21-11-2020, 12:49 PM
Part -- 1
Deepika Singh, a 31-year old , a good lady who was born to a good family that included a good dad that made good money at a good job that enabled the family to live in a good part of town. Deepika Singh went away to a good college and majored in nursing, met a good man, and eventually after graduation got a good job of her own and moved into a good house across town from her good parents. Her good boyfriend Vijay, 40, got married and ended up raising a good little boy.
![[Image: Deepika-Singh.jpg]](https://www.easterneye.biz/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Deepika-Singh.jpg)
She and Vijay had an average sex life. She was perfectly happy with it. Vijay doted on Deepika Singh, and he was very romantic in bed. His 4.5-inch cock was the only cock she'd ever had inside her, although right after high college, when she traveled back to her parents to visit for the summer, she had fooled around with her third cousin, Arya 18, who had sported a 6-inch cock, which she had jacked off a couple of times before he convinced her to suck him off a couple of times more. They never got caught, but they had a close shave one time that led Deepika Singh's parents to grow suspicious enough to cause them to prevent Arya from coming back into contact with her, at least for a good while.
![[Image: Pics-Art-02-11-10-32-17.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/7JtnSgH/Pics-Art-02-11-10-32-17.jpg)
Deepika Singh and Vijay' love making was vanilla. About once a week, maybe less, they'd have sex after Billy went to bed. Vijay would have preferred more sex, but Deepika Singh kept busy with her long nursing shifts, night shifts, usually too tired to screw except on weekends, and too many events could intervene to prevent them from doing it. But he loved her, and he didn't bother her about it too much.
Deepika Singh assumed that Vijay was a cold fish. In a way, because Vijay was a nice guy, she had unknowingly made it difficult for him to pursue her. Their styles had ended up being largely incompatible as she wanted him to pursue her harder, but she wasn't communicating it well enough, and he honestly wanted it, but felt bad when he had to ask for it and when she gave it to him, and frankly he got tired of the whole rigmarole of having to initiate all the time.
Deepika Singh, being a nurse, was exposed to all kinds of scenarios and stories while at work. Some of her coworkers were not married, dating a doctor, dating lots of guys, divorced, you name it. Some of them were visibly seen on dating apps while on their breaks, or receiving dick pics in their phone texts and visibly giggling about it. Add to that from time to time doctors would take advantage of their prestige and pick up on any kind of interest or curiosity as an opportunity to get some side action. They loved to prey on the nurses because as they knew, nurses look up to doctors, and they work hard, play hard, too.
Deepika Singh had been hit on a couple of times in her twenties while working the night shift. She had Billy really young so that she had developed boobs during the time she breast fed him which remained to this day. She had purchased her scrubs when her breasts had been smaller, and with these breasts, you could tell that she looked different. Dr. Patel, doctor from Mumbai, was the first one to approach her.
"You look very nice this evening, Deepika Singh," he complimented.
Embarrassed, "Oh, thank you, Dr. Patel," she replied. Changing the subject, "Have you seen Room 114 yet? His blood pressure was out of limits earlier."
![[Image: 3444c6721ab2c8b762d05eb66ed6ce6a.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/44/c6/3444c6721ab2c8b762d05eb66ed6ce6a.jpg)
"Yes, yes, I'll check on him in a little bit." Then leaning in closer to her, he murmured, "Say, if you're doing anything after the shift, maybe I can take you to breakfast. I've been looking for someone to mentor, I think you have what it takes to really go places as a medical professional."
Deepika Singh, not a stranger to male advances thanks to her strong facial features and lean physique, replied, "Thank you, Dr. Patel. I actually have to get home and get Billy off to college and make my husband's lunch. Perhaps another time?"
"Oh, sure, of course," he replied, and that was that.
Dr. Johnson was more direct. "Deepika Singh, are you a fan of modern art? What would you say to me coming over to my condo after work so I can show you some of the artwork I recently put up?"
Deepika Singh replied with the same excuse she'd fed Dr. Patel, and again, that solved that.
It didn't matter that she wore her wedding symbols to work. The medical staff were by and large sexual freaks...at least a lot of them appeared to be at that hospital.
Finally, the most direct of them all was Dr. Zanjani, also of Middle Eastern descent.
"Deepika Singh. How are you doing tonight?" he asked.
"I'm just fine, Dr. Zanjani. How are you? It's pretty quiet tonight, thankfully," she replied.
