Fantasy Actress Apartment fantasy

While the evening was slowly inclining towards the night, far away from this city, Gautam was on a train, returning back from his in-laws. He was finally satisfied after finding an opportunity to fuck his sister-in-law goodbye, and at the same time he had his wife Samantha as well. Later, both along with their parents had come to see him off at the Howrah station. And Gautam was now on his way back.

The train however was very scarcely filled. The AC 2 Tier bogey, on which he was travelling, hardly had any traveller. Gautam was occupying a side lower seat, with the adjacent upper empty. There were only a few more people scattered around that bogey. But the most interesting looking of his co-travellers was on the berths right opposite to his. 

A burly looking man in his late Forties occupied the opposite berth, and he was accompanied by a good looking lady possibly in her mid-thirtys. They were married, but there didn͛t seem any flair left in their marriage as they sat idly with limited communication. 

The man looked rich by his dressing, but he had a huge pot-belly, and looked interested in everything else other than his wife.

The wife too had a bored look on her face, and she spent most of the time looking outside through the window or reading magazines. Gautam looked at the man again and he felt pity for the girl, who had already caught his imagination with her bored and beautiful look. 

He remembered the couple from the third floor of his apartment, Mr. Sharma and Kajal. Their match too somewhat resembled the couple travelling with him in the train. 

The husband didn͛t look much interested in making any conversation with any of the co-passengers and mostly spent dozing off. But Gautam was more interested in the wife as he stared at her whenever he got a chance. She was beautiful, slim, and had a pair of very attractive eyes. And even despite of her husband not paying much attention towards her, she had an attractive figure too. 

She had large bosoms with a nicely toned body which complimented her beautifully. Her name was Shriya. 

[Image: 74998658f29f3561fd0cad285fcbd176.jpg]

Gautam stared at her greedily whenever he got a chance, and in few occasions he found her looking back too. 

Though they had immediately looked away in each of those occasions, yet both knew that they were eyeing each other. As the day progressed, the outside became dark and so Shriya started spending more time in her magazines rather than outside. And her husband was busy reading the same newspaper over and over. And at the evening he climbed up on the upper birth to take a nap, leaving Shriya alone.

Gautam immediately took that chance to try and establish contact. He had been careful in her husband͛s presence, but with him asleep he became bolder in his approach. 

He stared at her and started smiling to attract her. Shriya gave a cursory glance towards him and then immediately focussed back at her magazine. And when she realised what Gautam was trying to do, she too smiled. 

Slowly she too started looking back at Gautam and both smiled at each other. Throughout the evening they looked at each other and smiled but avoided any other form of contact, afraid of her husband. 

Slowly the day progressed and dinner was served. Shriya͛s husband came down briefly to have dinner, and all of them ate silently.

In between though, Shriya continued looking at Gautam and smiled, making sure her husband didn͛t watch. 

After an hour, the plates were collected back by the pantry staffs, and then the lights too were dimmed or turned off for the night. 

Shriya͛s husband had climbed back up again, leaving Shriya to sleep on the lower berth. Shriya too made her bed on one of the lower berths and lied down, facing Gautam, and then covered herself with the blanket. 

Gautam too leant back at his berth, half lying and smiled back at Shriya. The lights were all off apart from a dim night lamp. Yet they could make eye contact and continued giving smile at each other. 

After sometime, Gautam stood up and then briefly looked at Shriya and then started walking towards the corridor. He went towards the toilets and then waited near the vestibules, hoping that Shriya would understand his intentions. 

Shriya, did understood his intentions but was afraid of her husband. But later when she heard the noise of her husband͛s snores, she became a bit braver. 

She knew, no one could wake her husband up once he is deep in his sleep and snoring. Carefully she stood up and checked around for any other curious onlooker. Satisfied of seeing no one she too started walking towards the corridor.

Gautam was leaning at the wall near the door, unsure if Shriya had the guts to follow him. But soon his confusions were blown away as Shriya appeared at the corridor. 

