30-11-2020, 10:03 PM
She couldn't afford to work longer hours without her College work suffering and even through Jacks single restaurant had grown into a chain of three cafes, she dare not ask for a raise. It was during this crisis that Rashi Khanna made the decision that had eventually let Jack manipulate her for the last six years.
It was professor Jagan that made the initial proposition that lead to Rashi Khanna's downfall. Professor Jagan had seen Rashi Khanna at the restaurant several times when he brought his children there. One day after class he asked the terrible question.
"Rashi Khanna, I know a lot of older kids go to the restaurant or the arcade alone. Is there an age limit for unsupervised children?" He had innocently asked.
"Well we really prefer they be over sixteen and obviously we wouldn't want a two year old to come alone." She had chuckled. "But there isn't really a set age limit. We tend let things slide as long as the kids behave and the other customers don't complain. "
"Well my two girls are only thirteen but they are well behaved. Normally I wouldn't ask but I have an unexpected meeting tonight and I don't have time to find a baby sitter. Could the girls come alone? If you could look out for them and buy them dinner I would truly appreciate it. It should only be for a few hours." He had proposed this idea and had offered Rashi Khanna the doublepay for the short notice.
Rashi Khanna had agreed thinking this would be a good solution to her financial problems. She thought she would get her regular pay as the restaurants hostess while at the same time she would be paid for watching the children which was part of her hostess responsibilities anyway. She had thought no one would get hurt and she would finally stop worrying about bills. Considering the amount of compensation how could she have disagreed?
Rashi Khanna's mind momentary returned to the present when the customers hand brutally slapped her butt. He continued to spank her naked ass as he unbelted his jeans. She watched over the edge of the desk as his jeans and boxers fell to the floor. Once his cock was free the customer began to tease her pussy with the tip of his manhood. How novel Rashi Khanna thought sarcastically as she noticed the younger Jack performing the same foreplay on the television. Her mind slipped back to the past as the customers cock began probing her womanhood.
![[Image: Rashi-Khanna-xxx-sex-683x1024.jpg]](https://bollywoodx.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Rashi-Khanna-xxx-sex-683x1024.jpg)
The first baby sitting experiment had gone well. Professor Jagan' daughters had arrived at the restaurant and introduced themselves to Rashi Khanna. Rashi Khanna had ordered dinner for the girls and then the children had spent the remainder of the night playing games. The professor arrived after his meeting was over and retrieved his daughters without Rashi Khanna's coworkers realizing what had happened.
Taking care of the professors children once or twice a week became routine for Rashi Khanna and her side business grew as more professors asked her to do the same for their children. Rashi Khanna usually had at least three children she watched and ordered dinners for each night. Some of her coworkers might have wondered why she took special interest in certain children during the night but none were aware of the complete situation. The professors continued to pay her well for this service. Had Rashi Khanna left things continue this way, her life would have turned out differently. However, over time Rashi Khanna got greedy and stopped paying for the food that was ordered.
The food order deception had proven easy since part of Rashi Khanna's additional responsibilities was reconciling the cash receipts with the food orders. Each night she would remove the children's orders before balancing the books. She prepared bogus food bills for the professors and continued to collect for both the food and the babysitting chores. At least she had until that fateful night when she was finally caught.
Her last exam as a college senior had been harder and longer than she had anticipated. As a result she had gotten to the restaurant later than usual. She wondered what the children she should have been supervising were doing as she drove to the diner When she had finally arrived she had met Professor Esaak leaving the restaurant with his beast of a child.
"I hope we didn't get you in trouble with your boss. I didn't realize he didn't know about the babysitting." Professor Esaak had said as he walked past Rashi Khanna.
Rashi Khanna had almost fainted at those words. She had looked towards the office and saw Jack standing in the doorway. She could tell she had been caught by the expression on his face. He had beckoned her with his hand and she had walked in and closed the office door.
"Rashi Khanna Professor Esaak has just told me an amazing story." Jack had said in the tone of voice he normally reserved for occasions when he had to let an employee go. "It appears for the last several years you have been operating a babysitting business while working in the restaurant. Since you weren't here tonight Mr. Esaak was nice enough to ask me where his child was. You can imagine my surprise when he mentioned your activities. What do you have to say for yourself?"