Dr. Zanjani replied, "Exactly. Since nothing's going on, why don't you meet me in Room 210? Nobody will see anything, and I've been wanting to get close to you ever since I laid eyes on you."
![[Image: deepika-singh-hindi-tv-actress-ytds2-10-...C640&ssl=1]](https://i0.wp.com/indiancelebblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/deepika-singh-hindi-tv-actress-ytds2-10-hot-sari-photos.jpg?resize=640%2C640&ssl=1)
Deepika Singh rebuffed him. "Dr. Zanjani, I'm not that kind of girl. I don't know what gave you the impression I was, or why you felt you could talk to me like that." Deepika Singh wasn't going to lie down for any lech, doctor or not. Since he too didn't make advances again, she assumed that was that with him.
Then she'd heard stories from the other nurses about some of the doctors. Dr. Johnson specifically had taken advantage of Sonarika. She was among the losers of the nurses, and she also fancied Dr. Johnson, such that it didn't take any arm twisting. The morning they'd hooked up, Sonarika had told Deepika Singh, he'd fucked her twice before they fell asleep, and then once more when they woke up seven hours later. She said he had eight inches of pure steel inside his boxer briefs, and she wasn't quite sure how it all fit in there.
![[Image: 1540390649634.png]](https://www.imgfy.net/images/2018/10/25/1540390649634.png)
"Like a mother fucking stallion!" she told Deepika Singh one time at lunch. Apparently their fling wasn't just a one time thing.
Divyanka was definitely the biggest slut of the pack. She'd already been fucked by half the med-surg doctors in their wing and was already working through the telemetry doctors, too, in addition to practically every med tech on the floor. The funny thing was she'd only been there six months by this time.
"Oh, yeah, Dr. Roberts was hard all morning. But Jeff, the orderly. He's a horse. I was neighing like a philly at the races while he fucked me senseless. I couldn't walk for six hours. If you love big cock, ask Jeff," Divyanka said without an ounce of shame.Deepika Singh had heard Divyanka once took two guys in one of the spare rooms.
![[Image: Divyanka-Tripathi-fake-8.jpg?ssl=1]](https://i1.wp.com/www.sexdug.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Divyanka-Tripathi-fake-8.jpg?ssl=1)
Now that Deepika Singh was 31, she was hitting her prime in terms of her sex drive. She noticed she thought about sex more, that her vagina was more moist than she ever recalled, and that unfortunately she was always sleepy when she got home. "Too tired for sex," was her mantra to her husband who rarely persisted after an intiial turn down. It didn't help that she worked nights a lot, so their schedules weren't exactly synched.
It was one night, around midnight, she'd been waiting for the lunch that she'd brought with her to heat up in the microwave, she thought about that third cousin Arya who she'd blown back when she was 18. She remembered how naughty and adventurous it had made her feel, and how turned on she'd gotten by the sexual attention he'd thrown at her. Her pussy had started getting wet again and taking a risk, she glanced over her shoulder to see if anyone was coming, and then reached into her pocket and rubbed her clitoris a little through the fabric in the pocket. It felt good, just like when she was a newly wed. The feeling of having your mind clear and just focused on sex, on your senses, where nothing else mattered but advancing your lust until climax. She glanced again, then took her hand out of her pocket and slipped it into her scrubs pants. She inserted the tips of her three fingers into her wet pussy, and was blown away by how wet and loose she'd become while waiting.
![[Image: young-girl-masturbating-in-the-car-on-pu...arking.jpg]](https://megapornx.com/xxx/young-girl-masturbating-in-the-car-on-public-parking.jpg)
"DING!" went to the microwave. She was startled by the noise, but grateful it was only the microwave and not some passerby. She grabbed her food, checked it to make sure it was heated through thoroughly enough, and then went and sat down at the nurses station.
Eating alone-almost alone...the watch nurse was there but she was busy filing papers and the like-she thought back to the Arya, and how she would play it differently if she were back in time as a young woman of 18, just before college, sucking on Arya's cock with her virginal moist pussy just waiting to be crushed.
"Deepika Singh, before you leave this morning, please log in to the computer and do the annual computer training on computer security. It's due by Monday, but you're not on shift again until Tuesday. Doing it today, you won't have to come in on your off time," said the watch nurse.
"Oh, okay, thanks," replied Deepika Singh. Shoot. She'd now have to waste a whole hour after shift clicking a mouse instead of getting home to rest.
