Misc. Erotica My step by step transformation


I am Neha, 25 year old woman working in an MNC. Aswin is my Manager. I have been working in this MNC after I completed my college. 

I went into manager's cabin. It's my last day. I lost my job because the company decided to lay off people as it is facing severe financial crisis. I haven't received my salary in two months. I have received only half of last year bonus. 

It was a big shock to me. I was speechless. I didn't know what to do. I shouted at manager and got out of cabin. Everybody was staring at me. I felt embarrassed. I tried very hard to control my tears. I quickly got out of the building. I reached bus stop. Waited for the bus. Finally, after 20 minutes, I boarded a bus and reached my apartment. 

I unlocked the door. Apartment was empty. I went to my room to take some rest. I lay on bed and drifted into thoughts 

"I am working so hard but my career has headed nowhere. I have lot of bills to pay. EMIs to pay. I also borrowed money from my friends. Now, how can I pay without a job? It will take at least couple of months time to find another job"

I should have quit this job two years back but I waited for raise, promotion and big bonuses. Today, I am unemployed. I am not sure when will I get my two months salary and my remaining bonus. I am not sure when will I find another job"

I drifted into sleep. 

I opened my eyes and its 2PM. My phone is ringing loud.

"Neha! what are you doing?" screamed my friend from the other side.

"Raasi, I lost my job today, I am not feeling very well right now, I will call you later Ok?"

"Oh! I am so sorry yaar. Are you okay? I am very sorry Neha. I feel bad for you. Where are you now?"

"You already know, I am in Hyderabad in my shared apartment"

"You seem not to be in mood, I will call you tomorrow and I will message you before calling. Very sorry yaar. Bye! I have to go. Call me in case you feel like talking"

Tears rolled down my cheek. I started crying. I am too tired. I felt helpless alone. Its 3PM already. I haven't ate lunch. I went to a nearby restaurant to have my lunch. I returned and decided to search for a job. I have no choice but to find a job. 

I started searching for jobs in newspapers, on the internet and made a list of people who can recommend me for a job. 

I spent next two days hunting for a job. Despite my sincere effort, I couldn't find a proper job. If I join a lower position job than what I had, that would damage my career. Even if take those jobs, I can't make a proper living. 

Its been 3 days since I lost my job. Today also, no result. Its 2AM now. I went to sleep. 

I woke up to the blaring sound of my phone. I opened my eyes and reached for my phone. Its my manager. I got confused. I wondered why he is calling me. 


"Hello Neha"

"Sir, its you! Why are you calling me now?"

"How are you Neha?"


"Neha! I know that you are feeling terrible. I feel very sorry for you. You know that your job was not in my hands. Its a decision made by upper management"

"Sir, please stop lying! They lay off people only if you don't object. You didn't object their decision when they decided to remove me from job. So stop lying"

"Neha! you are new here. Its only been 3 years since you joined in this job. You are single. You are only 25 years old. You don't have family of your own. Others are much older than you. They are married, they have kids. If they lose jobs, their kids would also suffer. They have been working in this office even before you joined. All the people who lost jobs are either single like you or they have spouses who hold a decent job"

"Sir, I have no words to say if you speak like that. You could have warned me earlier. I would have searched for another job and would have resigned peacefully. You have left me in the middle of nowhere now. That's so cruel of you. I feel betrayed"

"Neha! You can easily find another job. Don't worry"

"Sir, its easy for you to say. But I want a recommendation letter from you" 

"ok Neha! I will write a recommendation letter for you. That's not an issue"

"Sir, why did you call me? I know you didn't call me for saying this. So, please tell me..."

"Neha! I don't want to talk about this subject over the phone. I want to meet you somewhere private. Today evening would be perfect. Are you free?"

"Sir, I have free time 24/7 now. Thanks to you!"

"Neha! please stop it. I feel guilty. I am sorry for not warning you earlier. Anyway are you free?"

"Sir, May i know the purpose of this meeting?"

"Neha! Its little confidential kind of thing. I can't speak over the phone. I will tell you everything when we meet"

"Sir, bring that recommendation letter while coming"

"Sure Neha! I will. Don't be late ah? 6PM. I will be waiting for you at reception of Hotel Stay Inn"

"Hotel Reception? What kind of a meeting is this?"