![[Image: Rashi%2BKhanna%2BCute%2BPhotos%2BIn%2BBl...2%2529.jpg]](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ku0EdWJXXaY/VbiAuvXPEII/AAAAAAAAGA4/Iqu7Hb7nPJc/s1600/Rashi%2BKhanna%2BCute%2BPhotos%2BIn%2BBlack%2BDress%2B%25282%2529.jpg)
She had wept as she confessed everything to Jack about what she had been doing. How she needed the money for college and how it had seemed be a great idea at the time. Professor Esaak was unaware of the theft from the restaurant, he had not mentioned the dinners but Rashi Khanna in her need to admit everything, confessed even the theft from the restaurant.
Rashi Khanna hadn't asked how much Jack knew about the dinners. She hadn't stopped to consider the difference in punishments for operating a babysitting business vs. stealing from the restaurant and so she confessed to him that she had been providing dinners to the children without paying for the food. Jack's anger had grown as she revealed the full depth of her deception. He had been considering a minor punishment; maybe a few days off work, until l she admitted stealing food from the restaurant. When he heard that fact, he exploded.
Jack's face had almost been purple when he screamed. "Rashi Khanna I can't believe what you have done. How long did you think you would be able to get away with theft? I need time to calm down. I need time to think about what the right punishment should be. Go home and come to my office tomorrow at 7AM. I will let you know what I am going to do at that time."
The thought of his screaming returned her mind to the existing customer. She could feel his hard cock swelling in her pussy. She could feel his coarse hands cupped around her breast as his fingers violently pinched her enraged nipples which were begging for release. Until now she had been unaware of the wetness between her legs or the streams of sweat pouring from her body.
![[Image: Rashi_Khanna_PicsArt_01-06-01.30.27-01-01.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2020/04/18/Rashi_Khanna_PicsArt_01-06-01.30.27-01-01.jpg)
Unconsciously she had been meeting each of his thrust with her hips. Her legs were being bruised as his thrust forced her thighs against the edge of the desk. Her tied hands couldn't brace against his power.
She clamped down with her muscles holding his cock inside of her. Squeezing his manhood tight until she knew she was in control. Then slowly she eased her muscles milking him. Tightening, easing, milking until the customer began to groan.
Her eyes caught sight of the couple on the television. Sweat was dripping off their bodies as Jacks cock fucked her pussy like a jack hammer against concrete. On the screen both Jack and Rashi Khanna began to groan. It's been a long time since I moaned like that Rashi Khanna thought to herself as her mind returned to the past.
![[Image: 10.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2017/10/07/10.jpg)
She had left the restaurant that night a little surprised that she hadn't been fired. She spent a sleepless night considering all the possible punishments Jack might impose, but her imagination had never conceived nor considered what actually happened the following morning. Over time she had come to wish she had been fired. At least then she wouldn't have suffered the torture of the past several years. If she had known what Jack had been thinking that night, she might have gone to the security officer herself.
The next morning Rashi Khanna had driven to the restaurant expecting to be terminated. That was hardly a punishment she had thought. After all she was expecting to graduate in the next month and she had little need for her current job. She would find a job in the profession and start living her dreams.
The restaurant normally opened at noon and remained open until nine. Jack usually arrived around ten and stayed till after midnight so Rashi Khanna had been surprised by Jacks demand for an early morning meeting but she wasn't surprised to find him alone in his office. The stern look on his face had convinced her that she was about to be fired.
"Rashi Khanna, I spent a restless night considering what I should do to you. Should I fire you? Should I suspend for a period of time? Should I inform the security officer? I know you plan on graduating soon and I could ruin your life by informing the security officer of your actions. After all the theft was a crime and you have committed theft against the restaurant I own and love. However, if I went to the security officer, I might recoup some of the money but they could never help me recover from my personal loss of trust. I hope you spent the night considering what you have done." He had said.
She had tried to talk but Jack had silenced with a hand motion.
"Have you thought of the crimes you have committed? The babysitting by itself is enough excuse for me to fire you but that wouldn't pay for the money you stole in food." He had said looking at down at her.
She had tried to speak once more. "I could repay..." but again he had silenced her with a look and a wave of his hand.