The nursing floor was so quiet that Deepika Singh thought a lot more about her experience with Arya, and about the stories she'd heard from Sonarika and Divyanka. "If only my husband pursued me half as much as these bastard doctors," complained Deepika Singh to herself.
At 3am, she went in to minister to Mr. Jones who was admitted for post operation recovery. He'd had his appendix removed and would need at least a week of nursing care while he was hooked up through an IV to receive fluids. He wouldn't be able to bathe by himself, so it was on her and her assistant to make sure he got the care and cleaning he'd need.
Mr. Jones was five days in already and feeling good, but the doctor insisted they keep him on through Monday. Deepika Singh's assistant had been released at 1am because it was so quiet, and Deepika Singh was down to two patients, so she had more time to minister to him.
When she walked in to check on him, he was looking at his phone and he quickly minimize the screen of what was most assuredly online porn.
"Good morning Mr. Jones. Can't sleep?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, pretty much. I get so much rest that my sleep schedule is completely out of whack."
Deepika Singh couldn't help but notice that Mr. Jones had been playing with himself by the sudden hand movement and now the giant tent pitched over his crotch. She'd seen his penis three times already in the five days that he'd been there. His cock was about an inch longer and thicker than Vijay' penis. She imagined what it must look like hard like it was now.
"Is there anything I can do for you right now? Do you need any water or anything?" asked Deepika Singh as she tried to stay matter-of-fact and all.
"Actually, I need to use the restroom. Can you help me over to it?"
"Do you need to go Number 1 or Number 2?" Deepika Singh had long since stopped caring about talking in such terms. As a nurse, life was easier when you were just direct with people.
"Number 1," he replied.
"Oh, then I suggest you just pee in a basin and save us all the trouble of getting you up," suggested Deepika Singh.
She handed him one of the salmon colored basins that was stacked on the counter. He really did need to go hence why he was having difficulty achieving climax. He looked at Deepika Singh who, having forgotten herself, blushed and turned her head away to give him a little privacy. To be sure, out of the corner of her eye, there was Mr. Jones' hard cock glaring from the lamp and standing out from the darkness of the room. As he was finishing, she took the liberty to approach him as he finished, looking at his cock as the last amount trickled out, before taking the basin away and said, jokingly, "It looks like everything is working down there, then!" winking at him.
Mr. Jones replied, with a chuckle, "You noticed? Yes, I can't wait to go home soon. I have needs, LOL."
Deepika Singh, after dumping the urine in the toilet in the attached bathroom and flushing, walked out and said, "I know what you mean. For me, on nights like tonight when it's especially slow, it can feel like it takes forever when all you want to do is go home and relax and do your thing."
![[Image: Deepika_Singh_20160202020232.jpeg%5B]](https://www.veethi.com/images/people/fullsize/Deepika_Singh_20160202020232.jpeg%5B)
Mr. Jones offered, "Have you ever, you know, done anything while on shift?"
Deepika Singh, sorry for letting the conversation get to this, replied: "Mr. Jones, I'm sorry, I'm married. I shouldn't have..." her voice trailed off while Mr. Jones took a risk and pulled his cock out once more, still rock hard and glistening around the tip a little.
Deepika Singh looked at his cock and did some quick math. There were two total RNs (she being one of them), no more med techs, the orderlies were not stationed in their area and they weren't scheduled to come by until 5:30am, the doctors had all left by 2am, and both the other nurses (the other RN and the watch nurse) were generally busy, and at least one of them had high heels that you would definitely hear as it approached.
She was very horny and relatively sexually unfulfilled these days. The offer to satisfy this cock, discreetly when no one else would likely find out, was too much to pass up for her in her sexually compromised state.
"Mr. Jones, I don't know if I should," she mumbled as she reached down, back to the closed door, and grasped his fully erect penis.
"Deepika Singh, my dear, I promise not to tell anybody. My penis could really use any attention you have to offer."
![[Image: fuck19.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2016/04/19/fuck19.jpg)
She lightly stroked the uncircumcised cock that she had helped wash twice over the last two days. If anybody walked in now, she could pretend to be washing his body now. So, she removed his pants, took out the shower towelettes they used to do a cleaning and open the taped opening, and again with her back to the door, proceeded to stroke his erect seven inches of man meat.
