be honoured to protect societal respect. Manu’s friends and office colleagues were ruled out for above reasons. Manu’s immediate house neighbours were also ruled out. Kavita’s friends who were involved with Prem were best bet as they would maintain secrecy. Rest of Kavita’s friends were also ruled out for above reasons. Accordingly, Rachna was included.
With clear motive, we met Kavita’s parents and parent-in laws.
I croaked, “You are in touch with my parents and in-laws?”
Jaya softly answered, “Yes. We contacted them within one month of your violation. It was not that easy. We had to struggle a lot to break the barrier. They were against your unforgivable behaviours. We successfully could manipulate them for information. Over time we could convince them with reasons over your anomalous submission. I only have prevented them from making any further contact with you. Let’s go back to Kavita for further analysis.”
From her in-laws, we got a clear picture of Manu. He was studious and introvert. He had very few friends. He was shy of girls and even avoided young girls from distant relatives also. He did not have any girlfriends to the best of their knowledge.
As regard to Kavita, they had very good opinion. They agreed that Kavita had never behaved rudely with them. Prior to the incident, they were mostly happy on her except for denial of grandchildren. Since marriage, they mostly contacted her for any information of their son. Kavita was in regular touch with them. They constantly pestered her for grandchildren and she always evaded the topic without answering directly. It seemed, Kavita had avoided motherhood deliberately. She had never answered them with clarity. However, they never questioned their son on family planning.
We had some detailed picture from Kavita’s parents. We came to know about her childhood, her loneliness, pestering her mother for siblings. We also came to know about Kavita’s inclination for fashion and western dresses. She was jovial in college and had a lot of friends.
History of belly ring pendant was made available.  It was confirmed that Kavita had the belly ring from 1st year and the pendant with A.A represented her parents. In some society, young unmarried women wear some ornaments representing ownership of parents.  Sometimes it marked as symbol of respect also. Naturally after marriage, these were replaced with something to mark the change in guardianship. On obvious reason, Kavita removed the pendant. Accommodating tradition religiously continues with us irrespective of our educational advancements, because they are tradition.  Same tradition forces most married women wearing Mangalsutra, Nose ring, Toe ring, Sindoor, Bindi, Special bangles  etc.  with variation. Same tradition encourages married women performing Karva Chauth, Fasting on special occasions, covering hair etc even within highly educated environment. Questions are never raised on justification for accepting. That’s why they are called tradition.

The most important information we came to know about Kavita’s fondness on children and motherhood. Her weakness was confirmed. Her mother was worried for her growing age to embrace motherhood. She was certain that, her daughter avoided pregnancy at the instance of her son-in law though the exact reasons were not known to them. Her daughter never enlightened them and they found it embarrassing questioning their son-in law.
From Manu’s narration also it was clear that Kavita wanted to embrace motherhood. What exactly prevented her from getting pregnant? Manu’s sperm count was 4,50,000 per ml. In medical terms, his semen qualified for impregnating any woman in her fertility.  What could be possible reasons for Kavita not conceiving? Could there be any physical hurdle on her reproductive system? To find answer, we needed medical examination on Kavita.
Important information we collected from her mother was Rachna’s parent’s address. We reached Rachna. She was blackmailed by Prem for weekend excursion to Goa prior to three weeks of her marriage. The tool used for blackmailing was her scanty clothed photos photographed by Prem. She wanted to leave immediately after observing Vipul panting clutching his groin. She was forced to stay back. She was afraid of her photos being circulated.  Rachna disclosed the identity of some other girls who had developed relationship with Prem. We could contact a few and the stories were the same.  We checked at Bangalore security officer station for details of Prem. His involvement of narcotics and extorting women came to our knowledge. His modus operandi for blackmailing women was invariably scanty dressed photographs of victims.In a few cases, he was in possession naked picture of his victims. Kavita figured in this category. So Kavita was being exhorted by Prem.

Rachna also accepted about her painful sexual intercourse with Prem. Prem was huge and never cared for her discomfort and pain. This was in line with audible moaning Manu had witnessed with Gowri as well as Kavita. Rachan's experience suggested Kavita's wailing during intercourse's were out of pain. Only medical test could confirm.