"I trusted you Rashi Khanna. I gave you a lot of responsibility and you have failed me." He had said getting up from his desk and walking to the couch where she was sitting. "Do you realize that I could have you arrested for theft? The professors could testify that you gave them have receipts for the dinners and I would testify that those receipts are fraudulent. Have you thought of jail and all that you would loss? You would flunk out of college. It would be impossible for you to attend class while you were serving your sentence. You wouldn't be able to get into another college or get a job with a criminal record. Have you thought of that? Have you thought about your tax returns? I'll bet you didn't report the income."
Rashi Khanna had started to cry as Jack spoke her tears slowly sliding down her cheeks until they fell on the carpeted floor. He was right. There was no way out. If Jack reported her to the security officer She would never have the career she had wanted since starting high college. She would never have the house or lifestyle she had dreamt of all her adult life. The more she thought of these loses the harder she had cried. Jack had seemed to be offering sympathy when he had reached over and started wiping her tears away
"I could have you arrested but I would get little satisfaction from that and I really have no need for the money. I spent the night thinking of other ways for you to repay me for your crime. "He said as his eyes steadily gazed into hers. "Would you rather repay me directly instead of going to jail?"
"Yes." she had replied wondering what he had in mind.
![[Image: hqdefault.jpg]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hWdiRyvPfMs/hqdefault.jpg)
"I've spent most of my life in this restaurant. I'm a business success but that has left little time for a woman in my life. "He had said as his face moved slowly towards hers.
I have spent several nights in this office watching you through the mirror as you moved through the place. "He had said in a husky voice" Your conservative dresses can't hide your lovely body. I have fantasized about spending nights with you and now that you need my sympathy, I am going to turn that fantasy into reality." He had said as their lips met for the first time.
Her customers groaning interrupted her thoughts. She could feel his hands grasping her hips, pulling him into her. She felt his cock as it exploded in her. She allowed a moan to escape her lips as she felt her cunt filling with his cum, but years of numerous sexual encounters with strange men had left her devoid of any true feelings. She looked over her shoulder with a counterfeit smile as she uttered another moan, after all customer satisfaction was guaranteed. Her sweaty body continued to offer pleasure to the customer as her mind returned to the dreadful night.
![[Image: RKh2_5.jpg]](https://storage.inssia.com/images/RKh2_5.jpg)
Rashi Khanna had passionately returned Jacks kiss. He is going to let me go she had thought before the reality of what he had said reached her mind.
"I'm the only other person besides you that knows about the situation. You can finish college and have some of what you have dreamt of all your life. Do you want that chance Rashi Khanna?" He had asked.
"Yes." she had whispered in desperation. Yes she wanted her dream but she could not have foreseen the cost of having that dream.
"Then there are a few things you need to do for me." He had said as their lips separated. Rashi Khanna had watched him as he strolled over to his desk. "First you need to sign this confession." He had said as he removed a type written piece of paper from his desk and brought it to her. "Sign this and you can have your dreams back." Jack had said knowing that his dreams not hers would be fulfilled.
She had believed what Jack said as she had read the confession though tear filled eyes. She had signed the paper with shaky hands hoping that her dreams would still be possible and that her life wouldn't change, but that piece of paper had given him control over her for the last five years. That dreaded confession that would control the rest of her life.
"Is that it?" she had whispered with a raspy hopeful voice. "Aren't you going to punish me in some way?"
Jack had locked that confession in his safe before answering Rashi Khanna's question. "Yes, you need to repay me. "
"I will." Rashi Khanna had said before she heard the rest of Jacks demand.
"Jail would have repaid society. I want you to repay me in a very personal way. You will be mine and will do as I say or that confession will be mailed to the security officer. Do you understand?" Jack had said as he yanked her from the couch and pinned her arms behind her.
Rashi Khanna had tried struggling, she had tried screaming but there hadn't been any one in the restaurant to hear her pleas for help.
She was startled back to reality as the customer shoved his cum soaked limp cock into her mouth.
"Suck me dry bitch." The customer commanded.
Being a good bitch she could only follow his command. She gently scratched his balls with her fingernails as her lips closed over the tip of his cock. Slowly, oh so slowly she swallowed his shaft. She continued to remember that long ago night even as she sucked the juices off of the customers semi-rigid shaft.
![[Image: re4.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2018/02/12/re4.jpg)
She had been a virgin at the time and she still remembered the feeling of Jacks hands as he pulled her to him. She remembered his lips on hers as he forced their tongues to intertwine in French kiss. She would always remember his lips nibbling on her neck as his fingers slid under her bra and blouse to pinch her rock hard nipples.