Deepika Singh, a 31-year old , a good lady who was born to a good family that included a good dad that made good money at a good job that enabled the family to live in a good part of town. Deepika Singh went away to a good college and majored in nursing, met a good man, and eventually after graduation got a good job of her own and moved into a good house across town from her good parents. Her good boyfriend Vijay, 40, got married and ended up raising a good little boy.
![[Image: Deepika-Singh.jpg]](https://www.easterneye.biz/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Deepika-Singh.jpg)
She and Vijay had an average sex life. She was perfectly happy with it. Vijay doted on Deepika Singh, and he was very romantic in bed. His 4.5-inch cock was the only cock she'd ever had inside her, although right after high college, when she traveled back to her parents to visit for the summer, she had fooled around with her third cousin, Arya 18, who had sported a 6-inch cock, which she had jacked off a couple of times before he convinced her to suck him off a couple of times more. They never got caught, but they had a close shave one time that led Deepika Singh's parents to grow suspicious enough to cause them to prevent Arya from coming back into contact with her, at least for a good while.
![[Image: Pics-Art-02-11-10-32-17.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/7JtnSgH/Pics-Art-02-11-10-32-17.jpg)
Deepika Singh and Vijay' love making was vanilla. About once a week, maybe less, they'd have sex after Billy went to bed. Vijay would have preferred more sex, but Deepika Singh kept busy with her long nursing shifts, night shifts, usually too tired to screw except on weekends, and too many events could intervene to prevent them from doing it. But he loved her, and he didn't bother her about it too much.
Deepika Singh assumed that Vijay was a cold fish. In a way, because Vijay was a nice guy, she had unknowingly made it difficult for him to pursue her. Their styles had ended up being largely incompatible as she wanted him to pursue her harder, but she wasn't communicating it well enough, and he honestly wanted it, but felt bad when he had to ask for it and when she gave it to him, and frankly he got tired of the whole rigmarole of having to initiate all the time.
Deepika Singh, being a nurse, was exposed to all kinds of scenarios and stories while at work. Some of her coworkers were not married, dating a doctor, dating lots of guys, divorced, you name it. Some of them were visibly seen on dating apps while on their breaks, or receiving dick pics in their phone texts and visibly giggling about it. Add to that from time to time doctors would take advantage of their prestige and pick up on any kind of interest or curiosity as an opportunity to get some side action. They loved to prey on the nurses because as they knew, nurses look up to doctors, and they work hard, play hard, too.
Deepika Singh had been hit on a couple of times in her twenties while working the night shift. She had Billy really young so that she had developed boobs during the time she breast fed him which remained to this day. She had purchased her scrubs when her breasts had been smaller, and with these breasts, you could tell that she looked different. Dr. Patel, doctor from Mumbai, was the first one to approach her.
"You look very nice this evening, Deepika Singh," he complimented.
Embarrassed, "Oh, thank you, Dr. Patel," she replied. Changing the subject, "Have you seen Room 114 yet? His blood pressure was out of limits earlier."
![[Image: 3444c6721ab2c8b762d05eb66ed6ce6a.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/44/c6/3444c6721ab2c8b762d05eb66ed6ce6a.jpg)
"Yes, yes, I'll check on him in a little bit." Then leaning in closer to her, he murmured, "Say, if you're doing anything after the shift, maybe I can take you to breakfast. I've been looking for someone to mentor, I think you have what it takes to really go places as a medical professional."
Deepika Singh, not a stranger to male advances thanks to her strong facial features and lean physique, replied, "Thank you, Dr. Patel. I actually have to get home and get Billy off to college and make my husband's lunch. Perhaps another time?"
"Oh, sure, of course," he replied, and that was that.
Dr. Johnson was more direct. "Deepika Singh, are you a fan of modern art? What would you say to me coming over to my condo after work so I can show you some of the artwork I recently put up?"
Deepika Singh replied with the same excuse she'd fed Dr. Patel, and again, that solved that.
It didn't matter that she wore her wedding symbols to work. The medical staff were by and large sexual freaks...at least a lot of them appeared to be at that hospital.
Finally, the most direct of them all was Dr. Zanjani, also of Middle Eastern descent.
"Deepika Singh. How are you doing tonight?" he asked.
"I'm just fine, Dr. Zanjani. How are you? It's pretty quiet tonight, thankfully," she replied.
Dr. Zanjani replied, "Exactly. Since nothing's going on, why don't you meet me in Room 210? Nobody will see anything, and I've been wanting to get close to you ever since I laid eyes on you."