I concentrated on her continuation, “As Manu’s treatment progressed, more and more his quandaries on you were clearer. In the beginning, we considered it to be obsession. It was definitely obsession, but obsession of deep love. We were fixed. He was deeply wounded at heart by your actions. He squarely blamed self and shouldered all responsibilities.  You reconciliation with your husband necessitated understanding your psychology. Without knowing your predicament clearly, it was not advisable for Manu resuming marital relationship with you. We had knowledge of Prem’s inexcusable offense. This could explain some of your behavioural aberrations. However, this did not give us enough glimpses on your mental inclination to arrive into a definite decision. Further probe into your mind became necessary. My visit at your house in Bangalore was planned as part of assignment. We needed a through medical check up on you. We made a plan to bring you here.  It was tough to convince Manu for the visit. He was dead against on meeting you causing harm to you. He agreed to participate only when he was convinced about your wellness in the process.”
We made an elaborate plan to get Kavita at Hardwar.  To meet her alone and manipulate, we needed help of Gowri. I met Gowri at Bangalore. She was a very simple woman. It was not very difficult to manipulate her. She was convinced that I was treating Manu and working for his reunion with Kavita. I requested for two days time for counselling with Kavita in isolation to prepare herself. She believed me. She loved Kavita sincerely. She was psychologically depressed for raape and blamed herself. I had to boost her up and she was ready for extending all help for Kavita’s reunion with her husband. She agreed two days outing facilitating my counselling with Kavita. She also agreed not to disclose anything to Kavita till my counselling was over as this could affect her adversely. Gowri agreed. Eventually, she confessed about counselling with Dr. Preethi. Gowri is really nice woman whom you can always believe.
I intervened, “Gowri had already confessed with me on that. She respects my husband a lot. I believe her mostly though I have one doubt on her.”
Jaya looked at me questioningly.
Hesitantly I said, “Gowri must have disclosed my identity to Dr. Preethi. Otherwise how could she find the truth?”
“Even if she had so, it was better for you. Do you repent for that?”
“No no, not for that. She always denied her role. I had my curiosity.”
Jaya smiled, “It’s you who had disclosed your true identity on that day.” Finding question on my face, she added, “Yes, It’s true. You had made a silly mistake. After filling up the lengthy form, you signed as ‘Kavita’. That day, you had forgotten to forge your signature. It happens. It’s natural for any human to flow along with natural behaviour. “
I met Dr Preethi. Entire counselling of Gowri and Kavita with Dr. Preethi was before me. We got well versed of your consultancy proceedings with Dr Preethi. Even, what Gowri confessed was also known to me. In fact, I had a personal discussion with her across the table. Please don’t feel bad about Dr Preethi. There are some things beyond professional ethics, the humanity. Gowri's confession cemented the torturous behaviour of Prem during sex. It was confirmed that you were drugged. But it could have been self-inflicted. By contacting Rachna, we were nearly assured of Prems hand. Prem was playing behind was evident from Gowri’s confession. Your extortion by Prem was confirmed. The question was since when, why and how? Also, the question was how could you come out of Prem’s trap?
We could not accept everything of your confession on face value. You had tried for hide your identity. This was acceptable considering the nature of confession. What was not acceptable that you tried to misguide Dr. Preethi. I could guess the very reason for your role-play about projecting Manu as cuckold.  What I failed to understand the exact reason for your continuing sleeping with Prem.
It was clearly evident that you were not being extorted during first week of Prem’s visit. What made you receive Prem in seductive dress? Did you really love Manu? Could property be a reason?
As per narration of Manu, you were obsessed with pregnancy and children. As per your mother, you were fond of children and wished for more children for self. But during your confession with Dr, Preethi, you clearly avoided mentioning pregnancy. This raised doubt over your motive. What made you avoid confessing about pregnancy whereas pills were in the center point for your sexual slavery.
All the women we had met who had faced penetrative sex with Prem had confessed of pain.  Nobody had enjoyed sex with Prem. Rachna and Gowri had confessed about painful intercourse. Probability of painful sexual penetration experience was high for you. It has been confirmed by your husband. Whenever he heard you moaning, especially in one particular pose, you were always requesting Prem to be slow. You always moaned with, ‘slow Amir, please.’ This clearly indicates my theory to be correct. You have never enjoyed sex with Prem. You were being sexually tortured. The misconstrued conception of ‘long penis more pleasure’ may have tempted you sleeping with Prem for first time. It should not have taken long time for you to understand the reality. In spite of this, you invited Prem!”
We reviewed your probable motive as getting pregnant and rearranged all scenarios with our updated knowledge.
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33.1 - by manasi - 23-11-2020, 07:01 AM
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after chap 33 - by manasi - 29-11-2020, 06:46 AM
RE: after chap 33 - by kamdev99008 - 29-11-2020, 10:28 AM
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RE: 34.5 - by kamdev99008 - 13-12-2020, 01:42 AM
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