"Neha! its a public place! You need not worry! I will tell you everything once we meet"

He hung up.

To be continued........................

I felt very confused. I thought "What would I lose if I attend this meeting? I am jobless anyway. May be its something important. Its a public place anyway. I can only judge once I attend the meeting".

I got a text from Manager (Aswin). It read "Hello Neha! I forgot. While coming, Don't dress in office attire. Dress in a normal way. Its not a formal meeting. Don't bring any files with you. Just come to the meeting normally. I will email you the recommendation letter in couple of hours"

I started thinking what this meeting could be. I wonder If the manager wants to sleep with me. Again, I felt its very odd because he is not that kind of person. He is a decent man. I shouldn't think about him in wrong way. 

I kept thinking about everything which happened since last week. I got more confused. 

I went to restroom. I got ready. I picked T-shirt and jeans. I have medium size boobs. The dress looked great on me. Its been a month since I used this dress. I applied makeup to my face. I made a ponytail of my hair at the back. I got my handbag ready for today's meeting.

My room mates have left some breakfast for me. I sat on table to have my breakfast. I opened newspaper. I opened business column. I was surprised to see that the company where I worked got a big Rs. 200 Crore loan and are planning to expand into surrounding states. I felt so betrayed. I immediately wanted to call the manager but I felt that I should confront him face to face in today's meeting. I got very angry. 

I ate breakfast and googled more info about the news. It seems like the company got funds from private investment firm and they will be new partners. The company will become debt free once it clears off the present loans from the big loan they get.

I went near the door to wear my shoes. The heel is broken. It got broken on that day when I was coming to the apartment. I haven't gone outside since then. I just remembered it now. I only have normal footwear. Nothing fancy. I decided to go to the mall as I bought these shoes very recently. 

I went inside and searched for the bill. After tracing the bill, I went to the mall and asked for exchange. Surely, they have checked and said sorry to me. They immediately given me new pair of shoes. I was delighted. I kept my shoes in the box and have put on the new shoes. They are shining and looked very fancy.

I went home. Its lunch time. I prepared my own lunch and had it all alone. Its 2PM now. The meeting place is 1 hour away. So, I should start here at 5PM.

I started watching cricket match on TV. I felt very lazy. I ate some chips and leftovers (junk food) from yesterday's night. 

Slowly, it is 4:30PM. The weather looked cloudy. I turned off the TV. I decided to start early as there would be heavy traffic because of bad weather. I booked a cab and waited for it. I boarded the cab and reached the hotel 40 minutes early. Its only 5:20 now.

I started browsing facebook on my phone. Its been a week since I opened fb. My friend Raasi posted about her wedding. She is marrying her high school sweetheart. I forgot about her phone call. She wanted me to hear about her wedding news. So, I immediately called her to congratulate her. I called her and spoke to her for few minutes. She was in a hurry. I couldn't talk to her properly. She hung up. I can understand how busy one can get when wedding is on the way. 

Here I am.....single woman who have never been in a serious relationship before. I go to gym everyday to stay fit. I have a shape which can drive any guy crazy. I am gifted with good skin and hair. Lot of people compliment me on my looks. I did sleep with few guys during college days but nothing serious. I have very high sex drive. I masturbate everyday except last week. Its been so many days since I have been in contact with anybody. 

All these thoughts started to make me feel horny. All these thoughts are driving me crazy. I decided to forget about my job and enjoy my life for few days. 

I looked at time. Its 6:10. I haven't noticed the time. I called my manager. He didn't pick up the call. 

I called him after 10 minutes. He didn't pick up the call. I waited for few more minutes. Its 6:40 already. Another 10 Minutes passed.

My phone started ringing. Its my manager. I lifted the call

"Neha! I am sorry I didn't pick up your call earlier"

"Sir, I am waiting for you in the reception. Where are you?"

"Well, Neha! I am about to enter into the hotel. I will be there in 2 minutes"

"ok Sir. I am waiting"

In than a minute. I heard a voice "Neha!". Its my manager. I saw him "Sir! you are here".