![[Image: deepika-singh-hindi-tv-actress-ytds2-10-...C640&ssl=1]](https://i0.wp.com/indiancelebblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/deepika-singh-hindi-tv-actress-ytds2-10-hot-sari-photos.jpg?resize=640%2C640&ssl=1)
Deepika Singh rebuffed him. "Dr. Zanjani, I'm not that kind of girl. I don't know what gave you the impression I was, or why you felt you could talk to me like that." Deepika Singh wasn't going to lie down for any lech, doctor or not. Since he too didn't make advances again, she assumed that was that with him.
Then she'd heard stories from the other nurses about some of the doctors. Dr. Johnson specifically had taken advantage of Sonarika. She was among the losers of the nurses, and she also fancied Dr. Johnson, such that it didn't take any arm twisting. The morning they'd hooked up, Sonarika had told Deepika Singh, he'd fucked her twice before they fell asleep, and then once more when they woke up seven hours later. She said he had eight inches of pure steel inside his boxer briefs, and she wasn't quite sure how it all fit in there.
![[Image: 1540390649634.png]](https://www.imgfy.net/images/2018/10/25/1540390649634.png)
"Like a mother fucking stallion!" she told Deepika Singh one time at lunch. Apparently their fling wasn't just a one time thing.
Divyanka was definitely the biggest slut of the pack. She'd already been fucked by half the med-surg doctors in their wing and was already working through the telemetry doctors, too, in addition to practically every med tech on the floor. The funny thing was she'd only been there six months by this time.
"Oh, yeah, Dr. Roberts was hard all morning. But Jeff, the orderly. He's a horse. I was neighing like a philly at the races while he fucked me senseless. I couldn't walk for six hours. If you love big cock, ask Jeff," Divyanka said without an ounce of shame.Deepika Singh had heard Divyanka once took two guys in one of the spare rooms.
![[Image: Divyanka-Tripathi-fake-8.jpg?ssl=1]](https://i1.wp.com/www.sexdug.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Divyanka-Tripathi-fake-8.jpg?ssl=1)
Now that Deepika Singh was 31, she was hitting her prime in terms of her sex drive. She noticed she thought about sex more, that her vagina was more moist than she ever recalled, and that unfortunately she was always sleepy when she got home. "Too tired for sex," was her mantra to her husband who rarely persisted after an intiial turn down. It didn't help that she worked nights a lot, so their schedules weren't exactly synched.
It was one night, around midnight, she'd been waiting for the lunch that she'd brought with her to heat up in the microwave, she thought about that third cousin Arya who she'd blown back when she was 18. She remembered how naughty and adventurous it had made her feel, and how turned on she'd gotten by the sexual attention he'd thrown at her. Her pussy had started getting wet again and taking a risk, she glanced over her shoulder to see if anyone was coming, and then reached into her pocket and rubbed her clitoris a little through the fabric in the pocket. It felt good, just like when she was a newly wed. The feeling of having your mind clear and just focused on sex, on your senses, where nothing else mattered but advancing your lust until climax. She glanced again, then took her hand out of her pocket and slipped it into her scrubs pants. She inserted the tips of her three fingers into her wet pussy, and was blown away by how wet and loose she'd become while waiting.
![[Image: young-girl-masturbating-in-the-car-on-pu...arking.jpg]](https://megapornx.com/xxx/young-girl-masturbating-in-the-car-on-public-parking.jpg)
"DING!" went to the microwave. She was startled by the noise, but grateful it was only the microwave and not some passerby. She grabbed her food, checked it to make sure it was heated through thoroughly enough, and then went and sat down at the nurses station.
Eating alone-almost alone...the watch nurse was there but she was busy filing papers and the like-she thought back to the Arya, and how she would play it differently if she were back in time as a young woman of 18, just before college, sucking on Arya's cock with her virginal moist pussy just waiting to be crushed.
"Deepika Singh, before you leave this morning, please log in to the computer and do the annual computer training on computer security. It's due by Monday, but you're not on shift again until Tuesday. Doing it today, you won't have to come in on your off time," said the watch nurse.
"Oh, okay, thanks," replied Deepika Singh. Shoot. She'd now have to waste a whole hour after shift clicking a mouse instead of getting home to rest.
