Non-erotic NAGAMA
Coming back to the present, i felt a slight burst of intense energy from the distant horizon. That distant shadow like thing has risen in size and even the other soldiers have also begun to notice it now. As my eyesight is far sharper than the others i was able to observe it much before. I made a visit to the outpost to check what it is. The outpost is undergoing renovation to fit the latest 'Barrel Technology'. It enhances the firing power of the cannons. It enables shooting of oil barrels in quick succession. Within a matter of seconds 5 barrels of oil are shot, thus it enables to target even a flying dragon. When coupled with a firing cannon, it can ignite the oil. But naturally dragons are resistant to fire. What makes this oil unique is it has a watered down version of the unique chemical which was earlier concocted in the workshops. But the quantity replaces quality here. The Haven dragon type chemical requires rare and precious resources. But this unique chemical X requires much cheaper resources comparatively. Hence it can be produced in scale. But for this poison to take into effect requires high temperature. That's why this whole setup when the corresponding oil catches fire, it heats up the surface allowing the poison to begin to seep in.

But this poison is not fatal but only weakens the dragon[lower levelled ones] at the present technological level. Though it is heard that at the lab setup, when the temperature can be regulated and very high temperatures can be brought about, this chemical's effectiveness is increased exponentially and even Rendezvous dragons can be paralyzed and an injured one with an exposed sking can even die. But in the practical scenario it is not possible to bring such high temperatures particularly on the moving targets like dragons. But on a stationary target, with the focussed efforts of fire power and barrel technology such conditions can be synthesised. Though even on a mobile target such a condition can be brought about but it requires saint level synchronisation between the focussed fires of the 'barrel technology cannons' and the fire cannons.

The fire cannons were temporarily removed from the current outpost to enable the setting up of 'Barrel Technology' under the renovation process. Thankfully the telescope setup is installed and i quickly placed the different glasspieces at different levels along the tube adjusting their distances manually to focus on the subject at hand. I can now clearly see a 'Rendezvous dragon' approaching at a high speed. It is currently passing over the 'Noelle River' and is distinctively flying at low height. Generally they tend to fly at greater heights, and because of the low height and high speed, the wind disturbance is creating ripples and waves on the surface of the river. It looks particularly agitated and from the looks of it, it appears to be that of the 'Young princess- Luna'. There are barely 10 Rendezvous dragons in the entire Nubella kingdom, including with kind and his royal family[including Luna], Nuela and certain other top nobles.

During the last offensive of the three kingdoms, there were only 3 at that time and even Nuela didn't have one at that time. And 2 perished in that war and the 'late queen Laguna' too demised along with one such dragon. Only the king and the queen and her twin brother 'Russell'. The queen and her twin brother underwent training under the same master. Their hot-spirited adventures marvelled many and it was learnt that the present king was head over heels for her despite her masculine activites. Even the dragons the siblings were riding on were siblings, although one has bluish black scales whereas the other one reddish-black scales. Their hot-blooded nature may have won many a battles but the risk they have taken in the last offensive was very severe. They confronted a platoon of 2 Rendezvous type, 1 glacius, 1 aurora and 1 ferrum type. It was the elite platoon unit meant for quickfire offences which was alarmingly raiding the western front of the Nubella kingdom and the then king who was the present kings father too perished.

The present Princess Luna was only a year old baby back then. The present king 'Andrew' was adamant on taking charge of the offensive himself but the queen was reluctant of that idea as now that the king was dead, he would be the next to be on throne otherwise there would be a bloody civil war between the various princes and princesses no matter what the outcome of the war would be. The king by himself was a strong contender for the throne but come the twin siblings noone dared to look in the eye of the throne. Nuela was a kingpin but he is known for his absolute neutrality in the heirship matters. And only talent attracted him and looking at this trio he had a slight liking of them but still maintained his overall neutrality as he knows that even without his support Andrew would be a unanimous choice for the king-elect.

In the Nubella kingdom, kingship was decided based on the 3-part equal weightage formula. One part is based on the present king who is to retire's preference. The other part is based on his power and contributions to the kingdom[his/her immediate family like his/her spouse, children were also considered part of this]. The last part was based on an electoral system which again was based on votings of 3 sections--the nobility, the Archmagic guild +clergy combined, Rest of the taxpaying club the last section.

And a king has to retire once any other person's contributions--the 2nd part exceeds that of his which rarely happens as the king with his governance and vast resources of the kingdom in his capacity as king never falls below that of any prince nomatter how much contributions he may bring whether through war efforts or governance process. There was only one such instance when a king had to prematurely retire to give way for young prince, when the the then king was relishing in luxury, ignoring governance, and corruption was permeating the administration. And the young prince who only had a tiny county under his jurisdiction {Every prince/princess were given such tiny counties to prepare them for governance role} with his extraordinary war talents brought a very small kingdom[roughly one-third of then Nubella kingdom] neighbouring his county within the Nubella fold.

That king's espionage and diplomatic skills were textbook examples even today under the military training regime. also in such rare instances where such prince contributions outweigh that of presiding king, the first part in the formula was not considered [that is presiding king preference]. As he would be voting against the choice of the young prince otherwise. As normally only a very inefficient king would likely have his contributions overshadowed by a normal prince and given those tendencies he would likely not giveup his throne and rather prefer some puppet prince. Also the whole institution which oversees this contribution part which obviously has immense power, almost overtaking the king even on their area of work has to be absolutely incorruptible as then this whole setup would be a farce. So, only the national treasures of those times would be heading this institution. Anyone of the caliber of national treasure has the capability to raise a small kingdom on his own from scratch. If instead he is working for the welfare of the kingdom, putting kingdom's welfare over his personal welfare, and was ready to serve under the Royal Family, he should be someone with indisputable character. But to be on the safe side, whenever transfer of power takes place, the so-called national treasure shouldn't be holding any official post unless a war-like situation arises. What can be called a cooling-off period. Generally he spends this time on training.

In recognition of this unique efforts of the national treasure, the fruit of longevity 'Serrum' which only grows once in a century is given to him/her. As the name suggests it extends the life of the person who consumes it. And even the king or any other noble or any in the Royal family is awarded this. It is the sole prerogative of 'the national treasure' at the cost of kinghood which he could have got. But the location of the tree which produces this fruit is only known to the top echelons amongst the Royal Family. It is like a system of checks and balances. If those Royals do not produce the fruit the national treasure can give orders to strip their royalty. One of the rare instances where he/she yields more power over the king, other than overseeing the contributions part. This national Treasure obviously outlives and presides over multiple generations of kings/queens. As it is rarer to get National Treasures than to get kings/queens.
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NAGAMA - by 2avi - 20-11-2020, 02:11 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 20-11-2020, 03:03 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 20-11-2020, 09:43 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by Kunal singh - 21-11-2020, 08:58 AM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 21-11-2020, 12:58 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 21-11-2020, 09:26 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 24-11-2020, 08:56 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 24-11-2020, 09:05 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 26-11-2020, 07:41 PM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 27-11-2020, 12:39 AM
RE: NAGAMA - by 2avi - 28-11-2020, 09:07 PM

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