"Sir, where shall we sit"

"Come on! let's sit in that sofa. Nobody will disturb us there"

"Ok sir"

He sat on the sofa. I sat on nearby another sofa. They are arranged in "L" shape. We sat near intersection of sofas. 

"Sir! Tell me why you wanted to meet me here?"

"Neha! Did you get my recommendation letter I sent you on email?"

"Uhh......Hmmm...I didn't check my email sir. Wait.....I will check now...."

"Neha! if you want any corrections in that, I will change it. No problem. Check it when you get home"

"Ok Sir"

"Neha! Did you read newspaper today? Our company has some good news"

"Yes! I have seen it. I want to talk about that. That's later. First tell me why we are here"

"Neha! I called you because of that news" 

"Am I getting my job back?" I exclaimed.

"Well, not exactly. I do have an offer for you"

"What is that?"

"I don't know how to say that to you"

"Its ok. If I don't like it. I will reject it"

"Well Neha! You know our MD's son right?"

"You mean Mr. Raj?"

"Yes yes! He has seen you last time at our company's party"

"ok go on...."

"He called me last week. He asked about you. He didn't know who you were. When he described, I could recognize that he was talking about you"

"He asked about me?"

"For what?"

"Well, he said that he wants to meet you once"


"I don't know. He seems to like you"

"Like me?"

"Yes. He wants to meet you once privately"

"Sir, I am not a prostitute. I am a decent woman. I can understand your intentions"

"Neha! I am just a manager. I have no choice but to follow his instructions"

"Sir, please stop your drama. You want to keep yourself in his good books so that you can ask for a promotion"

"Neha! Stop attacking me. You need to understand that I do have needs and I do need to keep myself in good books of my boss" 

"Sorry Sir! I am not interested. This whole thing is my fault. I should have said no when you asked for a meeting"

"Neha! Come on! You just lost your job. I do know that you need money right now. You are a nice young woman. You are very beautiful. You have a long future ahead. Do you want to say no to this proposal?"

"Sir, what do I get for this?"

"Well Neha! What do you want?"

"I want my job back. I want a raise. I want promotion. I want to become a manager like you"

"Wo Wo Neha! Slow down. Please. What you are dreaming is too big"

"Sir ! Really? This company is not in difficult state anymore. It will have good future. You talk all non-sense. You want promotion but I shouldn't long for a promotion too?"

"Well, Neha! I am not the person who can decide that"

"Upper Management?"


"Really Sir?"

"Now, that we reached an understanding. You should stand by your word"

"Sir, I will. What about you?"


"Upper Management"

"Sir, that's not even a proper word. Now what?"

"Mr. Raj is upstairs waiting. He is in Room Number 305"

"Sir, Mr. Raj is here? Is that why you called me to this hotel?"

"Yes! Neha! I did"

"Hmmm ok. I will sure meet him. If I feel not to proceed forward once I go there. I will come back ok?"

"Well, ok Neha"

"Should I take a bouquet or something?"

"Not required. You just go there. That's enough" He winked at me. 

Manager has left the hotel. My heart is beating very fast. In just 1 hour. I discussed so much with him. I am feeling confused. Should I go or not? Am I doing anything wrong? 

I realized that I forgot to ask manager about my pending salary and bonus. Getting my job back is important. Now, a promotion and raise are also waiting for me. Its too hard to resist. 

Its not like I am doing anything wrong. I am single. I am not in any relationship. What's wrong If I sleep with somebody? Nobody knows about this. Its just a private thing. I am not cheating anybody.

I am beautiful and sexy. I will enjoy life. I should just enjoy this moment and forget that this ever happened. That's what I am going to do. 

My phone started ringing. Its a new number. I think it must be Raj calling from his number. I cut the call. I went towards the lift and pressed 3rd floor.

I reached 3rd floor. I walked to 305 and called the unknown number.


I heard Hello from the other side

To be continued..............

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My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 16-03-2019, 08:54 AM
RE: My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 16-03-2019, 08:54 AM
RE: My step by step transformation - by ronylol - 23-03-2019, 09:48 PM

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