It was professor Jagan that made the initial proposition that lead to Rashi Khanna's downfall. Professor Jagan had seen Rashi Khanna at the restaurant several times when he brought his children there. One day after class he asked the terrible question.
"Rashi Khanna, I know a lot of older kids go to the restaurant or the arcade alone. Is there an age limit for unsupervised children?" He had innocently asked.
"Well we really prefer they be over sixteen and obviously we wouldn't want a two year old to come alone." She had chuckled. "But there isn't really a set age limit. We tend let things slide as long as the kids behave and the other customers don't complain. "
"Well my two girls are only thirteen but they are well behaved. Normally I wouldn't ask but I have an unexpected meeting tonight and I don't have time to find a baby sitter. Could the girls come alone? If you could look out for them and buy them dinner I would truly appreciate it. It should only be for a few hours." He had proposed this idea and had offered Rashi Khanna the doublepay for the short notice.
Rashi Khanna had agreed thinking this would be a good solution to her financial problems. She thought she would get her regular pay as the restaurants hostess while at the same time she would be paid for watching the children which was part of her hostess responsibilities anyway. She had thought no one would get hurt and she would finally stop worrying about bills. Considering the amount of compensation how could she have disagreed?
Rashi Khanna's mind momentary returned to the present when the customers hand brutally slapped her butt. He continued to spank her naked ass as he unbelted his jeans. She watched over the edge of the desk as his jeans and boxers fell to the floor. Once his cock was free the customer began to tease her pussy with the tip of his manhood. How novel Rashi Khanna thought sarcastically as she noticed the younger Jack performing the same foreplay on the television. Her mind slipped back to the past as the customers cock began probing her womanhood.
![[Image: Rashi-Khanna-xxx-sex-683x1024.jpg]](https://bollywoodx.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Rashi-Khanna-xxx-sex-683x1024.jpg)
The first baby sitting experiment had gone well. Professor Jagan' daughters had arrived at the restaurant and introduced themselves to Rashi Khanna. Rashi Khanna had ordered dinner for the girls and then the children had spent the remainder of the night playing games. The professor arrived after his meeting was over and retrieved his daughters without Rashi Khanna's coworkers realizing what had happened.
Taking care of the professors children once or twice a week became routine for Rashi Khanna and her side business grew as more professors asked her to do the same for their children. Rashi Khanna usually had at least three children she watched and ordered dinners for each night. Some of her coworkers might have wondered why she took special interest in certain children during the night but none were aware of the complete situation. The professors continued to pay her well for this service. Had Rashi Khanna left things continue this way, her life would have turned out differently. However, over time Rashi Khanna got greedy and stopped paying for the food that was ordered.
The food order deception had proven easy since part of Rashi Khanna's additional responsibilities was reconciling the cash receipts with the food orders. Each night she would remove the children's orders before balancing the books. She prepared bogus food bills for the professors and continued to collect for both the food and the babysitting chores. At least she had until that fateful night when she was finally caught.
Her last exam as a college senior had been harder and longer than she had anticipated. As a result she had gotten to the restaurant later than usual. She wondered what the children she should have been supervising were doing as she drove to the diner When she had finally arrived she had met Professor Esaak leaving the restaurant with his beast of a child.
"I hope we didn't get you in trouble with your boss. I didn't realize he didn't know about the babysitting." Professor Esaak had said as he walked past Rashi Khanna.
Rashi Khanna had almost fainted at those words. She had looked towards the office and saw Jack standing in the doorway. She could tell she had been caught by the expression on his face. He had beckoned her with his hand and she had walked in and closed the office door.
"Rashi Khanna Professor Esaak has just told me an amazing story." Jack had said in the tone of voice he normally reserved for occasions when he had to let an employee go. "It appears for the last several years you have been operating a babysitting business while working in the restaurant. Since you weren't here tonight Mr. Esaak was nice enough to ask me where his child was. You can imagine my surprise when he mentioned your activities. What do you have to say for yourself?"