Once again they looked back at each other and smiled. Shriya stood far away from him, unsure of what to do at that situation. Both their hearts were beating fast at the thrill of the situation. 

Both didn͛t know how to approach each other, they even didn͛t know each other͛s names. Yet both felt a strong desire for each other. 

Gautam too was hesitant initially, but finally took the lead. The corridor was well lit and often security officer guards passed through. 

He looked at Shriya and she too looked back at him, Gautam gave a brief nod and then slowly headed towards one of the toilet. Shriya was still standing back, looking at him when he entered inside. 

Her heart started beating even faster as she stood still not sure what to do. She could go back leaving him there, or could pick the trail and follow him inside. 

She proved to be wise enough to choose the latter. She was hesitant but didn͛t waste much time and followed Gautam. 

Gautam had the door unlocked, so she easily slid it open and entered inside. 

It was very cramp inside with not enough room for 2 adults to stand properly, but it was clean enough. Gautam gave her a hand and pulled her closer and then locked the door from inside. 

They were forced to stand very close to each other and once again they looked up at each other͛s eyes. A certain passion got hold of them suddenly and they started kissing each other. 

Shriya had nice rosy lips which Gautam started kissing and sucking. He pushed her back and pinned her against the wall and then continued kissing her lips. 

They were very soft and juicy, he started sucking them gently first and soon started sucking hard as Shriya too responded with the same passion. It gave Gautam the courage to put his hands on other private parts of her body, and soon he started feeling her breasts from over her blouse. 

She had two very firm yet soft breasts. Gautam touched them and immediately felt the urge to suck those. Shriya too took a deep breath when she felt his touch on her breasts and then started breathing faster, unable to control her emotions.

[Image: MV5BZjVmNDdiYTctMjQyYy00N2ZjLTgxYmMtYmJm...4._V1_.jpg]

Gautam smiled as he saw the will in her, and then slowly removed the pallu of her saree and started removing the hooks of her blouse to remove it off her body. 

She had a nice white lacy bra covering her 34 C breasts, and Gautam took a moment leering at her heavy bosoms and her deep cleavage. And once again he pushed her back and started kissing at her neck and shoulder. And then in a mad rage, he held her bra and lowered it roughly to expose her milky white tits.

Shriya closed her eyes as he started kissing, licking, and fondling her breasts. 

Her nipples grew erect and hard from the attention, and he slowly started sucking them in turn. ͞Ooommmmmppppphhh͟, she moaned as her body started to stir in excitement. Gautam quickly fumbled through her bra and then took it off her body. 

She was left topless with Gautam sucking and fondling her breasts at will. ͞Ooooffffff… sssssss… ohhhhhhh… ŵŵŵŵŵŵŵ… aahhhhhh͟ she moaned as Gautam continued playing with her breasts. 

He sucked them as long as he wished and then once again started kissing her lips.

[Image: shriya-saran-boobs-sucking.jpg]

Shriya already felt herself getting wet. She never imagined that she will find herself like that – locked in a cramp train toilet, with a stranger, and then being made naked and sucked and fondled. 

She felt as horny as a bitch on heat, she wanted him to take her to somewhere else and fuck her nicely. Gautam soon pushed his hand inside her saree and petticoat and felt her panties already had become wet. 

Shriya too, leant forward and whispered in his ears – ͞fuck me please͟. 

Gautam had met Shriya on the train. Shriya was a bored and lonely housewife. She was travelling with her husband who too looked uninterested and equally boring. 

After eyeing each other throughout the day, the two finally found courage to meet near the toilets. Shriya͛s husband was asleep when she had silently followed Gautam to the passage, near the toilets. 

No words were spoken, and Gautam had then silently led her inside one of the cramped toilets. And inside they had started kissing and touching each other with a burning desire. 

Shriya was wearing a saree, but Gautam gently removed the pallu and the blouse from her body, and then her bra to fondle and suck her breasts. Shriya started feeling so horny that she didn͛t protest or stop him.