The nursing floor was so quiet that Deepika Singh thought a lot more about her experience with Arya, and about the stories she'd heard from Sonarika and Divyanka. "If only my husband pursued me half as much as these bastard doctors," complained Deepika Singh to herself.
![[Image: 78f7caa63496e4b58986964b9f394f70.jpg]](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/78/f7/ca/78f7caa63496e4b58986964b9f394f70.jpg)
At 3am, she went in to minister to Mr. Jones who was admitted for post operation recovery. He'd had his appendix removed and would need at least a week of nursing care while he was hooked up through an IV to receive fluids. He wouldn't be able to bathe by himself, so it was on her and her assistant to make sure he got the care and cleaning he'd need.
Mr. Jones was five days in already and feeling good, but the doctor insisted they keep him on through Monday. Deepika Singh's assistant had been released at 1am because it was so quiet, and Deepika Singh was down to two patients, so she had more time to minister to him.
When she walked in to check on him, he was looking at his phone and he quickly minimize the screen of what was most assuredly online porn.
"Good morning Mr. Jones. Can't sleep?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, pretty much. I get so much rest that my sleep schedule is completely out of whack."
Deepika Singh couldn't help but notice that Mr. Jones had been playing with himself by the sudden hand movement and now the giant tent pitched over his crotch. She'd seen his penis three times already in the five days that he'd been there. His cock was about an inch longer and thicker than Vijay' penis. She imagined what it must look like hard like it was now.
"Is there anything I can do for you right now? Do you need any water or anything?" asked Deepika Singh as she tried to stay matter-of-fact and all.
"Actually, I need to use the restroom. Can you help me over to it?"
"Do you need to go Number 1 or Number 2?" Deepika Singh had long since stopped caring about talking in such terms. As a nurse, life was easier when you were just direct with people.
"Number 1," he replied.
"Oh, then I suggest you just pee in a basin and save us all the trouble of getting you up," suggested Deepika Singh.
She handed him one of the salmon colored basins that was stacked on the counter. He really did need to go hence why he was having difficulty achieving climax. He looked at Deepika Singh who, having forgotten herself, blushed and turned her head away to give him a little privacy. To be sure, out of the corner of her eye, there was Mr. Jones' hard cock glaring from the lamp and standing out from the darkness of the room. As he was finishing, she took the liberty to approach him as he finished, looking at his cock as the last amount trickled out, before taking the basin away and said, jokingly, "It looks like everything is working down there, then!" winking at him.
Mr. Jones replied, with a chuckle, "You noticed? Yes, I can't wait to go home soon. I have needs, LOL."
Deepika Singh, after dumping the urine in the toilet in the attached bathroom and flushing, walked out and said, "I know what you mean. For me, on nights like tonight when it's especially slow, it can feel like it takes forever when all you want to do is go home and relax and do your thing."
![[Image: Deepika_Singh_20160202020232.jpeg%5B]](https://www.veethi.com/images/people/fullsize/Deepika_Singh_20160202020232.jpeg%5B)
Mr. Jones offered, "Have you ever, you know, done anything while on shift?"
Deepika Singh, sorry for letting the conversation get to this, replied: "Mr. Jones, I'm sorry, I'm married. I shouldn't have..." her voice trailed off while Mr. Jones took a risk and pulled his cock out once more, still rock hard and glistening around the tip a little.
Deepika Singh looked at his cock and did some quick math. There were two total RNs (she being one of them), no more med techs, the orderlies were not stationed in their area and they weren't scheduled to come by until 5:30am, the doctors had all left by 2am, and both the other nurses (the other RN and the watch nurse) were generally busy, and at least one of them had high heels that you would definitely hear as it approached.
She was very horny and relatively sexually unfulfilled these days. The offer to satisfy this cock, discreetly when no one else would likely find out, was too much to pass up for her in her sexually compromised state.
"Mr. Jones, I don't know if I should," she mumbled as she reached down, back to the closed door, and grasped his fully erect penis.
"Deepika Singh, my dear, I promise not to tell anybody. My penis could really use any attention you have to offer."
![[Image: fuck19.jpg]](https://imgfy.net/images/2016/04/19/fuck19.jpg)
She lightly stroked the uncircumcised cock that she had helped wash twice over the last two days. If anybody walked in now, she could pretend to be washing his body now. So, she removed his pants, took out the shower towelettes they used to do a cleaning and open the taped opening, and again with her back to the door, proceeded to stroke his erect seven inches of man meat.