![[Image: Rashi%2BKhanna%2BCute%2BPhotos%2BIn%2BBl...2%2529.jpg]](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ku0EdWJXXaY/VbiAuvXPEII/AAAAAAAAGA4/Iqu7Hb7nPJc/s1600/Rashi%2BKhanna%2BCute%2BPhotos%2BIn%2BBlack%2BDress%2B%25282%2529.jpg)
She had wept as she confessed everything to Jack about what she had been doing. How she needed the money for college and how it had seemed be a great idea at the time. Professor Esaak was unaware of the theft from the restaurant, he had not mentioned the dinners but Rashi Khanna in her need to admit everything, confessed even the theft from the restaurant.
Rashi Khanna hadn't asked how much Jack knew about the dinners. She hadn't stopped to consider the difference in punishments for operating a babysitting business vs. stealing from the restaurant and so she confessed to him that she had been providing dinners to the children without paying for the food. Jack's anger had grown as she revealed the full depth of her deception. He had been considering a minor punishment; maybe a few days off work, until l she admitted stealing food from the restaurant. When he heard that fact, he exploded.
Jack's face had almost been purple when he screamed. "Rashi Khanna I can't believe what you have done. How long did you think you would be able to get away with theft? I need time to calm down. I need time to think about what the right punishment should be. Go home and come to my office tomorrow at 7AM. I will let you know what I am going to do at that time."
The thought of his screaming returned her mind to the existing customer. She could feel his hard cock swelling in her pussy. She could feel his coarse hands cupped around her breast as his fingers violently pinched her enraged nipples which were begging for release. Until now she had been unaware of the wetness between her legs or the streams of sweat pouring from her body.
![[Image: Rashi_Khanna_PicsArt_01-06-01.30.27-01-01.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2020/04/18/Rashi_Khanna_PicsArt_01-06-01.30.27-01-01.jpg)
Unconsciously she had been meeting each of his thrust with her hips. Her legs were being bruised as his thrust forced her thighs against the edge of the desk. Her tied hands couldn't brace against his power.
She clamped down with her muscles holding his cock inside of her. Squeezing his manhood tight until she knew she was in control. Then slowly she eased her muscles milking him. Tightening, easing, milking until the customer began to groan.
Her eyes caught sight of the couple on the television. Sweat was dripping off their bodies as Jacks cock fucked her pussy like a jack hammer against concrete. On the screen both Jack and Rashi Khanna began to groan. It's been a long time since I moaned like that Rashi Khanna thought to herself as her mind returned to the past.
![[Image: 10.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2017/10/07/10.jpg)
She had left the restaurant that night a little surprised that she hadn't been fired. She spent a sleepless night considering all the possible punishments Jack might impose, but her imagination had never conceived nor considered what actually happened the following morning. Over time she had come to wish she had been fired. At least then she wouldn't have suffered the torture of the past several years. If she had known what Jack had been thinking that night, she might have gone to the security officer herself.
The next morning Rashi Khanna had driven to the restaurant expecting to be terminated. That was hardly a punishment she had thought. After all she was expecting to graduate in the next month and she had little need for her current job. She would find a job in the profession and start living her dreams.
The restaurant normally opened at noon and remained open until nine. Jack usually arrived around ten and stayed till after midnight so Rashi Khanna had been surprised by Jacks demand for an early morning meeting but she wasn't surprised to find him alone in his office. The stern look on his face had convinced her that she was about to be fired.
"Rashi Khanna, I spent a restless night considering what I should do to you. Should I fire you? Should I suspend for a period of time? Should I inform the security officer? I know you plan on graduating soon and I could ruin your life by informing the security officer of your actions. After all the theft was a crime and you have committed theft against the restaurant I own and love. However, if I went to the security officer, I might recoup some of the money but they could never help me recover from my personal loss of trust. I hope you spent the night considering what you have done." He had said.
She had tried to talk but Jack had silenced with a hand motion.
"Have you thought of the crimes you have committed? The babysitting by itself is enough excuse for me to fire you but that wouldn't pay for the money you stole in food." He had said looking at down at her.
She had tried to speak once more. "I could repay..." but again he had silenced her with a look and a wave of his hand.
"I trusted you Rashi Khanna. I gave you a lot of responsibility and you have failed me." He had said getting up from his desk and walking to the couch where she was sitting. "Do you realize that I could have you arrested for theft? The professors could testify that you gave them have receipts for the dinners and I would testify that those receipts are fraudulent. Have you thought of jail and all that you would loss? You would flunk out of college. It would be impossible for you to attend class while you were serving your sentence. You wouldn't be able to get into another college or get a job with a criminal record. Have you thought of that? Have you thought about your tax returns? I'll bet you didn't report the income."