She simply closed her eyes as he kissed, licked, and fondled with her breasts. Her nipples grew erect and hard from the attention, and he slowly sucked them in turn. ͞Ooooffffff… sssssss… ohhhhhhh… ŵŵŵŵŵŵŵ… aahhhhhh͟ she moaned as Gautam continued playing with her breasts. 

Shriya felt herself getting wet. She never imagined that she will find herself like that – locked in a cramp train toilet, with a stranger, and then being made naked and sucked and fondled. She felt as horny as a bitch on heat, she wanted him to take her to somewhere else and fuck her nicely. 

Gautam soon pushed his hand inside her saree and petticoat and felt her panties already had become wet. Shriya too, leant forward and whispered in his ears – ͞fuck me please͟. 

[Image: South-Indian-Actress-Shriya-Saran-Nude-A...C900&ssl=1][Image: Shriya-Saran-not-wearing-any-blouse-in-saree-1.jpg]

Gautam smiled, he was proud of being able to seduce Shriya. But it was difficult to fuck her inside that cramped toilet. So he decided to think about some other place. ͞Wait, I know a place where we can go and fuck freely͟, Gautam told as Shriya listened like a desperate bitch. Both of them came out of that toilet. 

Shriya put on her blouse in a hurry, and then arranged her saree back neatly. She didn͛t wear her bra and kept it in her hand. ͞

Wait, I will just check upon my husband͟ she insisted, not wanting to take any risk. And as Shriya went back to her berth to check on her husband, Gautam ventured ahead to check the place he had in his mind. 

The adjoining bogey was the first class compartment, and judging from the emptiness, Gautam thought one of the coupes to be empty. ͚Bingo͛, Gautam thought, just as he had imagined the furthest coupe was completely empty. 

The doors too were well oiled and lockable from inside. Hurrying he came back to the passage where he had left Shriya, and waited impatiently for her to come back.In the meantime, Shriya was satisfied to find her husband still asleep. He was snoring loudly and showed no sign of waking up soon. Also she got time to arrange herself. 

Everything had happened so fast that she didn͛t have a chance to realize what was happening. Everything seemed like a dream. She pinched herself a couple of times but it was not a dream, everything was happening in real.

She was indeed eyeing Gautam, but never imagined that it will unfold this way. But now when it had actually happened she had grown aroused and more interested to see it to the end. 

Now with a deeper resolution, she left for the spot where Gautam was waiting for her. She had left the bra back at her bag and also took off her panties before leaving her berth again. Gautam was indeed waiting impatiently, near the toilets. He had little doubts if she didn͛t turn back again. But seeing her back, he was relieved. 

[Image: don-seenu-movie-stills-45.jpg]

Gautam held her closer and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. ͞Everything OK?͟ he asked, showing a general concern. Shriya nodded her head in reply, her heart was heavily pounding. Gautam smiled back, ͞There is an empty coupe just down the next bogey͟ he added, ͞that will be ideal to make out͟. 

Shriya was nervous, she had never made out in a train before, but something, perhaps the thrill of it, kept her going. 

And both of them cautiously made their way to empty coupe. Gautam was again relieved to find it still empty. It was a luxury first class coupe, with wide and comfortable seats and curtained windows. 

Once they were both inside, he carefully pulled the doors and locked it from inside, but didn͛t waste any more time. He swiftly turned around and pulled her closer to him. 

Shriya took a deep breath as Gautam pulled her closer to him again. Swiftly this time, he removed the pallu of her saree and then pulled out the cloth tugged at her waist. Slowly the long piece of cloth unwrapped itself, and lay messily at her feet. Shriya was now wearing a blouse and petticoat only, she had already left her bra and panties back at her original berth.

Gautam cupped her breasts once again, over her cotton blouse, and immediately realized that they were naked beneath the blouse. He smiled, satisfied at the willingness of the slut he had met by chance. Then he gently started kissing at her shoulder and neck, feeling her scent and getting aroused again.

