Adultery An Indian Marriage by rulerandcane
Meeta was a 23-year-old girl raised in rural India. She had quit college early on and spent most of her teens living in the small town of Varkala in southern India. Raised in strict and conservative upbringing she had little to no contact with opposite sex. She was extremely shy and reserved but like most Indian girls was being pushed into an arranged marriage by her parents.

Dinesh was a 28-year-old man who had gone places. Born in India, educated in the US, travelled around the world and now settled in London. Exposed to many cultures and many experiences he had lived a life to large extent. He had courted many a girl, had an active sex life but at the end of day never had fallen for a girl enough to get married. He was also a very calculating individual and after good thought decided to throw his hat into to the arranged marriage system.

Arranged marriage system in India has many pros and cons. At the simplest level it is like a dating site that facilitates meeting of two people and at the opposite spectrum it puts two complete strangers into a relationship such that their first date is the day of the marriage. In case of Meeta and Dinesh this was an even more complicated merger. Dinesh was well to do and that was the key requirement for Meeta's parents and she had little to no say in the selection. For Dinesh he had flown into India for few weeks, reviewed several girls, met a few and settled on Meeta as she checked most his boxes. Meeta was very malleable and submissive and that was key to Dinesh's plans. Dinesh asking several questions and Meeta giving short and shy answers dominated their first meeting. Dinesh also made it clear that he will be the one making all the decisions in their life. For Meeta, this was perfectly fine as all her life her decisions were made by someone else.

Once the initial selection was done, the wedding was quickly arranged and executed in the true but chaotic Indian style. An actual day included lots of rituals and ended with a 500+ guest marriage reception. The tired bride and groom went to a plush hotel for the 'first night'. The first night is a term using in India, which means the night the couple consummate, their marriage. Dinesh however had other plans. He was very tired and had no interest in sex but he did want to set the tone for the rest of their relationship. He quizzed her about her sex life, knowing well that she had none. It was done more to embarrass her. He made it clear the sex was important to him and for the marriage to work she had to satisfy his sexual needs. Since she had no prior experience and just a vague idea of what was required of sex, he told her that he would train her to make sure she knew the tricks of the trade. This 'sex' conversation was all that took on that 'first night' and Dinesh was soon asleep. Meeta, however was nervous and afraid of the sex thing. She was also afraid that she would not live up to his expectations. She had some inkling about sex but most of that came from Mom's coaching the day before her marriage. She had expected to have sex on that night and the fact that it did not happen made her ever more scared.

Just the day after their wedding, Dinesh and Meeta flew into London. For Meeta, this was her first flight ever & the first time she had left her family. She was going into the land of the unknown. They landed in cold London and drove to Dinesh's huge 5-bedroom house just on the outskirts. Meeta had never seen such a cosmopolitan city and such modern hours.

Once in the house, Dinesh poured some red wine and asked her to drink.

"I don't like this" said a hesitant Meeta.

"Drink it, you will feel good after the tiring flight", came the curt reply from Dinesh.

Meeta sipped it a bit. She did not like it but was not sure how to say no to him.

Dinesh smiled inwardly, this was going to plan. He was fully committed to this marriage but he had picked Meeta for one particular whim. He always fantasized about controlling women. In his porn exploits, he had taken a liking to stories and porn around spanking, control and mild bdsm. For him a key factor in this arranged marriage was fulfillment of his fantasies. He was confident that in Meeta he had found the perfect candidate.

Dinesh then got up and started cooking some food.

"Can I cook?", asked Meeta.

"No, you rest, I will make something quick and easy for now." replied Dinesh.

Within 30 minutes, there was cooked food on the table. Meeta marveled at the speed and execution using the various appliances he had in the kitchen. In her family, men never cooked.

"I like cooking", said Dinesh.

Meeta smiled and nodded.

"Are you tired?", asked Dinesh.

"A little but I am fine", replied Meeta.

"Did you like the wine?"

"Yes", came the meek and unsure reply.

"Wine is good for you and you need to start talking a little more. We need to get to know each other better", remarked Dinesh.

Meeta tensed a bit but smiled and nodded.

The rest of the dinner went quietly with Dinesh explaining how the house and kitchen was set. He also told her that they had 1 more week of vacation and he intended to use that to get to know her better. The wine had made Meeta light headed. This was her first experience of any form of alcohol. She mind went back to her town where alcohol was an absolute no-no and how her father had cut ties with one of his cousins because he drank occasionally.

After dinner, Dinesh asked Meeta to go to sleep, as he had to catch to up with email. Tired from the flight and dizzy from the wine, she fell asleep almost immediately.

Outside in the living room Dinesh was watching her moves via his camera system. He had cameras in every room, partly for security but also it pleased him to observe her. He would soon start the training sessions and just thinking about it made him hard. His mind wandered on the different pleasures he wanted to derive from this and masturbated to his sleep.
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RE: An Indian Marriage by rulerandcane - by Ramesh_Rocky - 16-03-2019, 03:31 PM
RE: An Indian Marriage by rulerandcane - by krish - 20-03-2019, 05:42 AM

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