Rashi Khanna had started to cry as Jack spoke her tears slowly sliding down her cheeks until they fell on the carpeted floor. He was right. There was no way out. If Jack reported her to the security officer She would never have the career she had wanted since starting high college. She would never have the house or lifestyle she had dreamt of all her adult life. The more she thought of these loses the harder she had cried. Jack had seemed to be offering sympathy when he had reached over and started wiping her tears away
"I could have you arrested but I would get little satisfaction from that and I really have no need for the money. I spent the night thinking of other ways for you to repay me for your crime. "He said as his eyes steadily gazed into hers. "Would you rather repay me directly instead of going to jail?"
"Yes." she had replied wondering what he had in mind.
![[Image: hqdefault.jpg]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hWdiRyvPfMs/hqdefault.jpg)
"I've spent most of my life in this restaurant. I'm a business success but that has left little time for a woman in my life. "He had said as his face moved slowly towards hers.
I have spent several nights in this office watching you through the mirror as you moved through the place. "He had said in a husky voice" Your conservative dresses can't hide your lovely body. I have fantasized about spending nights with you and now that you need my sympathy, I am going to turn that fantasy into reality." He had said as their lips met for the first time.
Her customers groaning interrupted her thoughts. She could feel his hands grasping her hips, pulling him into her. She felt his cock as it exploded in her. She allowed a moan to escape her lips as she felt her cunt filling with his cum, but years of numerous sexual encounters with strange men had left her devoid of any true feelings. She looked over her shoulder with a counterfeit smile as she uttered another moan, after all customer satisfaction was guaranteed. Her sweaty body continued to offer pleasure to the customer as her mind returned to the dreadful night.
![[Image: RKh2_5.jpg]](https://storage.inssia.com/images/RKh2_5.jpg)
Rashi Khanna had passionately returned Jacks kiss. He is going to let me go she had thought before the reality of what he had said reached her mind.
"I'm the only other person besides you that knows about the situation. You can finish college and have some of what you have dreamt of all your life. Do you want that chance Rashi Khanna?" He had asked.
"Yes." she had whispered in desperation. Yes she wanted her dream but she could not have foreseen the cost of having that dream.
"Then there are a few things you need to do for me." He had said as their lips separated. Rashi Khanna had watched him as he strolled over to his desk. "First you need to sign this confession." He had said as he removed a type written piece of paper from his desk and brought it to her. "Sign this and you can have your dreams back." Jack had said knowing that his dreams not hers would be fulfilled.
She had believed what Jack said as she had read the confession though tear filled eyes. She had signed the paper with shaky hands hoping that her dreams would still be possible and that her life wouldn't change, but that piece of paper had given him control over her for the last five years. That dreaded confession that would control the rest of her life.
"Is that it?" she had whispered with a raspy hopeful voice. "Aren't you going to punish me in some way?"
Jack had locked that confession in his safe before answering Rashi Khanna's question. "Yes, you need to repay me. "
"I will." Rashi Khanna had said before she heard the rest of Jacks demand.
"Jail would have repaid society. I want you to repay me in a very personal way. You will be mine and will do as I say or that confession will be mailed to the security officer. Do you understand?" Jack had said as he yanked her from the couch and pinned her arms behind her.
Rashi Khanna had tried struggling, she had tried screaming but there hadn't been any one in the restaurant to hear her pleas for help.
She was startled back to reality as the customer shoved his cum soaked limp cock into her mouth.
"Suck me dry bitch." The customer commanded.
Being a good bitch she could only follow his command. She gently scratched his balls with her fingernails as her lips closed over the tip of his cock. Slowly, oh so slowly she swallowed his shaft. She continued to remember that long ago night even as she sucked the juices off of the customers semi-rigid shaft.
![[Image: re4.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2018/02/12/re4.jpg)
She had been a virgin at the time and she still remembered the feeling of Jacks hands as he pulled her to him. She remembered his lips on hers as he forced their tongues to intertwine in French kiss. She would always remember his lips nibbling on her neck as his fingers slid under her bra and blouse to pinch her rock hard nipples.