Slowly he unhooked each hook of her blouse and then gently pulled it off her body.

[Image: 3078441---Chandra-Chandrahasa-Maharani_A...-fakes.jpg]

Shriya blushed and then lowered her eyes to avoid looking into his eyes. Gautam had already started fondling her breasts. He pressed them gently, feeling the firmness of her udders. And then he slowly started licking them with his tongue. ͞

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm͟ Shriya moaned in excitement as she felt those wet traces around her nipples. And then she moaned a little more when he started sucking them.

Gautam took one of her nipples between her lips and gently started sucking it. ͞Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh͟, she moaned, beads of sweats started to develop on her body, and she was already beginning to get wet between her legs. 

While Gautam sucked her nipples, with his other free-hand he reached down between her legs. Neatly he pulled the strings of her petticoat to let it fall freely off her body, and then he put his palm on her crotch.

Once again he was surprised to find her naked beneath the petticoat, but equally satisfied to find her cunt already so wet. 

He pushed her on one of the seats, and then knelt beside her so that he can continue sucking her nipples. And then with the other hand he spread her legs and started massaging her vagina. ͞Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm͟ Shriya moaned and started biting her own lips in excitement. 

Gautam too, enjoyed her restlessness and continued giving her more pleasure and excitement. By then she was moaning really hard, leaning her head back she started rubbing her hands on her body uncontrollably. 

Gautam smiled as he slowly started kissing down her body until he reached her cunt. 

[Image: Shriya-Saran-naked-xxx-19.jpg]

She had a shaved cunt which looked neat and inviting. And he immediately dove into it. At first he spread her legs open so that he can eat her pussy unobstructed, and then he spread her pussy lips with his fingers and then slowly started brushing it with his tongue. 

͞Aaaaaiiiiiiiii… ooooohhhhhhhh… ahhhhhhhh͟ she moaned but not loud enough to indicate what was going on inside that locked coupe. ͞

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm͟ Gautam enjoyed the taste of her cunt, and continued probing her vagina with his tongue. He kept her pussy lips open by stretching them with his fingers, and then used his tongue to lick around it or push it deep inside her cunt hole. 

Both the actions extracted similar reaction from Shriya. She wriggled in excitement, her entire body shaking and moaning in need for an orgasm. 

Slowly she was reaching the peak of her arousal and soon craved for an orgasm. Gautam realized it too, and he replaced his tongue with his even firmer fingers and started fucking her nicely with them.

[Image: Shriya-Saran-Pussy-Licked.jpg?resize=1024%2C682&ssl=1]

Shriya bit her lips hard as his fingers went rapidly in and out of her nicely lubricated pussy. She spread her legs more to open herself up for him, by then she had started feeling like a bitch – made to come by a stranger. 

Soon the feeling overcame her as she felt overwhelmed by a very powerful orgasm. ͞Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh͟ she moaned and sat up, grabbing him and starting to kiss his lips passionately. Gautam too, felt the increase in wetness of her cunt and continued fingering her until she stopped coming. 

Shriya continued trembling as long as she came, and then slowly her body calmed down – drenched and exhausted by that orgasm. She smiled shyly, Gautam was looking at her, and she stared back at him and blushed. She immediately lowered her eyes and whispered again – ͞Fuck me now please͟. 
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RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by DurgaShubham21 - 31-12-2020, 05:55 PM
RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by K.rahul - 03-01-2021, 05:27 AM
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RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by Unknown - 24-01-2021, 06:40 PM
RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by jeetyin - 27-01-2021, 03:42 PM
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RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by jeetyin - 27-02-2021, 07:31 PM
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RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by Raghavan - 13-04-2021, 07:49 PM
RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by Malik420 - 24-04-2021, 01:22 PM
RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by Raghavan - 01-06-2021, 10:56 PM
RE: Actress Apartment fantasy - by Raghavan - 07-06-2021, 01:52 AM

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